At the beginning of the cooperation with the capital injection party, we have always emphasized the issue of who has the final say on the guild. Although there have been quarrels, the control of the guild has always been in our hands, but now it is good, the greedy capital injection party , Actually planning to sell our control for money? ? I don't even know what language to use to express my anger at this shameless villain's behavior.

I was so angry that I calmed down. I gently put the materials in my hand back on the table, and then smiled slightly, "The purpose of your visit this time is to let me see this material??"

Zheng Qian may have been prepared to meet my storm and vent his anger, but seeing me behave so calmly, he was a little surprised for a short time.

"Actually, I personally think that these things in the materials are worth your consideration. If you want to be a successful businessman, without violating your own morals and principles, you must always weigh and weigh all The gains you can achieve, or avoid the possible losses to the greatest extent." Zheng Qian thought I was tempted, tried hard to consider the words, and then tried to make such a shameless behavior a little more natural.

"Measure! Measure, you are paralyzed!!!" At this moment, I suddenly picked up the folder in front of the desk again, and slammed it into his face.


The file folder is made of relatively stiff plastic material, with a shiny silver clip on it. I flicked it hard, and it landed directly on Zheng Qian's nose. The sharp edge of the clip hit Zheng Qian's cheek, and the blood flowed instantly. down.

"You!" Zheng Qian blocked it with his arm like a conditioned reflex, but he didn't block it. Because of his own education level and other reasons, he didn't make any counterattack actions. I.

"Take your materials, get out, don't let me see you here a second time! Otherwise, this process will not be the same!!!" I twisted those pages of materials again, and then ruthlessly tore them into pieces.

"Okay, you're ruthless, I will remember what happened today, and one day you will regret your actions!!!" Zheng Qian had a sinister expression on his face, and he started with his briefcase empty-handed. go outside.

"Damn it, let us regret it! I want you to regret it now!" At this moment, Tudou was also angry. He stood up suddenly with a glass of boiling water in his hand, and threw the glass and water together. The steaming water just poured onto Zheng Qian's clothes, making him extremely embarrassed.

At this time, Sister An Ran, who was not talking much, pulled Tudou in time, Tudou was slightly taken aback, and stopped after seeing that I didn't intend to continue.

"Okay! You are ruthless!! I have the guts to wait for me!!!" Zheng Qian threw a harsh word in embarrassment, then opened the door and left.

"Damn it! How shameless! If Sister An Ran didn't pull me, I would have beaten him today!" Tudou sat down angrily, his palms trembling slightly due to extreme anger.

"Good beating! If you dare to come next time, just close the door and beat him!" Cang Qiong gritted his teeth and added fuel to the fire.

"Okay, don't get excited, violence is never the best way to solve problems!" Compared with other people, An Ran and Yang Dan are probably the only ones left in the living room who are in a relatively normal mood, and even Xiao You, who is silent, clenches tightly A light-white fist.

At this time, Xiao Ke also returned to the sofa, scratched his head and said, "Boss, I can't figure out something. Recently, I always feel that something is not right!"

"Huh? What's the situation? Everyone is here, so what's the situation?" I asked.

"I don't know if you have this feeling. From the beginning of the quarrel with the capital injection party to today, the attitude and many behaviors of the capital injection party are a bit incomprehensible. For example, they are not everything. Do you care about profit? Then why do you want to cooperate with us to build a club? Now that the club is officially established, there are no particularly big benefits or benefits from the beginning to the end, right? Not only that, but also pay a lot of money every month To the high-level backbones of various guilds. Why did they cooperate so much when they signed the contract? Even many controversial clauses in the rules, after a symbolic fight, they basically made concessions. Why did they do this?" Xiao Ke He shook his head and said solemnly.

"Yeah, I also had the same doubts about this matter. In my mind, the only explanation that barely makes sense is that the capital injector is for potential fame, that is, brand value benefits. Apart from that, I have no I want to understand what is the benefit of their painstaking efforts and even spending extra money to do this!" After Xiao Ke finished speaking, Sister An Ran also scratched her head and echoed.

