Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 87 Terina's Crisis

The little skull no longer participates in the output, but relies on its rough skin and thick flesh to keep wandering among the corpses of the monsters to absorb the fire of the undead. The fire of the black bishop is one level lower than that of the cardinal, and each has 20 points The evolution rate, without much effort, the evolution rate of the little skull has skyrocketed by several thousand points.

The deeper you go into the hall, the denser the monsters are, and the last core position is basically like a can of sardines, so there is no need to bother attracting monsters.

Since I have a relatively high friendship with Jielina, I successfully asked a lot of relatively secretive questions. Knowing that Jielina has two protective skills, I encouraged her to use the skills to kill monsters in groups. Unexpectedly, The beauty actually agreed.

According to my prompt, Jie Linna put on the Radiant Magic Shield for herself, and plunged into the monster pile without hesitation. In the team state, I easily saw that Jie Linna's Priest Shield had a toughness value of 15,000 points .

The efficiency of group attack in the group of monsters far exceeds that of our group attack by attracting monsters. In just a few minutes, the experience value of the few of us soared by 50+ is the best proof. Terina's magic value seems to be inexhaustible , using so many group attack skills, it is reasonable to say that the magic value should have been used up long ago, but looking at her, the blue bar basically didn't move.

Finally, all the monsters concentrated in the center of the hall were slaughtered under Terina's great power, and we followed behind to pick up money, materials, and even a few high-level blue items. equipment.

Due to the smooth absorption of the fire, the evolution rate of the little skull has now risen to 15360100000, which is a big step forward from the fifth stage of evolution.

I continued to wander around to lure monsters, and all the monsters that slipped through the net were led to Jielina by me. Because of the mission, we can have such abnormal efficiency, and such opportunities are rare in normal times.

Finally, we slaughtered all the mobs in the lobby, and the three of us were on the verge of upgrading. The short-term high-speed gain of experience points made the leaderboard violently turbulent, and the forum has been turned upside down by people who are interested.

The three of us pull off the flaming right hand for fourth place with at least 50 experience points. Since I got a discount on experience points, I ranked third, and the wedding dress and dress tied for first place with the same level and the same experience points.

Turn off the private chat, turn off the message, concentrate on the task, and there is still the last big guy who has not been slaughtered. If we successfully kill this boss, our mission this time will be considered complete.

As the last little monster was finished by our wheel girl (well, I admit that this word is a bit obscene), we also put on the agenda to kill the boss who defied the sky.

Just when we thought that with Jielina's help, it would be easy to kill this boss, a sudden change happened. Jielina suddenly said a word and poured cold water on the three of us.

"The mentor asked me to help you kill the boss. I have already wiped out all the little monsters. Due to the restrictions of the Supreme God, I can only use recovery and status support for the remaining bosses, and I can no longer directly intervene!!"

Immediately, the three of us were discouraged. Without Jielina's powerful output, how long are we going to kill this boss with high defense and high health.

Seeing that the mastermind of the game restricts NC to help players kill the boss directly, we have no other way. After all, even if we don't intervene, at least we can still have a super strong state and recovery support. If we want to kill such a boss with our own strength , It is estimated that it will not be possible until after the year of the monkey.

"It's started, Terina, use all the skills allowed by the mastermind later!" I said.


There is no doubt that the dress has become the main force against monsters. Although the 30th-level small skeletons have stronger attributes, the light magic is not compatible with undead creatures. Many of Jielina's light magic can't be added to the skeletons. The next best thing to do is to let the main force of the uniform fight against monsters.

The huge body of the Soul Breaker didn't seem to pay attention to us at all, and it was within thirty yards, and it hadn't been aroused yet.


The gown filled him with energy, and he rushed up nervously holding his shield.


Shield strike!

The combined skills were used very skillfully, the shield slapped the boss's chest fiercely, beyond our expectation, the stun effect of such skillful combined skills was directly missed by the boss, the attacked boss counterattacked very quickly, the huge ax It fell down without hesitation.

The dress has no arrogance, and cautiously uses the shield to parry the boss's attack. The boss only hits a random normal attack, and in the parry state, he actually hit a terrifying damage figure of 1400+.

Jie Linna didn't completely stand by. Seeing the battle started, she flicked her staff lightly, and the HP cut off by the boss was instantly full.

With the support of Jielina's abnormal buff, the dress now has 3600+ HP and 40 damage reduction status. Even so, it is also extremely difficult to face this abnormal boss.

