Brain Storm

Chapter 983: Breaking the rules of displacement

Suddenly smiled with satisfaction. Essays on Dust Fate × Study?

With a wave of his hand, Lu Xuexin appeared beside Xiao Yi.

"Minglei wakes up Xuexin for me."

"Yes, deity." With Xiao Yi's order, Ming Lei soon awakened Lu Xuexin.

Time is not long, but Lu Xuexin opened her eyes.

Lu Xuexin looked around in doubt.

"Where is this?"

"We have left the giant tree forest."

"What happened?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.

"Hey, we were discovered by the Giants. We had a conflict with the Giants. Finally, we used fire to create a large number of thunderclouds, and through the heart of a lot of giant trees, we completed the enhancement of energy density. Finally, we broke the law of space and we came Here it is. "

"This is that?" Lu Xuexin asked again.

"I don't know." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Our deities, according to the calculation of breaking the law of space just now, we should still be in one world and not leave that world, maybe our position has shifted."

"What does offset mean?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.

"In simple terms, we break this world space law, which means we break the balance of this space."

"When the balance of space is broken, heaven and earth are not comfortable for us, and the time rule we just broke is just at the moment when the law is repaired. We have been transmitted by the law of space."

"Oh, it's incredible." Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi.

Then he looked around in confusion.

"Xiao Yi, your power is restored?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Yes, Xuexin, it has been restored."

"So where are we going now?" Lu Xuexin asked.

"Let's see what's around here."

At the next moment, Xiao Yila and Lu Xuexin gradually floated.

"The power really works." Then he looked at the iron ball that had just fallen with him.

With a wave of his hand, the metal ball disappeared instantly.

"Xiao Yi, I suggest we leave here first, so that no one will bother us."

When I heard this, I looked around, and immediately found the old farmer who was staring at his pocket.

"Xue Xin, there is a man over there." Said Xiao Yi pointed the direction of the old farmer.

"What are you waiting for, let's go over and see it now." As Lu Xuexin's words fell.

Xiao Yi and the two just floated a short distance and flew towards the farmer quickly.

The speed is not fast. Obviously, Xiao Yi does not fully use the element state, but uses gravity. As the gravity continues to increase, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin are getting faster and faster. It is only more than 10 seconds after they have floated In front of the old farmer.

At this moment, the old peasant was completely frightened by the sudden appearance of the two, staring at the two without blinking.

"Old ..." However, the voice had not yet fallen, but the old farmer dropped the sickle in his hand and ran quickly behind him.

"...?" Xiao Yi looked puzzled.

"Stay here!" Xiao Yi shouted.

When the old farmer heard this, he ran even further.

The old peasant is named Wu, who is also known as the old Wu head. He is a peasant household in Wujia Village. Every day except when he is busy in his own land, he comes to this mountain to cut firewood.

The mountain is called Tulongling. According to legend, Shenlong fell here, and the old Wu Tou just saw the firewood here.

Everyone in Shiliba Village knows that Chai, the old Wu head, loves it.

At this moment, the old Wu head had a urge to cry without tears.

"Everyone said that there were mountain spirits on the mountain. I didn't expect to actually run into it. What should I do? What should I do? I must not run faster than them, I must not run faster than them."

Old Wu's head is very good. In Xiao Yi's opinion, his running speed is no less than that of previous athletes, but such a body is not capable of resisting Xiao Yi at this moment. At this moment, Xiao Yi has a question to ask the old man.

Immediately, Xiao Yi ’s left index finger flickered with a bit of blue light, and then the blue light quickly zoomed in. “Brush” it, but it has condensed into a lightning ball.

There was a "woo" again, but the lightning ball quickly flew towards the old Wu head. When approaching the old Wu head, the lightning ball was instantly transformed into a prison cage with a large net shape, and the old man was immediately covered in the center. This is the old Wutou, but he is still running, but the old Wutou soon discovered that no matter how he ran, he was still in place.

