Brain Storm

Chapter 1716: Spiritual meaning

Shuwulou, the latest chapter in Brainstorm!

"Well, I believe this, but how can we realize the realization of spiritual power?"

"The deity, for a super memory pointer, its greatest ability is energy management."

"From active management to automatic management, and then solving the focus time of acquiring energy waste through active intelligence, people can do more things without worrying about energy."

"I'm a little puzzled. No matter from that point of view, energy is not generated out of thin air, and even if human beings use mental power, they basically take the initiative."

"Respect, then you have to know what spiritual power is, and what constitutes it."

"How do you say that?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"The deity, for example, we call a memory, which itself needs to be remembered. This is actually an activation process of energy."

"What do you mean by the activation process?"

"Similar to the formation of free electrons with photon-activated electrons, which is the memory data stream at the memory level."

"The source of passive energy in the human body, such as the heart, operates by instinct, but active intelligence can actually affect it."

"For example, to recharge it, this is the magical effect of mental power guidance, and it is also possible to change the heart rate because of mental power guidance."

"The most important thing is that the heart is always using its instinct to provide energy for it."

"And this energy is actually mental power, which is active and passive, and the heart is obviously passive mental power."

"It is also a kind of memory transmission, and a huge spiritual space will be formed near the heart."

"This also leads to the fact that we can use spiritual power to transfer memory to a part of the spiritual space, so that its energy can resonate with the energy source in the memory pointer in the conscious space.

"Don't this increase the burden on the heart?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Yes, but at the same time, we also provide more energy for the heart."

"How do you say that?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"The deity, everything is gravitational, and so is the spiritual force. Its absorption of energy is multi-dimensional. The spiritual force instinctively absorbs energy of the same frequency, uses the mental force to activate the cells to make the cells work, and for example, manages the enlargement of pore opening. The energy exchange between the body and the outside world. These belong to the influence of mental power. "

"The energy management system of our super memory pointer, which encapsulates the micro-level spiritual force with the same frequency of energy absorption, which gives the organs full energy power, and strengthens the metabolism of cells and the management of pores and the outside world."

"When all this is done, there will be an informational interaction with the super memory pointer in the conscious space."

"Minglei, how did this interaction happen?"

"Originally, the heart's original operation will transmit energy, and blood flow will naturally flow from the bottom up."

"That means that it can be done by instinct. The rest is that the energy module in the super memory pointer starts to resonate with it, and then attracts it?"

"Yes, this is equivalent to an increase in the birth efficiency of mental power. Although it may not be easy to be born in the human body, the use of the memory pointer does not require high-quality mental power itself. It only needs energy. It's enough to operate and maintain a magnetic field that can remember things. "

"Ming Lei, can you tell me the information that leads into the heart?" Lu Xuexin asked curiously.

"Xue Xin, this is actually very simple. Close your eyes to remember and immediately start to feel the position of the heart. Your memories will be transferred to that position of the heart."

"But to do these things, you must be calm and don't have too much energy, because too much energy is likely to cause the heart to beat too violently, which is also a kind of harm to the human body."

"That is to say, you have to control the frequency of your information, not to make it too high, but as long as it reaches the level of resonance."

"Then it is the super memory pointer in the conscious space, and the same thing is remembered, but this time the positioning is not the position of the heart, but the super memory pointer."

"At this time, there will be a frequency resonance relationship between the two messages, which is actually a kind of telepathy."

"But once this induction is formed, you will find your mental strength as if it has become endless."

"Haha, I just tested it. Just doing this step felt too wonderful, and my body became very relaxed instantly." Lu Xuexin said in surprise.

"Yes, Xuexin, if you do this step, you can feel the resonance relationship between the psychic space and the consciousness space. This resonance plays a role in enhancing the flow efficiency of mental power."

"A bit like quantum resonance."

"Yes, the two are the same. The resonance naturally belongs to the same frequency resonance."

"It's like water drops on the table. Since the water drops on the table are not flat, but when you use a wooden stick to draw a line from the water drops, the natural energy water will flow towards the target."

"I just didn't expect that this kind of use of memory to draw lines out of thin air would have such a function, which is really amazing."

"My dear, this is not surprising. The main thing is that this behavior breaks the barrier between energy and energy, and then makes energy flow unimpeded."

"Ming Lei, shouldn't that be the way of ancient practice?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"Actually, it's that simple, but often people don't break it."

"Minglei, what about the next super memory pointer?"

"The deity, of course, is shunted. The original energy is there. Naturally, this energy can nourish the whole body."

"The day after tomorrow is to control God with Qi, and the innate day is to Control God with Qi. It is clear at a glance who is higher or lower."

"Minglei, I remember you said that people have three major spaces, namely consciousness space and psychic space. This is just the resonance between consciousness space and psychic space, and it has such an effect."

"So what happens if the three major spaces resonate in conscious space, psychic space, primal space?"

"My dear, this is definitely a lot of good. This is tantamount to opening up the second pulse of the Governor."

"Is the second pulse of Governor Ren, is it not material level? It is spiritual level?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Baby is innate, but in the future, many instincts are replaced and then acquired.