In fact, not only Xiao Ke and Sister An Ran have thought about this aspect. After I knew this kind of thinking, I also had the same reaction as them. The first thing I thought of was that the other party was setting us up, but I found many more authoritative people. The lawyer and the legal staff have learned about the details of the entire cooperation situation. It can be said that it is relatively normal from the beginning to the end, and there is no such thing as a trap. After dispelling this concern, I then thought of several other possibilities. , but I thought about it a lot, and none of them made sense. In the end, only the situation that Sister An Ran just mentioned made a little sense. In addition, the whole thing was raised and managed by Father Lin at the beginning, so my The vigilance is slowly let down.

"I've thought about this issue, and I've talked with Xiyang. I can be sure that there are no traps in the contract. Anyway, we are doing things right, and we are not afraid of them playing tricks. When encountering such a similar thing, Just ignore it!" I said, waving my hand.

After such a fuss, everyone's original good mood was disturbed by Zheng Qian, a superb man. It happened that the forum had released some features of the latest version. Everyone put on their helmets and entered the game's forum to start researching and updating Content.

The official name for this version update is The Burning Crusade. As the name suggests, just looking at the name of this version, it seems to be related to things like faction warfare. Looking at the information given by the official forum, it is indeed so.

Version feature 1 Improves the calculation methods of various points and rankings in faction battles, and increases the rewards for players participating in various ranking stages.

2 Increase the setting of border encounters. When both sides have an encounter in the field and the scale of the battle is less than 10,000 people, it will be assessed as an encounter. At this time, the NC armies of both sides will not respond. , the system will automatically assess the scale of the battle, and the corresponding NC army will undergo corresponding changes.

3 An additional war material requisition function is added. Players can donate various levels of materials to the designated war material officer every day in exchange for limited military merit rewards.

4 Various races have returned to the main line of the branch and are fully activated. The completion progress of the player's main line plot will directly affect the strength of the NC troops of both camps.

5. Open a series of dungeons of military ranks. The comprehensive progress of various dungeons also affects the scientific and technological strength, combat ability, and even the participating arms of both camps.

With the release of these new version information, the forum is boiling again. For the more bloody battles of camp battles and border wars, it’s okay to fight hard once or twice for the sake of face. To be honest, if you fight too much, you will become numb. With a base of 100,000 or even a million participating in the battle, personal combat power is still far behind. If you want to win, you must make overall arrangements and take care of all aspects, but you have to work hard for a long time until the end of a battle. Check carefully In terms of income, it is actually very meager. Except for those who are at the top of the rankings, many people have to lose money. Not counting the loss of experience and energy, the gold coins needed to repair equipment alone are not a small number . Except for some warmongers like Sky Potatoes, the vast majority of players still don't have that much enthusiasm for fighting.

Let’s talk about the new encounter battle setting. This setting can be said to draw a clear boundary between small-scale battles and large-scale melees. That is to say, the small-scale battles in the future need to take the elite route. If you want to rely on the number of people to fight, this is a trick. The method is no longer feasible. As long as the battle takes place at the border, if there are too many people participating in the battle, it will trigger the intervention of the NPCs on both sides. At that time, under the balance of the intellectual brain, although the two sides will also win and lose each other, but The overall result will be strictly controlled within a relatively small difference range.

The third one is requisitioning materials. This should be a shameless and helpless method for a game company. All heroes and players are already in place, and the military rank and other aspects are not as strict as before. Enable this function of donating materials in exchange for military merits. A large part of the surplus materials can be recycled, such as certain materials and equipment. From the perspective of my amateur businessman, this is very good for stabilizing prices and stabilizing the value of game coins. Players want to achieve a certain military rank, as long as they persevere in their efforts, they will reach it one day. This is only a matter of time. Now that this function is enabled, it will only speed up the process. To put it another way, although this thing looks fair, it’s actually only on the surface. After seeing this policy, a class of players will definitely be extremely dissatisfied. Those who get the quota, the military merits that they worked so hard on before, may be redeemed by others donating some rubbish or something. I just said that the messy voices on the forum are flying everywhere, and a large part of them are those brothers who have suffered losses. Venting their grievances .

As for the fourth and fifth information, this is relatively easy to understand. There are many races in the background of the game. Except for the low probability of random selection when building an account, many races rarely appear in front of ordinary players. , I have also done the main task of race regression before, such as the return of the elves. The return of certain forces will naturally enhance the combat strength of the NPCs of the faction they belong to, and this method is also very reliable. The last copy of the military rank plot, I haven't figured out what it is for the time being, but looking at the explanation, my personal understanding should be similar to the fourth article. I have to admit that after these things are updated, people are extremely looking forward to it.

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