Instantly, the old Wu's head was a little dumbfounded and he was running clearly, but no matter how he ran at this moment, he couldn't approach the lightning ball or the grid formed.

At the next moment, the lightning wrapped around the old Wu's head quickly approached Xiao Yi. The electric light fire was just a few breaths. The lightning ball had wrapped the old Wu's head and flew back.

"Hello Mr. Old, I want to ask you a question." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lao Wu's head fell on his knees.

"Grandpa Monster, Grandma Monster, you have high mana, I have young and old, please do n’t eat me, and I ’m old and skinny, old and hard, and I have n’t washed my feet for more than 50 years. The taste must not be the best, and it is not delicious at all. If you are hungry, I am willing to take out my entire family to continue, please invite the grandpa and grandpa monsters to the Fengjia Restaurant in Shangguancheng to have a good meal. The old Wu head looked pitifully to Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

After hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were both awkward.

"Oh, sir, don't cry, we are not monsters, and we won't eat you." Xiao Yi, who said this, felt a little weird.

"You are not monsters, are you gods?" The old man's face was "brushed", wiped away, and his tears and snot disappeared instantly.

Xiao Yi glanced at Lu Xuexin, and then said, "This old man is getting really fast."

"Yeah." After saying this, Xiao Yi looked at the old man again.

"We are not immortals either. We just want to ask the old man for directions."

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, the old Wu head immediately made a big eye.


"Grandpa Monster, Grandma Monster, you do n’t know, my old Wu head, walking in the streets for decades, ten miles and eight towns nearby, Shangguan city and Yinshan city in the distance, I have all been there You asked for directions, you really asked the right person. "Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Mr. Old, how about Shangguan City?" The old man immediately walked towards the top of the mountain when he heard this.

Although the area where Xiao Yi just appeared turned into a canyon, the mountain was indeed wide. With the edge Xiao Yi came to the other side of the mountain top.

"Grandpa Monster, look, there is Shangguan City, about 30 miles from here."

At this moment, Xiao Yi is here to see the high-rise city walls at a glance.

"This wall is quite high."

"Thank you." Xiao Yi waved his hand and flashed a flash of light. Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin have disappeared from their place.

When Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin disappeared, the old Wu's head wiped his eyes immediately.

"It's a **** ..." Talking about what seemed to be scared, he turned and ran.

But at this moment Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin have already arrived in Shangguan City.

"Is this the ancient China?" Xiao Yi asked in a stunned way.

At the moment the city gate was lined with people.

"The deity, this world is indeed similar to the ancient times of China, and the text is similar."

"Well. Tomorrow, how do we get into the city? If we fly straight in like this, we will definitely cause trouble."

"My dear, according to my observations by Dou E, they all have a waistband-like thing when they enter the city."

"Oh? Then where can we get this thing?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The deity, you only need to make two pieces." At the next moment, Xiao Yi flashed a golden light in his hand, and then Xiao Yi had a cool waist card.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi looked at Aquinas, who was entering the city at the gate.

"Looks like our costumes have to change a bit." Lu Xuexin said with a smile.

Xiao Yi then froze.

"Xue Xin when do you change clothes?"

"Just now, when you were making the waistband, this costume passed away lightly." He walked to Xiao Yi's side and held Xiao Yi's hand.

"Fu Jun, you have to change one, so we can enter the city."

"My dear, your costume lady has already been designed."

"Ah ..." Xiao Yi was a little stunned, and at the next moment, Xiao Yi felt only a flash on his body, Xiao Yi found his flash, and the next moment, Xiao Yi found that he was already dressed.

"Well, ancient couples!" After hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately examined her appearance, and then looked at Lu Xuexin.

"Xue Xin, you are so beautiful now."

"Really? I'm wearing this kind of clothes for the first time."

"Xue Xin, will we be watched when we enter the city like this?"

"Then it ’s fine, I'm still afraid to watch it." Said Landing Xuexin looked up and walked forward.

Seeing Xiao Yi also followed him.

It didn't take long for them to reach the gate of Shangguan City.