"This is the part of the memory of the instinctual instruction core is covered or closed, and now we just use mental power to reactivate these lines, so that we can get more energy use rights."

"I feel that this should be a strengthening of instinct." Lu Xuexin said very earnestly.

"Indeed, human beings have developed many areas of instinctual operation into areas of intelligent operation."

"In turn, this leads to a decline in one's own potential, and such behavior is just enough to repair one's own potential."

"Minglei, I'm a little puzzled. That instinct has been repaired. Will that cause the instinctual memory to disappear?"

"Of course, this is not the case. What we are opening is not the original tunnel, but a new area. At the same time, the solution to the huge mental pressure caused by the instinct of the original passage is resolved."

"Ming Lei, is it very helpful for brain development? Do you know that people generally do not open more than 10%?"

"Yes, the greater energy operation represents the activation of more brain cells, and the natural computing ability will be improved."

"Then how did the super-memory pointer that we just talked about continue to work?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The super pointer we just guided is an egg-shaped structure in itself, which is equivalent to adding a spiritual container to the conscious space."

"This is an energy system."

"But what about the command system?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"My dear, the most critical part of the command system is the line. We have already operated it just now."

"For other systems, you only need to activate the energy system of each unit, such as the creation system, which is to activate the elemental space."

"The consciousness space is the command system, the spiritual space is the energy system, and the primal space is the creation system, that is, the regeneration system."

"The combat system is mainly the scheduling classification and management of active and passive memory."

"Isn't this super memory pointer a clear management of the functions of all parts of the body?"

"Yes, you know you have these abilities, and you can use them."

"And then, there is the problem of the distribution of mental energy, but generally this connection starts from the heart."

"It's like drawing a line from the heart to the brain area, and then dividing the energy from the brain area into the conscious space, as well as the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and head skin."

"And drawing this line must be done using memory, and the guidance of the energy level must be completed by the computer of the energy level."

"In fact, in general, only the first step needs to be completed in the brain, and other naturally will also be allocated, but such allocation is not necessarily the most efficient."

"The best result is that all the meridians are combed up and down. This is the best for the body. After all, the most important thing for a person is balance. Too extreme can cause local problems."

"It's wonderful, and the method is very simple, only one idea is needed." Lu Xuexin said.

"Yes, starting from the heart, the heart wants it to happen."

"Ming Lei, does this do a burden on the heart?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"There is indeed a burden. If it is too long to change from innate to acquired, then to innate, it will take a process from high pressure to low pressure."

"The heart will appear to be relatively deficient in energy, so if your body is not in good shape, you need to do it step by step, not overnight."

"Will time recover naturally over time?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The deity, the main thing is to repair the most basic energy birth system first. This is the second, and it will take time to polish."

"But the heart's energy is not normal because the mind is not accessible, but it can be completed directly through thought guidance."

"It then goes on to reduce stress problems caused by the color of energy in the heart."

"But because of long-term stress, this requires a gradual process, which is like if the fish in the deep ocean want to reach the shallow ocean, they must adapt to the stress before they can sleep, rather than rising instantly."

"I understand what you mean, that is, in this process, you can't go through the extremes of things and you must always be within the range that you can afford." Lu Xuexin said.


"If it's a power, how would this be born?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"The deity, after the energy source is cleared, the next step is to compress the energy. This step is actually relatively complicated. Generally speaking, the body is required to reach a certain state. The body can produce huge energy. If the body is weak, it will be different If you can, you can count on abilities. This is impossible. "

"Take the zombie virus as an example. Its main role is evolution. Failure to evolve will destroy the brain. Only the instincts remain in the brain."

"Brain death is memory loss. In fact, this brain death refers to memory loss ~ ~ This package cannot be remembered and intelligent memory, but under the action of zombies virus, the cells will be decompressed to release human heritage memory. , Which in turn activates the body. "

"But due to the death, the parasite breeding will inevitably lead to serious physical corruption, and even if it comes to life, it looks very disgusting."

"And it has only instinct, and naturally it has turned into a walking dead."

"And in this process, the amount of transmission of memory, which is the transmission of spirit, determines the strength of the body."

"Why say that the more energy, the stronger the cells in the body naturally, and the stronger the forces they can release naturally."

"In addition to exercising, that is, instilling mental strength, making the body stronger."

"What is the function of that muscle?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Of course the energy is stored. Didn't you see that the muscles are red? That means they have magnetic field space."

"The magnetic field space is also the mental force accumulator. This accumulator is also huge, which means that the person can release more power. Of course, this also requires the support of bones."

"Doesn't that mean that if you do your mental guidance in advance, your muscles can exert a greater power?"

"The deity, it should be said that it is stored energy. Often many people only pay attention to strength, but mental strength is often ignored, which is a very terrible thing."

"When some ferocious animals kill some weak animals, they often cannot move if the small animals are directly scared. In fact, this is because of the contraction effect of mental forces caused by fear."

"In fact, when people are sleeping, the human body is also in the effect of zeroing out the mental power."

"If you can't exercise while dreaming, then you need to guide your mental strength first, and then you can quickly resume your movements."

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