Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 466 Guild Reform

Six hours passed like this, and with a ding, a system notification sound resounded throughout the server, the fifth-level camp of the Godslayer Guild changed hands! !

The territory has changed hands, the entire territory area has been refreshed, and the buildings that have not been completely destroyed have been restored to a new level of durability. This territory has been half-robbed and half-given to become the territory under the name of the Blood Moonlight Guild, and because I already have a territory under my name , so there is no way to be the lord now, so Xiyang became the nominal lord.

This small-scale siege battle completely dilutes the last trace of the original festive atmosphere. Many trade unions on the light side are eager to try, and they all start to prepare a new siege battle with their familiar guild leaders, while the dark side will send most of them to the city. The emotions of failure were vented on the forum, and all kinds of scolding voices were flying all over the sky for a while. Many strange men even ignored the threat of titles and frantically posted cursing on various forums. The forum administrator on duty was in a hurry.

The territory has changed hands, and the system has given half a month of protection time. During this half month, no battles are allowed within a thousand yards around the territory. There are many suffocating guys in the dark camp who thought we would take advantage of this period. Time worked hard to rest and strengthen the city defense of the territory, but they didn't expect that we donated the territory to the king of Lingyun City the day after we won the territory.

None of us participated in the donation ceremony. After fighting all night, we were extremely tired. After the fight, we said hello and went offline to rest. Anyway, Xiyang is a decent lord, and he only needs to go to donate territories.

When we went online in the evening after sleeping all day, we got the amazing good news. Xiyang was rewarded by the king for his contributions to the territory. The military merits of more than n allowed him to directly obtain the rank of marshal, and he also became the 31st in Lingyun City. hero players.

Sunset's hero skill is very special, it's called strategizing, and it's a skill that's hard to evaluate. The effect of the skill is very special. In various group battles with more than a thousand people, the player designated by him as a scout will have the cooldown time of stealth halved within one hour, and the two basic attributes of movement and vision will all be doubled. The rank of marshal can be strengthened A hero skill, after strengthening, the setting sun can designate 12 people as scouts to add this hero skill.

This skill is difficult to evaluate. In the hands of the right person, he is a superb skill that would not be exchanged for an artifact. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a scumbag existence, and Xiyang belongs to that kind of suitable person. After the effect of the strategizing skill, among other things, the cooling time of the stealth skill is halved, and the movement speed is doubled. These two things are extremely heaven-defying, and I am the most suitable candidate.

Just imagine, if my current terrifying movement speed is doubled, who else can catch up to me? ? Riding on Xiao Hei, he moved like the wind, whether it was scouting or chasing and killing, it was not easy.

The only downside is that this hero skill cannot be activated in normal times, and this bonus effect can only be obtained in team battles with a battle scale of more than a thousand people. This can be regarded as a deliberate weakening of the system.

Our act of donating the territory has completely exceeded everyone's expectations. It is similar to what we expected. General Gordon led a full-scale army to station in the border territory, and the plan of the wild emperor was completely defeated.

More than 300,000 regular NPCs from the light side entered the territory of the dark camp, which directly affected the division of the border between the light camp and the dark camp. Now most of the Blackstone Mountains have been completely included in the territory of the light camp. Suffering from the protection of the system for half a month, the players in the dark camp are holding back their anger, but they just have nowhere to go, so they see all kinds of warmongers wandering outside the city walls of the territory all day long. After the construction was completed, the high-end players on Lingyun City began to use the teleportation array to frequently appear at the border, and various small-scale battles continued to break out thousands of yards around the territory. During this time, Tudou Cangqiong and the others were very active. They often took people out of the safe area to provoke. There were big battles and small battles every day. The military merits and honor kills of the studio members were rapidly increasing.

The matter at hand has come to an end for the time being. After two days of work, all the casualties and losses involved in the battle have been coordinated. Although the morale has greatly increased, the biggest harvest territory has been donated to the NC. Except for some mid-range loot equipment, we have not gained much. Things, on the contrary, many guild brothers need money from the guild to subsidize because of downgrading and loss of equipment.

"Moonlight, it's just the battle subsidy statistics for this time. I went to Prince Charming to apply for funding in the morning, but the guy refused to approve it, saying that the board of directors of the funder has issued new rules for the use of funds, and this siege battle does not meet the funding requirements." Conditions!!" Xiyang sent me a sorted electronic document, her brows furrowed into knots on her resolute face.

"Damn it!! What are the hanging hair rules? I don't know why I am paralyzed!! You don't need to worry about this, I'll go find him!!" I had already said harsh words last time, but I didn't expect that Zheng Qian didn't Seriously, this behavior is completely beyond the limit of my tolerance.