"Next, go there without a name tag to pay."

"Yes, soldier."

"Go there and pay."

"Next person."


After about 10 minutes, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin finally got their turn.

Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin immediately showed the two waist cards, so Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin entered Shangguan City like ordinary passers-by.

"Shangguancheng, look at the name should be a surname." Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"Well, it looks like it should be a city built by the Shangguan family, it should mean that." Lu Xuexin, speaking, looked at Xiao Yi at random.

Xiao Yi was at the moment looking at a sign at the intersection and was in a daze.

"Xiao Yi, what's wrong with you, are you watching something?" Hearing Lu Xuexin's words, Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Ming Lei said, this huge energy field reflects in Tianlong Temple." Lu Xuexin also looked at Tianlong Temple on the left.

"There are indeed energy fluctuations and they are expanding outwards, but what is this place for? Is it really a temple?"

"I don't know." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Will we also go in and see?" Lu Xuexin on the side suggested.

"Okay." Said Xiao Yi followed the people around Shangxiang into Tianlong Temple.

"There are so many people in this temple." Lu Xuexin said suddenly.

"Yes, are they all here?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

As he walked in, Xiao Yi frowned, because there was no Buddha statue at all in this room, more like a palace.

The walls on both sides of the palace are framed by frames.

"The deity has energy to reflect, and it is in the eyes of that person." Hearing the hint of Ming Lei, Xiao Yi took the landing Xuexin toward the deep part of the hall, and a distinctive mural walked past.

When he came here, Xiao Yi stopped.

"Ming Lei, that's it. Someone in front, what should we do?"

"My dear, with so many people kneeling in front, are you really going to grab it?"

"Ming Lei, I mean, what exactly is that thing?"

"My dear, in my opinion, that thing should be a space tunnel."

"Space tunnel? Why is it here?"

"My dear, the space tunnel is just ahead."

"Well, Xuexin, let's go." Said Xiao Yi actually pulled the landing and Xuexin went out.

At this moment, footsteps sounded in the hall, but a group of soldiers came out of the hall.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi brought Xue Xin to land but accelerated her pace. Before long, Xiao Yi had already left Tianlong Temple.

Xiao Yi looked at this Tianlong Temple strangely.

"This temple is unusual, but according to my judgment, this should be a teleportation team." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Xue Xin, let's take a good stroll here." Upon hearing Xiao Yi's words, Lu Xuexin nodded.

As Xiao Yi walked out of Tianlong Temple, there was a main street on the left, the street was very wide, there was a horse road in the middle, and pedestrians on both sides.

At this moment, the gates from Xiao Yi and others were lively.

Many people started to approach in that direction.

At this moment, Xiao Yi noticed that there were three young people on the roadside, discussing what was going on.

"Have you heard?" The Master invited by the Lord of Shangguan City came.

"Well, it's not that simple. The mage has been here last time, Oriental Qilan in Oriental City."

"Wow, it's her ~ ~ I heard that Dongfang Qilan has a mount of Cangyue White Wolf, but a variant of Canggu Giant Wolf."

"Canggu Wolf? Isn't it hundreds of meters high?"

"What do you know, the Cangyue white wolf mount in Eastern Qilan was fed according to the ancient records of the Canggu giant wolf cultivation method."

"Is there anything weird about this?"

"You know, before the Canggu wolf entered the Canggu forest, it was the Cangyue white wolf. The fur and color of the Canggu white wolf are exactly the same as that of the Canggu wolf."

"Willn't all the Cangyue white wolves have the chance to become Canggu giant wolves?" Upon hearing Xiao Yi's question, the man immediately looked at Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin in surprise.

"You do n’t know. The Canggu wolf can grow so much, mainly because it eats Canggu forest giant wood. As long as you eat a little, this is a beast or a human race, it will grow quickly. Obviously this The Cangyue white wolf of Dongfang Qilan naturally took the juice of Canggu giant wood. "Hearing this, Xiao Yi felt a little shocked.

"Hurry on, let's go and see." One of them urged.

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