Brain Storm

Chapter 1789: Introspection and circulation

Shuwulou, the latest chapter in Brainstorm!

"Like a human genetic chain?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, that's a good tandem structure. It's the real core of the cell, and it has a certain direction of energy."

"Such as vertical correspondence, or left and right correspondence, it is usually just an interaction in two directions."

"Corresponding to the inside, or to the outside, this inside refers to the inner world of the body, and this outer refers to the world outside the body."

"Ming Lei, then this spiral structure of the human body seems to be a flat structure?" Xiao Yi said with some confusion.

"The deity, human beings, evolved in the plane world. Although the earth prays for high and low, it is difficult for people to fly off the ground."

"Minglei, is there a possibility that this double helix structure has mutated to become another structure?"

"My dear, this is of course possible. Under the destruction of some free radicals in the gene chain, the chromosome will be damaged and displaced, causing the cell to mutate."

"So, cann't that free radical be used as a scalpel?" Xiao Yi was a little stunned.

"Isn't it?" Minglei asked back.

"Well, it depends on who is driving it, that's it." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, dear, no matter how small the free radical, it is also a kind of particle, which is larger than the photon and the electron."

"And as long as mental forces occur in parallel and in series, these free radicals can be controlled."

"Free radicals are formed that are guided by consciousness, and then human consciousness can guide the operation of these free radicals."

"It can be said that mental power can mobilize all the microscopic substances in the body."

"Whether it is relying on inertia or mental force field energy, both methods can interfere with the microscopic matter in the body."

"Just relatively speaking, to mobilize these little things, we must first find them."

"Minglei, how do you find out?"

"The deity, the human body has the inner vision function. This inner vision is generally not a field of vision, but a feeling. By combining this feeling with your own knowledge, if the knowledge is comprehensive, you can obtain the corresponding composite map.

"At this moment, it's like seeing. This is the essence of inner vision."

"And to be able to clearly sense the cells of the inner world, this is normal, and requires more concentration."

"For humans, the concentration of mental power can magnify the feeling of cells infinitely."

"For example, closing your eyes, holding your breath, and listening carefully can strengthen your own perception."

"Ming Lei, are you talking about meditation?" Lu Xuexin said doubtfully.

"You can say that, but it's not just meditation."

"For example, seven emotions and six desires, each emotion, each desire, corresponds to the corresponding organization in the body."

"It's the easiest way to understand emotions, then guide them, and then achieve inner vision."

"Then through this inner vision, we know whether there is any hidden danger in the body."

"Guided energy into the body tissue where the hidden trouble occurred, and then the mental force awakened the cells."

"That's the most fundamental role of inner vision."

"It sounds like this internal view doesn't seem complicated." Xiao Yi said with some confusion.

"Yes, it's mainly a combination of perceptual information and memory images. This is inside look."

"In fact, there are many similar imaginations in the human body, such as the changing principle of dreams."

"When a person is asleep, the body will interact with heaven and earth. If this difference reaches the boundary of a legal interval."

"In the body's consciousness, there will be obvious waves of perceptual information, and this force can push memory into a cyclic state."

"The generation of this perceptual information wave is caused by the resonance between the instinctual perception of the human body and the frequency of heaven and earth.

"This heaven and earth frequency encloses magnetic fields, temperatures, gas fields, etc."

"They interact with the energy released by the cells in the body's instincts."

"In terms of temperature, the heat in the human body interacts with the temperature in the heavens and the earth."

"If affected by the temperature of the heavens and the earth, the body temperature begins to fall, this is a process of the body temperature transitioning to the heavens and the earth, and the temperature begins to lose.

"If a person suddenly experiences a similar temperature change in a dream, there will be a layer of resonance between the human body and the heavens and the earth, which is the process of energy transition."

"It's very important that the energy of heaven and earth leap into your body, or the energy of your body levitate to heaven and earth."

"Ming Lei, I'm a little curious. What kind of state is better for heaven and earth to jump to me and my heaven and earth to jump?"

"My deity, this mainly depends on your own frequency. If your own frequency has been suppressed very low, then you will leap outward at this time, you will enter the dying state."

"Is this dying state the energy has been jumped over?"

"My dear, a candle has not burned out, but it has gone out. What do you say is it?"

"People who were blown out, hanged by the wind? Or was there no oxygen?"