Use the game's built-in office software to copy this form, and then use the studio's printer to print it into text, organize it, and bind it. After finishing my work, I went downstairs and drove straight to Lin Wancheng's company.

After I came to the company, I was told that the company was in a meeting, so I needed to wait a while. I couldn't wait because I was holding back my evil fire, so I directly dialed Lin Wancheng's cell phone with my mobile phone.

The phone rang a few times and connected.

"Xiao Lin, what's the matter? I'm holding a board meeting at the company! I'll call you later!!" Father Lin said in a lukewarm tone.

"Lin Uncle, I've arrived at the company, and I'm at the reception room at the front desk. I have something to tell you face to face. If it's convenient, I'd better go over now!!" I suppressed my anger, but it was a coincidence As her father, there is still a minimum of respect.

"Oh, that's it, then wait a moment, I'll let the front desk bring you here!!!" Father Lin hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

A few seconds later, the phone at the front desk rang. After answering a few words, the reception lady led me around a few corners in the office building, and led me to the door of a room with a conference room number on it.

To be honest, when I was working in the past, I really never participated in a meeting of this level. The biggest official in the past was the head of the project development team, and there were only a few people in the studio under him. Meetings and so on, supported more than a dozen people In departmental meetings, in high-level meetings, we small soldiers have nothing to do. Looking at the huge conference room inside through the door glass, I felt an indescribable anxiety in my heart.

Gritting your teeth, Nima, isn't it just a board of directors? I made up my mind.

I knocked on the door twice, and there was a voice coming in from inside. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

"Xiao Lin, what's the matter, you still have to tell me in person!!" Lin Wancheng sat on the chairman's seat and nodded slightly at me.

From the moment I entered the door, all eyes on the giant long table were focused on me, and I was a little uncomfortable being greeted by a table of middle-aged people in suits and leather shoes.

Trying to calm down, I said, "Hi Uncle Lin, hello to all shareholders, I'm here for some cooperation matters, I need to exchange opinions with you again, it happens that the people are relatively close together, if there is anything that needs to be discussed, we can vote on the spot !!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the shareholders below began to whisper to each other. In the whole room, I only knew Papa Lin, Uncle Zheng, and Zheng Qian next to Uncle Zheng. I didn’t know the rest, and they probably didn’t know me either. .

"Oh? What's the problem? Sit down here and tell me!!" Lin Wancheng gave me a slight signal, and the service staff beside him moved a chair with a wink.

I went to the seat and sat down, then took out the printed and bound statistical form from my bag, and handed it to Uncle Lin.

"This is the battle damage statistics and appropriation application I just copied from the vice president of the trade union. Uncle Lin, check if there is any problem!!" I said, and my eyes fell on Zheng Qian. As if nothing happened, with a relaxed face.

Father Lin took the form and looked at it carefully for a while. After reading it, he raised his head and asked with a puzzled face, "There is nothing wrong with this form! What's the matter? Did the statistics on the sunset side manipulate it? Or??"

Hearing Papa Lin said it was okay, the anger I was trying to suppress was completely escalated to the extreme, I took back the stack of materials just now, and then fell hard on the seat in front of Zheng Qian.

"You looked at the material without any problems, and Xi Yang took it to the professional financial manager of the guild to sign it, but the other party said that it did not meet the approval requirements! In the past, as long as the approval process was in a normal process, it was timely and there was no problem! Now I have changed my profession. The manager has changed, why has it changed? This is not the first time. I endured the small troubles in the past few times, and I pretended not to see it, but now it is getting worse! This capital injection cooperation, in Everyone who did it, please give me an opinion, is it possible to proceed or not???" The bottom of my heart was on fire, and my voice naturally became louder. Finally, I almost shouted, and the glass of the meeting room vibrated faintly .

"Don't worry! Xiaoqian, what's going on??" Papa Lin's face was still calm, and he turned to Zheng Qian.

Before Zheng Qian could speak, Uncle Zheng next to him answered, "I asked Xiao Qian to strictly review. In recent months, there have been more and more applications for grants under various names. Many times, because of trivial matters, the If you want to go to war, there will be five-figure and six-figure guild war damage subsidies. If this momentum is not contained, it will not take long before this business will not be done. They will all be paid for!!!”

No wonder this guy Zheng Qian has nothing to fear when he speaks nonsense with his eyes open. It turned out that it was the old man's instruction. I didn't speak, but moved my eyes to Papa Lin.

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