Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 610 \"The Grand Finale\" One Game, One Dream




Attributes are shared, there is a sound of swallowing saliva around, the high-level magic weapon, the complete heart of darkness has turned into the heart of chaos, not only all attributes have been added 1000 points against the sky, but also all skill effects have been greatly improved With the increase in range, the dark origin skill has also been unlocked. It turned out to be a powerful skill that combines the original power. It can only be used once a month. God knows how abnormal it is.

After finishing the newly obtained equipment, everyone activated Hearthstone and went back to the city. They didn't eat for eighteen hours in a row. Everyone's belly was already hungry. After nearly a month of hard work, everyone finally completed this trial task Yes, I'm in a good mood. At the suggestion of Tudou, everyone washed up and cleaned up, and went downstairs to eat hot pot at the 24-hour hot pot restaurant.

It's already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and the hot pot restaurant has passed the busiest time period. The waiters on duty gathered in the lobby to chat, and greeted a group of us as soon as they entered the door. Holding the menu and ordering blindly, a group of hungry wolves ate more than a little at the hot pot restaurant, drank beer and liquor in a mess, and went home drunk to sleep after eating and drinking.

The nerves that had been tensed for a long time were rarely relaxed. The next morning, everyone did not get up early, but slept in together in a tacit understanding.

I fell asleep with my head covered in the morning, and the landline in the living room was ringing non-stop. It was a good time to sleep. I turned over several times and didn’t have the courage to answer the phone. After an unknown period of time, the landline stopped ringing. The mobile phone on the bedside started ringing again, I couldn't bear it anymore, I sat up from the bed abruptly, and answered the phone viciously.

"Hello? Who are you looking for in the early morning? It's not over yet!!!" Because of getting up, he spoke in a very bad tone.

The other party froze for a moment after hearing what I said, and after a short pause, he said, "Is it Xiao Lin?"

Hearing this middle-aged man's voice, I frowned, a very familiar feeling, and after reacting, I glanced at the screen of my phone, and the name of Papa Lin's name was flashing on the caller ID.

"'s Uncle Lin! I'm sorry, I'm sleepy, don't be offended!!" As soon as I changed the subject, my tone softened instantly, and I hurried to apologize.

"Hehe, it's okay. You didn't go to bed until late last night, right? That's it. I have something to ask her here. Qiaoer's phone can't be reached, and there is no one answering the landline, so I will call you here!" Lin There was no trace of blame in Dad's tone.

"Oh, it's easy to handle, just wait a moment, I'll knock on the door of her room, and I'll ask her to call you back later!!" I said hurriedly.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first!!"

"Goodbye, Uncle!!" After ringing the phone, the thumping darling took a long time to catch his breath.

Wearing pajamas and slippers to smash on Qiaoer's door, after n times in a row, finally, Qiaoer who was wearing a chicken nest head yawned and opened the door.

"What are you doing, uncle, don't eat breakfast, go to bed!!!" Qiaoer yawned and glanced at me through the crack of the door before closing the door and continuing to sleep.

"Uncle Lin has urgent business with you. He called me just now. Let's talk about breakfast later. You call him back first, and I promised him!!" I said 151.

"Got it!!" With a bang, the thick solid wooden door closed again.

After a fuss, the drowsiness had almost disappeared. I scratched my head and lay down again. I used iad to connect to the forum on the official website of the oath and looked it up.

After a few minutes, there were hurried footsteps outside the door, and the door I didn't close tightly was kicked open.

"Uncle, my dad said he was not feeling well and was hospitalized. I have to go over there, let's go first!!" Qiaoer didn't even comb her hair, she greeted me with a small bag, and left in a hurry.

Although I felt a little awkward in my heart, I still didn't take it seriously. This is a studio, not a prison, and we need to approve things when we go out. Since my father told me to leave, there must be no danger. I didn't think much about it. , continue to look at the game forum.

