Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 573 The Amazingness Of That Sword

The stalemate battle caused great casualties on both sides. Fortunately, General Gordon arranged for the chaplain and mage to follow up and participate in the attack and treatment. This prevented many NC fighters from being killed in battle, but even so, there were still a large number of NC knights. Fall down forever.

drink! ! !

General Gordon pierced the chest of a Skeleton Cavalry with a single shot, and with a loud shout, a cloud of vindictiveness surged out from the point of the gun, completely blowing the Skeleton Cavalry's chest into pieces. It is no longer known who died under his hands In the melee, it is almost always you who hit me with a knife and a gun. Only General Gordon can control the enemy with one move.

After the momentum of the confrontation between the NCs stabilized, the players participating in the battle outside the city also began to attack. Although this time they have left the attack range of the city defense, we have already formed a formation on our side, so we started a group fight Just now, Xiyang has re-deployed the battle, and the main members of our trade union were arranged by Xiyang to the non-combat core area of ​​the east gate away from the battlefield. The number of people here is relatively small, and the distance from the city gate is relatively small. Nearby, it is more suitable for fishing in troubled waters.

Tudou and his group of warmongers have long been impatient to join the battle. With the hero halo and a complete set of high-end battlefield suits, except for An Ran, almost all the other guys have turned into butchers. There will be one or two little lives taken away.

I don't know where the bone dragon went, and I didn't join the battle with the army. Seeing the guys below were so happy to kill, I also felt a little itchy. With a thought, Xiao Heixin moved his lower body knowingly and appeared on the battlefield Above the reserve regiment behind the striker.

This position is very suitable for me. With my super long range, I have no pressure to attack the enemies on the front line, but ordinary long-distance occupations can't reach me at all. I can beat others, but others can't fight back. Cool.

After joining the battle for a while, there are a lot of skeletons and skeletons on the front line. These little guys are nothing in front of the players at this stage. If they are one-on-one, even a priest can easily abuse them, but the power of the small skeletons will It's more terrifying. Under the effect of my group attack skills and the powerful attack effect of splash damage, I quickly harvested a lot of heads, and there were hundreds of skeletons and skeletons in the control panel for summoning pets.

I just gave an order to attack freely and didn't care about these guys anymore. With them, the pressure on the friendly soldiers on the front line was relieved a lot.

Since no one can check and balance my strong output for the time being, the east gate position occupied by many hero players in our studio has taken a lot of advantage in the battle. To put it bluntly, now eight of us in one studio can directly or The indirect effect can almost match the elite cavalry regiment of General Gordon. The front line outside the east gate kept retreating, and the players in the dark camp couldn't bear our aggressive attack. After Tudou swept away thousands of troops and killed hundreds of unlucky ghosts in seconds, finally, the players here began to defeat again.

The siege battle is not only a shortcut to obtain military exploits, but also a good opportunity to prove the true strength of a guild. At the east gate, almost all guilds are relatively close to our Blood Moonlight. Notably, we have proved the strength of our super guild with our actions.

Since there were still NC soldiers participating in the battle, after the dark camp players started to retreat, we didn't beat the dog in the water, but came back to clean the battlefield after a symbolic chase for a short distance.

The battle outside the east gate came to an end, and the studio members and I shifted the direction of the battle. Anyway, there are still thousands of skeleton brothers who are not afraid of death in the periphery, and our people will not suffer from sporadic battles.

I led a group of animals from the studio around to the southeast corner of the city, which is at the edge of the battle at the south gate. The number of NPCs in the dark camp is relatively small, and the few of us just have room to operate.

Just after changing the angle of view, a lone Earth Dragon Skeleton Cavalry appeared in the distance. This guy is a bit different from ordinary Earth Dragon Cavalry. Did a few reconnaissances to get no attributes. If I guessed right, it should be a small captain.

Relying on the super high attribute of the earth dragon mount, this guy chased four or five light camp miscellaneous cavalry players by himself. In the blink of an eye, an unlucky guy riding a brown bull was pierced by an ax spear covered with green and rusty spots.

I thought about it for a while, and said, "Get ready, I'll bring this guy over! I don't know if this thing will be a hit!!"

Tudou and Cang Qiong have long wanted to rush up to challenge this big guy, and they immediately grinned excitedly as soon as I opened my mouth.

After saying hello to everyone, I rushed forward dozens of yards, and with a thought, I switched the attack mode to projectile, aimed at the head of the ground dragoon and shot a soul-piercing arrow.

Fearing that it would be embarrassing to shoot too far away, I activated the guiding arrow on purpose. I adjusted the elemental arrow a little during the flight, and accurately hit the Skeleton Knight's skull, distorting his iron helmet.

