Brain Storm

Chapter 1731: Universe heaven and earth

Shuwulou, the latest chapter in Brainstorm!

"Minglei, can this be considered as the spatial boundary of the conscious space?"

"Yes, the deity is actually the limit of the law relative to the entire conscious space."

"What's the difference between the limits of such a rule of law and the edge of the universe?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Of course, this is different, but this difference is mainly due to the difference in the rule interval."

"Isn't it the same thing for Minglei to break through the outer shell of the universe and the outer shell of the human brain?" Xiao Yi asked entangled.

"The deity, of course, is different. First of all, energy is emitted from the universe. Just like our conscious space, energy is also in our consciousness. This means that even if it breaks through the influence of the law, the dissipation What goes out is also energy. "

"Comparatively speaking, the emergence of the legal limit is generally accompanied by the conversion of energy into matter."

"But the bounds of the law are energy, and energy is outside, not energy and matter."

"In this way, there should still be different energy ranges, right?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"Yes, it's just this difference. It mainly depends on the environment of the outer space, and the energy of the outer space also has a strong ability to penetrate the inner space."

"Ming Lei, I would like to know if the universe we live in is similar to human consciousness space and the outside of the brain? I remember that in many worlds, there is a cosmic brain. . "

"Holy deity, if you look at it from this perspective, you can really understand it this way, but in the space of the law we are in now, cognition from the perspective of the law is the way of the law, but if we understand from a macro perspective, we may also You can see a different world. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yi's figure flickered, but it was Xueling that had landed in a huge dark space.

"But it's dark here, you can't see anything, how could it be the situation you said."

"My deity, if this is a macro world, if we are still small, then this may be a universe, and a universe, the length of time may be different. Maybe one day here is tens of millions of years on the earth? . "

"Do you mean the darkness here?" Xiao Yi seemed to understand something.

"According to the way we came here before, we are theoretically on a macro track. No, we should be in a cloud of energy. Now part of it is separated. We are now trying to find new energy. Cloud, is the energy cloud in the space of this law a kind of nebula? Underworld, can we make our Gaia world form a giant spaceship. "

"What are you doing?" Ming Lei was somewhat surprised by Xiao Yi's idea. As Xiao Yi's synchronous memory, Ming Lei couldn't figure out what Xiao Yi was thinking.

"Crossing in such a starry sky, if we want to find some strange places, or places in the pure material world, we need a mobile home." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Ming Lei, I think Xiao Yi is right. Since this place does not belong to us, then we will be more firmly under our control. This will also be more secure and protect ourselves with our own rules." Lu Xuexin said firmly.

"My dear, Xuexin, it takes a long time."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both shook their heads: "Now we don't care about time at all. What needs to be lost is lost. All we need is a new form of our Gaia element."

"Okay, dear, then I will arrange it now."

With the decision of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin, Minglei quickly transformed the Gaia universe.

At the same time, Xiao Yi asked Ming Lei to contact Torres on his own initiative. As Torres received a message from Ming Lei, Torres was surprised.

"You're leaving here?" Torres asked in surprise.

"Yes, we are going to explore a wider legal space."

"I advise you not to do this. There are many powerful beings in this space of law."

"Of course we know this, but this is our choice. If we can't explore the limit, it is meaningless in such a world."

"All right, but I can't go with you."

"Well, we just want to say goodbye to you ..."

In the consciousness space of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin, the projection of the universe of universes has begun to appear, and the universe of universes is now integrating.

The so-called integration is to gather all the materials together, increase the original density, shrink the entire universe, and then achieve a stronger correlation between the law and the law. Obviously, this is a way to break through the limitations of the current space law .

That's right, what Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin have to do is to break the boundaries of the laws here, and to break the boundaries here, it is necessary to have a stronger substance.

Gaia elements are running wildly.

"My dear, I suggest we still make a giant life body this time."

"Do you want a spaceship?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"My dear, the spaceship is good, but if we reach a world of life, then we need to transform the form again."

"That's right." Xiao Yi nodded at this.

"Minglei, prepare some spare energy, and enjoy it from this world." Xiao Yi said.

"Okay, deity."

Around the universe of the universe, the golden light also began to flash. This kind of golden light fluctuated very quickly, and soon swept some small worlds without it, because the universe of the universe was bigger.

And in this space of law, a huge Gaia element with golden light flashes. I don't know how many years have passed, but it has been condensed.

"This is really not easy." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Look at what function it has." Lu Xuexin urged.


Then the two flashed, but they had already entered a control space.

When Xiao Yi appeared in this space, Xiao Yi was a little stunned.

Because Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin just entered this space, they felt that their consciousness was divided into nine, and although the memories were synchronized, they overlapped and received the information.

"It's weird, how can there be so many pictures, but fortunately, I came over." Xiao Yi said with a sigh.

"Holy dear, this is nine latitudes, because this is the world of the law, and we must be vigilant about the danger of the space we touch."

"From the micro level to the macro level, once we find a problem, we can immediately find out and deal with it immediately."

While Ming Lei and Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were talking about something, suddenly a projection screen turned into a blue background, and it was flickering.

"What's wrong there?" Xiao Yi wondered.

"My dear, our Gaia universe is close to other universes."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately switched the screen to the main screen.

