Brain Storm

Chapter 1000: Energy and matter

"Yes, deity. Dust ← Yuan ↑ Wenxue Xue? Net" With Ming Lei's answer, a strange black electric awn appeared around the solar system, and then the entire area of ​​the earth was directly disappeared from the galaxy. .

"My dear, I'm done."

"The Bermuda Triangle, but is composed of hydropower?" Lu Xuexin said suddenly at the moment.

"You can say so." Minglei reached directly at this moment.

"Where is the fire? Where is the electricity?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.

"Electricity is in the sky, and fire is underwater."

"The sky is so high, how can it form a triangle with the groundwater?"

"Xue Xin, this is not determined by the height, but by the reflection of the ionosphere in the sky and the water and fire below. The amount of water vapor here can be said to be the largest on the planet, and it is also the most mysterious on the planet. In this area, there is a complex magnetic field reflection underground, and it is precisely because of this that you can understand this as an entrance to the earth's energy world. "

"Minglei, you mean, we can enter the world of energy through this place?"

"Yes, or into the world of shards of famine."

"The world of shards of famine? What is that?" Xiao Yi was also a little confused at this moment.

"You need to know that the earth is part of the solar system, and the solar system is part of the galaxy, and the entire galaxy is actually a huge fragment, but after smashing, because of some law of infinite extension of the universe, the world will evolve infinitely."

"Evolution?" Xiao Yi was a little strange.

"The so-called evolution is the process of turning big and small."

"You mean this energy world of the earth, a fragment of the Milky Way."

"To be precise, the birth of the Earth is because of the Milky Way itself, and you understand that the Milky Way fragments are also possible."

"However, the energy world is generally a round place, mainly because the energy is generally spherical, the supernatant is dirty, the material level must be reversed, and the two levels are condensed.

This is where the circle of energy circles.

"Go in and take a look." Xiao Yi was very curious about this energy world of the earth at this moment.

"The deity, in the energy world of the earth, there are a lot of ancient life and there are a lot of ancient buildings, mainly because the original world, in fact, has no physical world, and the first world is the energy world."

"Or that there is no matter in the world. Matter is just some macro energy body that can convey sensations."

"And these macro-energy bodies that can transmit sensations are actually very common in the energy world."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded. Xiao Yi still agrees with this.

"Go in and see." Xiao Yi was curious about the world.

"Okay, deity." At the next moment, Xiao Yi disappeared around Bermuda in a flash between the two men with the landing Xuexin.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared near an extremely wide sea. When Xiao Yi was a little confused, various creatures floated in the surrounding sky.

When Xiao Yi saw these so-called creatures at a glance, a name appeared immediately in Xiao Yi's mind: "God" is the kind of magic lamp such as God. At the moment, there are many in the sky here. This kind of creature chases here, whether it is a human or snake-type creature basically there is such a spiral nest below, and this spiral nest is obviously their power system,

"They run around in a tornado?"

"My family is the element of driving a tornado."

"The tornado element?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, deity, elemental complex, wind elements merge into giant wind elements."

"This is good." Xiao Yi said with a little sigh of admiration.

"Yes, the tornado magic in many worlds is similar to this." Xiao Yi was really surprised at hearing this.

Thinking of Xiao Yi here is a little confused.

"According to this logic, can I also summon Lightning Elves or Fantasy Elves directly? Or Gaia Elves?"

"Of course this is okay, but if you create a life and you are not responsible for it, it is a very troublesome thing."

"Any element has an instinct to protect itself. If you want to destroy it, what do you say will happen?" Xiao Yi nodded at this.

"Do you mean these elements might betray me?"

"At least, this part of the element to be destroyed by you, the mental power it forms will hate you."

"Hate?" Xiao Yi was somewhat confused by these two.

"Yes, deity, hate is an energy, this energy appears black, and this black will entangle the hated person until the person is completely dead."

When hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Can these energies also entangle me?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"Of course this is not possible, because the deity has me. If such energy is found, it will be directly broken down by me."

"If someone else did this, there would be." In the next moment, those creatures that Xiao Yi had defined as monsters in the sky had the text on their heads.

"Wow, is this the cause and effect they are entangled with?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"Yes, these causes and effects exist as part of the memory, it is difficult to clear them, and they will accompany these energy lives forever."

"Is this harmful to them?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Of course, this part of the black energy is incapable of contacting the sun, and once it is exposed, it will disappear immediately."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was still a bit confused.

"In simple terms, this part of the black breath still has his soul information, and this part of the information is broken, which means that a lot of information in his brain has disappeared."

"Wow, I understand. What do you mean, as long as I erase this part of the black memories of these monsters, we can know these people?" Xiao Yi said extremely surely.

"Yes, but I really don't want to." Xiao Yi said with a smile, and then in the next moment, a stranger appeared in Xiao Yi's consciousness space, at this moment he was holding a cigarette in his hand, From the top of the cigarette butts, eye circles appeared from time to time.

"Welcome to my world." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Who are you?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"I am the **** of this world, the king of this world."

"Well, who are you? Don't tell me, you are very strong." Xiao Yi waved his hand. Immediately, the person's image dissipated directly in his conscious space. "

"It seems that this world is not very friendly for our arrival." With a hundred songs from Xiao Yi, a few hundred kilometers of electric dragons suddenly flew out from Xiao Yi's hands. The whole world is boiling.

