Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 60 Dragging Monsters To Brush

I let out a heavy breath, and I, who had been on high alert, gradually relaxed after the collection was successful. Unexpectedly, just when I thought it was all right, a mutation happened.

The originally dry and cracked land of corrosion slowly squirmed, and many snake-shaped bone monsters began to emerge from the soil.

When I saw a monster, I ran away in a hurry. Just a little bit, more than a dozen bone snakes would surround me inside. With the advantage of speed, I barely escaped from the encirclement.

Undecided in my shock, I hurriedly threw out my wild detection skills, and the attributes of those bone snakes with thick arms gradually appeared.

Plague snake spirit special monster level 38 life value 12000 attack 530625 defense 513 skills primary steel will evil fanaticism primary steel will increase 20 control skill resistance.

Evil frenzy sacrifices its own life to gain evil power. After using it, the HP will be reduced by 20 points every second, and the attack power will be increased by 50 for 30 seconds.

It is introduced that they are anaconda bones resurrected by resentment, and the darkness endows them with a strong body and a strong will.

Disadvantages: The dead are monsters, afraid of light magic, and move slightly slower.

I don’t know if I don’t see it. After reading it, I was really shocked. These bone snakes with red lights on their heads actually have such perverted attributes. Second 20 will be very painful, but as a monster with more than 10,000 HP, shedding hundreds of blood to obtain such a perverted attribute improvement is really a bargain.

High blood volume, high defense, abnormal attack, these are not a group of ordinary monsters, they are simply a bunch of small bosses, I hurried back, throwing freezing traps and thorn traps in my hand, facing such a group of freaks, It really makes me a little less confident.

Taking a few steps back, I found that the group of bone monsters were not as agile as expected. Although the bone body had increased a lot of defense and health. But without the coordination of muscles, the speed is much worse than mine.

Since the movement speed of this group of guys can't give me much pressure, I don't have the fear at the beginning. The system issued a mission, and it can't be completely unsolvable. The biggest shortcoming of this group of bone snakes is the movement speed superior.

Steady and steady, not retreating but advancing, the distance gradually narrowed to less than 20 yards from me.


With a scatter shot, a group of snakes in the fan-shaped attack area were hit one after another, and all of them lost more than 700 HP. What's more, if there is a critical strike or piercing damage, the damage is as high as 1500+.

The biggest difference between ordinary monsters and boss monsters is not just attributes, nor skills, but game monster templates. Similarly, monsters with 800 attack and 500 defense may deal 700+ or ​​800+ damage when hitting normal monsters, but they will do 700+ or ​​800+ damage when hitting normal monsters. Only 400 or even 300 on the body.

Although the level suppression phenomenon also exists in ordinary monsters, but only a small part of the weakening, the same level gap, the attribute suppression caused by the boss monster level is much greater.

Seeing that the defense can be broken, I have strengthened my belief in group brushing. Retreating from time to time, using various skills in turn, the group attack skills are still too few, and the 20-second cooling time really affects the efficiency a bit.

Under the restrictions of various range traps and skills, I have always been relatively safe. I steadily controlled the distance from the monster group. In less than five minutes, the group of basilisks began to suffer casualties. In less than ten minutes, the vitality of the snake group gradually increased. It disappeared under my intensive care.

Risks come with rewards, and this statement can be said everywhere. A total of twelve corpses were lying on the ground. After the struggle, the victorious party has also come to the harvest season.

There is a piece of golden light on the ground, yes, you read that right, it is indeed golden light, the light of gold coins, not silver coins, let alone slightly reddish copper coins.

After confirming that there was no danger, I walked to the corpse and put away the gold coins. These are all naked money. One gold coin is enough for me to order a meat dish in the restaurant downstairs.

I found a total of 12 gold coins. On average, each monster contributed as much as one gold coin. Leaving aside other tasks, these gains alone were enough to keep me excited for a while.

He kept searching around the corpse of the bone snake. It stands to reason that the first kill of a monster with such attributes should have a relatively high-quality equipment contribution. Finally, when the eighth one was touched, the first piece of equipment appeared. .

Aria of the Snake Spirit purple equipment main wand level 30 magic attack? ? ?

additional? ? ?

Durability? ? ?

It turned out to be a piece of purple equipment, and it was also the most valuable main-hand weapon. I felt an instant sense of happiness. I thought I would be grateful for the blue equipment with good attributes. The unexpected harvest gave me great stimulation. .