At the beginning of the battle, the wedding dress and I did not join the attack due to the low accumulation of hatred. We watched the dress being crushed and beaten by the boss with a big axe. For a while, we could only pray to Amitabha that the dress would not be hung up by the boss.

In the state of Lingyu, the cooling time of our skills is halved. Although the skills of the dress are not too many, they can basically be kept in the state of using skills to attack. The state effect of thorns is very exaggerated. As high as 500+, to put it bluntly, more than 60% of the damage caused by the dress to the boss is caused by this thorn.

Seeing that the hatred is almost accumulated, I joined the battle with the wedding dress one after another. The soul piercing arrow can only deal 1200+ damage, let alone other skills, barely over 200+, the total life limit is as high as 400000, let us kill it It is very difficult.

After several rounds of confrontation, Suoyue has initially figured out the boss's methods. The normal attacks are basically parried by Suoyue relying on the operation. Although it is still painful, it is much better than direct head-to-head. If it hits a critical strike, it will be instantly reduced to scum.

Serious output, with the cooperation of Jielina's invincible treatment, we struggled against this big guy, the boss's health decreased a little bit, and we gradually saw the dawn of victory.

One thing is very frustrating. Bosses at this level basically move very fast. If it is a low-speed boss, maybe I can kill it just by flying a kite. Obviously, the game master will not give too many such solo kills. Opportunities, various restrictions, so that I can only be reduced to half of the firepower output.

There is no doubt that the boss is a type of heavy armor. The effect of the arrow hitting the body is very painful. The crit and penetration effects that often appeared in the past, now rarely appear due to the attribute suppression of high-level bosses. Now my output efficiency, relying on the soul-piercing arrows from time to time, can barely catch up with the wedding dress.

The mage of the wedding dress is at home now, and the magic damage has a lot of bonus damage to the heavy armor type. Jie Linna added several mage-specific buffs to her, and this girl's firepower was fierce for a while.

After more than half an hour of fighting, the boss has successfully cut off more than 40 health points by us. Seeing that half blood is approaching, we all raised our vigilance.

Unexpectedly, before the half-blood came, the boss's ultimate move began to be used frequently. A lightning mark mixed with purple thunder light fiercely attached to the big axe of the boss. The boss swung the weapon with an exaggerated force to smash Huashan. Knowing the fierce uniform of the boss, he quickly stood firm and defended, even though he had already achieved a perfect defense Well, still a 3300+ damage jumped up, looking at the empty blood tank, the dress turned pale with fright.

Jie Linna healed casually, and the dress was full of blood, but the boss's ultimate move seemed to be uncooled, and another Thunder Fury was used. The dress resisted with all its strength while carrying the shield, and barely withstood the huge impact of this fellow.

Just when we were rejoicing, the boss let out a fierce howl, and except for Terina's miss, all of us were plunged into a state of fear for five seconds.

The gown that lost control of its body ran around like a headless chicken, and the boss's next blow mixed with lightning came again!

There is no doubt that the last thing we want to see happened.

The dress hangs up.

Seeing that things were about to go bad, I hurriedly called to the little skull to fight it. The poor cannon fodder rushed up without fear, and was smashed back to the pet space by the boss with an axe.

The boss who lost the t limit focused on Jielinna who attracted the most hatred. Powerful healing will always cause more hatred to the boss than similar damage. Jielina saw the boss running towards her, and she didn't care about it at all. No need to be nervous like us, waved the priest's shield to cover his body, and went straight to the ax swung by the boss.


I clearly saw that the toughness of the Priest's shield has decreased by more than 1500 points. Terina, who was attacked, finally stopped being silent. It seems that the mastermind's restriction also has a prerequisite. After hesitating, one attack skill after another landed on the boss. For a while, the wedding dress and I became soy saucers!

Jielinna raised her bare hand lightly, one skill after another landed on the boss. In an instant, the boss was given seven or eight curse states. The originally mighty boss now appeared in a rare state of lethargy, and even walked slowly. down.

It has to be said that Jielina in the mode of breaking away from the system has a steady pace, and her advances and retreats are moderate, which is completely different from the previous Jielina who is in a state of soy sauce.

Terina kept relying on her steps to avoid the boss's attack, but her operation was limited. No matter how awesome the priest was after getting close, it was only a priest. After a while, Terina's priest shield's toughness was cut off.

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