After becoming famous in the forum last time, our team became famous again this time. We took the lead in completing the trial mission, and then earned a Legion Fortress for the camp. Not to mention rewards, this honor alone will be counted forever The annals of the oath game is over, official, personal, and messy posts are flying all over the forum, which greatly satisfies my vanity.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the morning that this group of slackers came out of the room one after another. Sister An Ran also fell down. Instead of cooking herself, she called and ordered takeaway. There were six dishes and one soup, both meat and vegetables, and everyone ate in a circle. The same taste.

While eating, Yang Dan's phone rang, this little girl looked at us, and then entered the room with the phone in a weird way, the girl's family's private affairs, we old men are too embarrassed to say anything Ask, a few minutes later Yang Dan came back from the phone call and continued to eat. After she was full, the girl said, "Boss, I want to tell you something..."

"Huh?" I was struggling with the fish head with chopped peppers on the plate. When she spoke, I looked up at her confused face.

"The house I bought on the second ring road has been decorated. Just now, the decoration company called me to check and accept the final payment. If there is no problem, I guess I plan to move there after buying the furniture tomorrow or the day after. I have stayed here for so long. I'm so sorry!" Yang Dan lowered his head when he said this, and I couldn't see the expression from my angle.

"It's been renovated so quickly! It's a good thing for the housewarming, and you're not a thief. Why do you have that expression?? Let's move out tomorrow, just take care of the food!!" Tudou Sitting next to Yang Dan, he said carelessly.

"It's still... I don't need it anymore, I don't have anything to move, I just have a few bags to salute, and the people in the furniture and other shopping malls will do it! When I'm done... I invite everyone to eat!!" Yang Dan lowered his head as he spoke. The tone of voice has also changed a little, which is very unnatural.

"Okay, isn't it just a change of place to live? It's not the same as staying together in the game, what's the big deal! We don't care, you are still an official member of the studio!!" I didn't think much, and casually comforted me a little. sentence.

"Thank you, I'm full. I made an appointment with the decoration company for a work inspection. The time is almost up, so I'll be leaving first!!" Yang Dan stood up in a gaffe, took the bag from the bedroom and ran away with his head down. left the apartment.

"What's the matter today? The people in the studio are all weird. Qiao'er's family has something to leave, and Yang Dan has left too!! They didn't have any conflicts, did they?" I kept my eyes on the door of the room. According to my understanding of Yang Dan, her expression just now should not be as simple as embarrassment, I always feel that there is a trace of guilt in her words or actions.

"What are you thinking, they don't live in the same room, and all the activities are under everyone's noses, so what's the matter!!" Sister An Ran smiled slightly, and put a chopstick of fish into my bowl.

"I also feel something is wrong!!" Xiao Ke took a big mouthful of water, put down his chopsticks and stopped eating.

Just when everyone was racking their brains to figure out what was wrong, the door of the apartment was kicked open with a bang.

"Don't move!!" Four people in police uniforms broke into our room violently.

"It's broad daylight, what are you going to do?" Seeing the menacing approach of the other party, Tudou didn't hesitate at all, stood up all of a sudden, and stared fiercely at the police who came in at the door.

"We are from the Financial Crimes Office of the Provincial Public Security Bureau. Now we suspect that you are using virtual online games to launder money and illegal activities. We will arrest you according to the law! This is the arrest warrant!!!" A leading policeman took out a A sheet of paper stamped with a large seal.

Tudou took the paper casually, glanced at it, and then muttered, "Did you find the wrong person? We are a game studio! Not a bank!!"

"Tell us back to the police station first! The police will not wrong a good person, nor will they let any bad person go!!!" The middle-aged criminal policeman waved his hand, and several policemen came in from outside the door, three times Five divided by two handcuffed all of us at the table.

"Did you find the wrong person?" I didn't realize until the cold handcuffs were wrapped around my wrists.

"Your name is Lin Feng?" The middle-aged policeman frowned, then asked.

"I'm Lin Feng!"

"That's right! You are the one to arrest!!" The middle-aged criminal policeman waved his hand, and the policeman behind me immediately forcibly escorted me and began to push the door out.