Continue to search, and there is no other gain except coins. Even so, I am also very satisfied. Not only do I have 5000+ perverted experience, but also 20 adventure points for each one, plus With gold coins and equipment, everything that can be given is available.

Since these monsters are guardian monsters, they will not be attracted if they pass by without picking the poisonous fang grass, so there is no fear that more and more monsters will be uncontrollable. My head turned rapidly again. The efficiency of dragging a dozen monsters like this is still a bit low. After getting familiar with the monster mode, my self-confidence was extremely inflated, and I began to think about more efficient methods.

I found another venomous fang grass, and repeated the same trick, slowly killing the group of snakes. Now that I am familiar with it, there is no pressure on the operation at all.

While exploring, I continued to think about how to increase efficiency. Finally, when I found that the second and third venomous fangs were not far from each other, my idea gradually took shape.

This is a relatively open place, where dead weeds grow sparsely, and there are two poison fang plants growing less than forty yards apart. The blackish-green color is extremely conspicuous in this lifeless land.

Anyway, the attack range of scattering is a 60° fan-shaped area, so they can be attracted and killed together, and more than 20 monsters can still cover them perfectly, so there is no need to worry about monsters slipping through the net.

Then I put the idea into practice, and collected the first venomous fang grass closest to me with a short body. I successfully collected it without any danger, and then twelve bone snakes drilled out of the ground in a stylized manner.

Bone Snake looked at me full of hostility, and gradually approached me centered. With the initial plan, I didn't panic, and slowly used concealment, and disappeared from the sight of the snakes.

The bone snakes that had lost their target made a commotion for a few seconds, and gradually returned to silence. Since they had no guardian, they didn't go down to the ground any more, and stood there stupidly, at a loss. I avoided the monster nimbly, slowly left the gap in the monster's circle, and turned towards the second plant.

The second plant was barely harvested during my invisibility time. The invisibility skill was cooling down, and the group of snakes that drilled out of the ground surrounded me again.

With a wave of his hand, the touch of the wind and the state of deceit were added to his body in an instant, and he gradually approached the monster. When the distance was less than a yard, he used his escape skill instantly. Unexpectedly, although the bone snake's movement speed is not good, but The instantaneous speed of the head-up attack still exceeded my expectations.

At the moment of escaping, the bone snake closest to me raised its head fiercely, its momentum was like lightning, and the bone snake's snout quickly jumped high, attacking me violently. Fortunately, I was in a state of cunning and blocked this attack. Although I didn't get any damage, I was attacked instantly because of the flash. After the flash, my center was unstable, and I staggered and almost lost my balance? I fell down.

She narrowly escaped a catastrophe, saying that the plan could not keep up with the rapid changes. Sure enough, two seconds later, she would be gang-raped by snakes.

Although there were some twists and turns, at least there was no muscle injury. According to the original plan, the group of snakes was led to another group of snakes that had lost their target and stood there stunned.

The distance of tens of yards was soon reached, and the sight of the snake group was not too low. The group of basilisks who were stunned fifteen yards away spotted me, and swam towards me with their tongues raised high.

The speed exploded to the extreme, leading a group of monsters to pass by another group with an S-shaped movement trajectory, and escaped from the encirclement in a thrilling manner. The monsters chasing me also changed from twelve to twenty-four.

Looking at the dense group of bone snakes behind me, I was in the absolute advantage and threw it out without hesitation. As expected, the collision volume of the snakes was very small, and more than 20 snakes gathered together , a scatter perfectly covered this group of ghosts. The damage figures of 700+ flew up a large area.

I kept changing directions and dragging the formation of monsters behind me. These guys are not very intelligent. After I changed directions, the snakes in front also changed directions. For a while, the crowd became more dense. Due to the changes in front, the snakes behind me Even being blocked, the movement speed was lower for a while.

I flew the kite unhurriedly to attack, and there was a funny scene in the huge empty field. A person kept moving just like when flying a kite, and the monsters behind him changed from time to time. The shape of the team.

Gradually, the snakes with residual blood began to die, and the skills such as Soul Piercing Arrow and Flame Arrow were not idle. After cooling down the skills, they were used non-stop. The monsters in the front row received the highest priority because they were closest to me. of burst care.

In less than ten minutes, the monster group had already started to die in a large area. Occasionally, a few of them survived, and they were dragging their lives with severely depleted health bars. Finally, the cooling of the scattering skills was completed, and they turned around and shot a perfect angle. Scattering, the guy with empty blood was wiped out, and finally, the last strange snake that was chasing also fell to the ground.

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