Then Xiao Yi looked at the projection forward in a stun.

What is shown in the picture is a sea of ​​stars, where countless bright spots can be seen, but in the projection screen seen by Xiao Yi himself, there is a zoom in and out, which shows a round of big golden day, which is interacting with this white world Getting closer.

"Isn't there a collision?" Xiao Yi asked, worried.

"Gaia has theoretically formed a macroscopic body, which is relatively a physical body."

"If there is a collision, it is also those worlds that are integrated into our world and become Gaia elements."

As the two universes approached, Xiao Yi found that another picture turned blue, and soon each one flashed.

"How long will it take?"

"Respect, don't worry, it will take hundreds of millions of years for the two to come into contact."

"Now the deity can make good use of these hundreds of millions of years and watch the changes at this time."

"But this is changing too fast, don't tell me, it's been hundreds of millions of years since I saw the two **** collide?"

"My dear, that's exactly it."

"Yes, why is there a blue light projection screen again, and there are so many."

"My deity, these pictures, the first to produce a blue picture is the frequency of the macro rule, the relative detection is the furthest. We divided the rule into nine rule intervals, which mainly correspond to nine intervals in the universe, and also represent three types of distance, middle and near. Vision. "

"Three heavens, three earths, three humans."

"The celestial realm refers to cosmic vision, the territorial realm refers to planetary vision, and the human realm refers to life vision."

"So, these nine images represent nine monitoring systems." Xiao Yi said unexpectedly.

"Yes deity, once the blue light flashes, it means that a new universe has been discovered, and then the active detection mode can be turned on."

"Active detection mode?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Originally, there are three modes of passive detection, but once found, active detection can be achieved, which can get results faster."

"The second picture is active exploration."

With the words Xiao Yi found out that the second blue picture turned into green.

Then Xiao Yi switched the picture to the past, and Xiao Yi found that the world presented in this picture was clearer. "

At this time, the third projection screen was also lit with blue light, but this blue light flickered from time to time, once it changed from blue to green, and then from green to blue, which seemed very unstable.

However, after Xiao Yi switched the picture, Xiao Yi was surprised to find that the picture seen here could actually see the surface of some planets.

When I cut it, there are countless small pictures that are fluctuating rapidly, and the pictures in it are flickering constantly.

Every time a planet is scanned, a projection appears, and the screen shows exactly the image of the scanned planet.

The scan is blue, and the end of the scan is green.

"Ming Lei, why is there a blue light flashing picture here?" Xiao suddenly asked in confusion.

"My dear, this is not surprising. These worlds are being explored."

"Do you mean, can I open the horizon of horizons through the horizon of heavens?"

"Yes, it is Gaia who is under the control of Heaven."

"These Gaia are said to be coming out for investigation. Although Gaia is small, he also has a small Three Realms scanning function."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately chose one of the pictures.

This screen is already displayed in green.

With the appearance of the picture, Xiao Yi saw the displayed picture clearly.

A small deer in the picture is only standing in the swamp, and is slowly sinking.

And beside the marshland, there are seven wolves watching.

Seeing such a picture, Xiao Yi smiled and immediately thought.

The next moment, a golden light suddenly shot from the sky towards the deer.

Then the fawn turned golden.

In a weird scene, the deer's double push seems to be indestructible, and it has huge power. Soon its two legs in the swamp actually fluctuated into a motor. The next moment, the ship passed through the swamp. , Disappeared in the projection screen when President Huang.

The wolves, however, were frustrated by the giants.

At this moment, a lot of air bubbles appeared in the water.

Seeing this scene, the wolves jumped back scaredly.

Just then in the swamp, it suddenly benefited from a huge tail.

"Boom" one of the wolves was stunned by the direct strike.

Immediately, he saw that tail was like a tentacle, and he caught the wolf corpse and pulled it into the swamp.

"What kind of world is this? What is that monster in the water?" Xiao Yi was a little confused ~ ~ deity, please wait later. "

Immediately, a picture was projected.

Various monsters appear in the picture, as well as a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex, actually roaring in the sky.

The huge **** mouth seemed to have the size of dozens of battles.

The sound was even more trembling, as if there were countless echoes.

Before long, another picture was projected.

"Swampland dragon?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Yes, this deity is actually a mutated super-large earthworm."

"But it looks very tall. By the way, Ming Lei switched the little deer."

"Okay, deity, the screen will switch again soon, but this time there is a large group of animals, and the little deer that has become golden is running around, and other deers are chasing it, but it is not Stopping and running, I don't seem to feel tired.

"Is this the original speed of Fawn?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.

"The deity is the effect of Gaia's enchantment. Its physical limits are maintained by Gaia elements. Natural Gaia limits are controlled by Gaia elements."

"Minglei, do you mean that our Gaia elements can infect these animals?" Xiao Yi asked in amazement.

"Yes, deity."

"What are the benefits after infection?"

"The vision of these animals can be used by us, and this control is more thorough than the previous Gaia control."

"Yeah, it has begun to control the living individual, but is it too dazzling to turn the whole body golden?" Xiao Yi said with a frown.

"My dear, please rest assured that there are many ways to solve it, and the road just made by the deity is just made by you. Normally, the infection will not change the color.

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