Jie Jie! !

My arrow hit a weak point damage of 8000+. Such a high damage easily pulled the cavalry's hatred value over. The guy who was hit by my sneak attack stabbed another player with a shot, and then yelled at me. With a voice, the skeleton dragon rushed over.

I don't know if this guy has activated some charge skills, the speed of the bone earth dragon suddenly increased a bit, the bone earth dragon suddenly changed its target, and the guys next to it were shocked to avoid it in a hurry. The player was knocked into the air directly.

I yelled "Potatoes are ready, here they come!!"

Potato added all the available buffs to his body with serious eyes, and unexpectedly canceled the mount status directly, and a person held a shield and replaced it with a one-handed sword to meet him.

After thinking about it for a while, I understood this guy's intentions. Although various attributes have been greatly increased after riding the bull boss, there are advantages and disadvantages. While gaining attribute increases, the flexibility of operation will also be quite large. Judging from the performance of the ground dragoons just now, even riding a bull, there is still no chance of winning the boss. It is better to make yourself more flexible and leave yourself a richer room for manipulation.

"Boss, move over my head!" Tudou yelled at me, trying to drive hatred away.

I manipulated Xiao Hei to move backwards, and the ground dragoons whose hatred was locked on me adjusted their charge route as expected.

"Here we come!!" I shouted in a low voice, and at the moment the ground dragoons rushed over, I suddenly controlled Xiao Hei Bagao to avoid the cavalry guns fired by the ground dragoons.

Shield Slap!

At this moment, the khaki-yellow light on Tudou's body flashed for a moment, and I only felt a blur in front of my eyes. With a bang, Tudou swung down with his shield and slammed it on the third pair of ribs under the dragon's neck bone of the skeleton. The position, due to the use of force, the kinetic energy carried by the high-speed impact of the earth dragon was shifted by this shot, and half of the body of the earth dragon rushing at high speed tilted, almost throwing off the undead cavalry riding on its back .

Roar! !

Dilong continued to rush forward for dozens of yards before stopping. The big guy's scarlet eyes stared fiercely at the potatoes that came out halfway. Obviously, the transfer of hatred was successful.

After taking back the bull mount, Tudou's figure was completely different from that of a ground dragoon, like a kitten standing in front of an adult ox. Although it looked funny, Tudou had once again proved his ability with practice.

Afterwards, the dragoons launched several times of charging attacks. Although they were fast enough, they failed to touch the side of the potato. After the potato was no longer restricted by the mount, it operated smoothly like a loach, always dodging at the right moment. Occasionally, when there is a suitable opportunity, he will wave the one-handed shield in his hand and slap the boss fiercely at the same position.

Now the hatred value is not stable, so we dare not intervene to help. I stared at the hatred statistics tool, watching the slowly increasing hatred value in the progress bar, and my heart was in my throat.

Finally, the progress of the hatred value in the statistics tool has reached a stable value. I gave an order, and everyone started to attack in an orderly manner.

After changing our costumes, our combat effectiveness has far surpassed that of ordinary players. Even Asuka, who used to have the best output ability, now has a good ds. There was a wound on his body.

Xiaoyou is also not to be underestimated now. She has the advanced blood weapon Yin-Yang Thorn, and now the attributes on the attribute panel are a little stronger than potatoes. Whether it is Raging Flame, Moonlight, or Yin-Yang Combined Attack, Mana Burning, they are extremely sharp against bosses. The only disadvantage is that it is still a little bit handicapped in operation, and it is weaker than a long-soaked animal like potatoes.

As for Cang Qiong, I don’t need to mention it directly. This girl has always been the number two figure in the studio. After becoming a dual-line mage, she became more violent. Is a good hand. Large sheets of ice flames and fireballs exploded on the boss in turn, and the Earth Dragon Knight spent almost half of his time in a bad state hanging on his forehead.

As for Sister An Ran and Yang Dan, they are basically paddling now. Yang Dan's level is still lower, and his damage ability is relatively low, which is better than nothing. The cost of releasing a few powerful output skills is too high, so he can only paddle, while An Ran Sister, because Tudou wisely chose not to confront the boss head-on, so the need for healing is relatively low. She even had the time to comment on which of the guys who beat the boss had smoother operations and skill release.

Facing this quasi-boss-level high-level necromancer, our team only took a few minutes to figure out his cards. At the beginning, he was a little rusty. Later, the cooperation of several people became more and more proficient. Tudou no longer needs shields. Putting on his own big axe, he kept getting stuck in the perspective of the boss, and when he pulled out Leng Zi's big axe, he gave it a shot. Many bones of the skeleton dragon had already been smashed by potatoes.

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