With the emergence of Xiao Yi's electric dragon from the energy world, the monsters in the sky were suddenly damaged.

The earth mountain palace is alive and seeing a weird giant dragon-shaped cloud, but started to catch those unformed clouds.

Along with Xiao Yi's move, what Xiao Yi did not know was that Xiaozu's release of the virus assistant was directly hit by Xiao Yi.

However, Xiao Yi's eyes focused on this world again, but Xiao Yi discovered something weird, that is, this energy world is very special.

"Minglei, where is the sky? Why is this an inverted triangle?" Speaking of this, Xiao Yi was found at the top of this inverted triangle, but at this moment was a weird spaceship.

Seeing this guy, Xiao Yi was really a bit surprised.

"What is going on here, and why is there a spaceship?"

"My dear, this is an energy ship, not a material ship."

"Energy ship?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, the evolution of the physical world is based on the extreme changes in the energy world."

"Then what happened to this spaceship?"

"My deity can simply say that different dimensions live different lives, and the energy world itself is actually a level dimension."

"And the wind, the fire, the water, the Tu, and the tribe, such a life itself was born in the energy world, and you can understand that this is their original world."

"Ming Lei, what is that spaceship doing there, what is the man I just met? Is there any connection between them?"

"My family, this spacecraft has a huge energy conversion matrix inside."

"?" Xiao Yi was really surprised.

"The deity wants to transfer some energy information to outer space. Many lives in the energy world have different latitudes. Therefore, an energy conversion matrix must be used to convert these small energies into large energy bodies. Only in this way can those weak energy lives be able to It will become stronger, otherwise ordinary energy life should not be too easy to get up in the ordinary world, even without human contact, it will disintegrate in a few days, and then be absorbed by the adjacent space world. "

"Who is that smoking man just now?" Xiao Yi was a little bit bitter about it. "

"My dear, that person is on that spaceship. What he draws is not smoke, it is an element. It is the so-called congenital deficiency, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, it is naturally the scene you see. He was in the spaceship and just used it for you Projection, but I have detected no harm before allowing access to its projection screen. "

"The courage is not small, and it really scared me." Xiao Yi, who was here, flew up with the landing Xuexin in a dream.

In the blink of an eye, the electric light had been lingering, and the spaceship rushed into the cloud instantly.

As he approached the spacecraft, Xiao Yi found that it was not a pure spaceship at all, but a star-like smoke.

The next moment, Xiao Yi stopped in front of the spaceship strangely.

Xiao Yi was really surprised at this moment.

"My dear, the combination of science and technology under different densities, this is already considered normal."

"It looks weird."

"The soul ship of ordinary deities, ordinary life cannot make such a high density, especially such a huge ship."

"Why not use metal?" Xiao Yi was a little strange.

"Master, metal, is it soul metal? That kind of material is too wasteful." Hearing here, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Such a rough thing can pray for the amplification of the soul?"

"Yes, the deity, he can amplify the energy of the soul, and then achieve a powerful interference in the material world and even the energy world. As for the visions that the deity now sees, they are actually based on the same principle."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi was a little dissatisfied at the moment, and then he was dazzled by the flashlight. The next moment, "bang", a thunder broke into it.

Then I saw that the spacecraft condensed by the black elements was a weird momentary form and had a collapsed stand.

Seeing here, Xiao Yi's hands were one point to the two sides, and then to the middle, and then saw that the lightning element flew out from the middle but started to grow wirelessly from both sides, and the next moment, this strange spaceship was caught Wrapped up.

"Minglei compressed this thing."

"Yes, my deity." The next moment, Jinguang flashed.

Immediately, Xiao Yi's hands had already appeared a black crystal ball.

And the spaceship floated in the black crystal ball.

"The man just now is probably not real," Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Yes, deity, it should be a far-end projection."

"In this case, clean up here." With Xiao Yi's order, the surrounding energy world changed rapidly.

With the disappearance of the spacecraft, a more distant scene immediately appeared in space, but the world of energy suddenly became larger.

"I can't think of this role of this spaceship." During speaking, Xiao Yi found that a group of strange creatures were approaching here.

"The deity is a collection of various elements."

"Wise life?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Of course, it is the most basic life in the energy world. It is very dangerous for ordinary life to contact these, but for us, they are nothing special."

Appearing in front of Xiao Yi at this moment, there are some big and colorful elements, like fireballs, ice hockey, wind balls, floating in the air.

But Xiao Yi seems to ~ ~ this thing is obviously wise, because when they found here, they were afraid to fly over.

"Is there no immortal or anything in the energy world?" Xiao Yi was really surprised at the moment.

"My dear, this is a backcountry, how can there be such a high-end thing, if you want to see such a thing, such an energy frequency is definitely not seen."

"You must enter high-frequency time to see the responsible energy life."

"You mean, we don't see human energy life at all here?"

"The latitude of time is not very high, or we must enter another parallel space of the energy world to see the true face of this world."

"Parallel world?" Xiao Yi, speaking here, seemed to think of something.

"One day in the sky, one year on the ground, is this ratio?"

"Yes, the deity, that is to say, the immortal's energy world is either in the center of the earth or near the ionosphere of space."

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