"Let me go, I didn't break the law, I didn't commit a crime!!" I struggled violently, but the handcuffs became tighter and tighter, like a poisonous snake crawling on my wrist.

boom! I kicked over the clothes hanger at the door, and the policeman behind me couldn't dodge and was knocked back.

"Be honest!!!" I felt like two hands like iron pincers grabbed my arm suddenly, and then hit me with an old punch without a head or a face.

"Let go of our boss!!" Tudou and Xiao Ke, whose hands were cut behind their backs, struggled fiercely, and the policemen who were controlling them were also disturbed.

"How dare you bark your hair when you are about to die! Beat me up! If you beat me to death, I'll be the one!!!" A young man with a rebellious face waved his hand outside the door, and seven or eight policemen with batons came in and beat them up. , Several sticks were swung towards my head, I only felt a buzzing in my head, and then I lost my intuition.

It was as if ten thousand bees were stuffed in his head, buzzing and buzzing, and he heard the sound of someone talking in his ears, but the strange thing was that no matter how hard he listened, he couldn’t hear what the other person was saying, no I don't know how long I've been asleep, the voices of other people's voices are getting louder and louder, and finally I can hear clearly that someone is calling my name, Lin Feng, Lin Feng! ! !

Hearing someone call me, I opened my eyes suddenly, and what I saw was a snow-white ceiling. At the edge of the viewing angle, there were two figures, and the figures kept shaking. The two figures finally became one, and their appearance became clear. stand up. It's Lin Qiao! !

"Wake up, really wake up, Tudou, hurry up, call the nurse, the boss is awake!!" Qiaoer's yelling voice penetrated into my ears as if through several layers of cotton, no matter in tone or The sound is very unreal.

"Where is this???" My mind was blank, and there were buzzing sounds everywhere, and I felt like my whole head was about to explode when I recalled the previous things for a while.

"Don't move, don't move, don't think about anything!!" Qiaoer was very nervous, her red eyes were still stained with tears.

It was a busy job of checking and hanging water, and finally, the buzzing in my head was a little bit better, the doctor and the nurse left, and there were only six of us left in the ward.

"What's going on? I remember we were eating at home? Then the police came. And then? Then?" I looked at the familiar face in front of me, but no matter how I thought about it, I didn't have any memory of the previous things .

"It's gone, everything is gone!!" The always optimistic sister An Ran also said with red eyes.

"Zheng Qian and his father, two bastards, tampered with the additional clauses of the contract, and partnered with Zhou Dachuan, the son of the bank president, to work through the work of the Public Security Bureau, coercing and luring Yang Dan to identify us in the game. They are well prepared for money laundering through the commercial system, and they really poured at least 10 million black money into our Moonlight City. The game company’s evidence cannot clear our innocence, so our id accounts are permanently frozen Yes! Later Zheng Qian approached me and asked to control the city and the entire guild. If I don’t agree to their conditions, the amount involved is too large, and you guys will be in prison for the rest of your life. You haven’t woken up, and I can’t find anyone to discuss it with So I made a compromise with them!!" Qiaoer cried while talking, her eyes were swollen like peaches.

"Where's Uncle Lin?" With a thought, I thought of the phone call that morning.

"What Zheng Qian and the others did was noticed by my dad. My dad opposed it, but they temporarily controlled it. Later, when it was done, he compromised. I ran out secretly after falling out with him, and the characters in the game were also arrested. I deleted it myself!!" Qiaoer continued to choke with sobs.

After listening to all this, I fell into a state of trance for a long time, and a sense of extreme powerlessness filled my body and lingered.

"It's gone, it's gone!" I whispered, rubbing my forehead desperately.

At this time, Tudou and Xiao Ke, who had been keeping cold faces, stretched out their hands and grabbed my hand tightly.

"Boss, you still have us!"

An Ran, Cang Qiong, Xiao You, Asuka, more and more hands clenched together.

"Yes! You still have us!!"

"End of the Book"

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