"Whether it is wind made by people or wind made by nature, it is actually a leap of energy."

"When the balance between energy and energy is broken, energy flows from high to low."

"If a person's temperature loses rapidly, then the energy field of the heavens and the earth is in a low position."

"If people don't prevent their energy loss at this time, the body will soon enter a state of weakness."

"The perception of the human body, without professional training, it is difficult to always feel everything around."

"For example, a person is very distressed. At this time, the human brain even uses its invisibility and irritation to paralyze its perception."

"There was a child who was stabbed in the left leg, but the child's mother bandaged her right leg. Then the child stopped crying immediately because the attention was diverted.

"In real life, attention shifts often occur, but this kind of thing happens to the human body, it is out of work."

"Humans should scan their bodies with their senses every so often."

"Such intelligence can inspire instinct, because in addition to instinct, only intelligence can activate instinct."

"For example, a person who perceives the body every 15 minutes will have a normal blood pressure and temperature in the body."

"It looks like a perception. In fact, this is a blood circulation. After the brain scans from top to bottom, the brain will receive various signals in the body."

"The instinct then drives the body to adjust accordingly."

"For a long time, the human body will maintain a balanced state."

"Different times, places, and people will have their own balance. Every time you do something, you must find your own balance. When you turn this balance into instinct."

"The strong instincts of the body are manifested, which is very good for human health."

"Ming Lei, does this adjust body and mind?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"The deity, the greatest wealth of mankind is the body, and the protection of the body is the instinct."

"The sensitivity of the innate instinct is particularly high, but with the birth of intelligence, the original sensitivity has been taken over by intelligence."

"That said, instinct and intelligence work together to manage a body."

"If intelligence doesn't manage the body, and only instinct manages the body, then there will be omissions in the management of the body."

"As intelligence continues to grow, this omission will become more apparent, because intelligence and instinct live in one body."

"When intelligence is used, the neural processing power in the brain focuses on prioritizing the use of intelligence."

"Of course, this is the manifestation of absolute intelligence, but there is also the manifestation of absolute instinct, which will cause instinct and intelligence to compete for the priority of information and then cause confusion."

"It's like the impulsive age of a teenager, when instinct and intelligence were basically equal, and people lived in conflict."

"So, once a person is born, is it instinctive?" Xiao Yi asked unexpectedly.

"This is of course, this state is also called innate state."

"But as you grow older, children ingesting information will give birth to instincts, and even some parents' feedback to children will accelerate these processes."

"Then the innate will become the cooperative state of acquired instinct and intelligence."

"Innate, only instinct, acquired, has instinct and intelligence."

"Then returning to innateness, isn't that intelligence can play an instinct?" Xiao Yi asked a little unexpectedly.

"Yes, deity, intelligence can play instinct, and instinct can transform intelligence. This is complementary. For the body, innate is the state of vitality."

"When instinct is transformed into intelligence, it is difficult to transform into instinct again, but intelligence can directly perform functions that can only be accomplished by instinct. This requires the brain to take the initiative to do these, and then can form acquired instincts.

"Theoretically, the human body's instinct does not seem to completely disappear, right?" Xiao Yi said with some confusion.

"Yes, the innate instinct has always existed, but it has been suppressed by intelligence."

"For example, the state of the baby is unblocked, and the flow of energy is not blocked."

"But with the birth of intelligence, various factors will be generated, changing the flow state of original energy elements, disconnecting many neural networks, and continuously streamlining the neural veins in the human body, from infinite possibilities to limited possibilities. "

"From this perspective, it seems that this infinity is not all good." Lu Xuexin said.

"Yes, infinite, which may represent survival or death. The first intelligence of human beings is to be able to evade death."

"Avoiding death, in the end it is the instinct to avoid all kinds of errors."

"Ming Lei, what if you avoided the right one? Can you find it again?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.

"Then use intelligent evolution to find it."

"The formation of neural networks is somewhat similar to the formation of spider networks. If a neural network has been disconnected, it must be connected by its own wisdom, just like a spider weaving a web."

"And this process is a process of intelligent simulation into acquired instincts. When acquired instincts revert to innate instincts, they are repaired."

"But this kind of repair is actually just an intelligent repair."

"So there is still a difference between innate instinct and acquired instinct?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"From the perspective of intelligence, innate instinct is immutable, and acquired instinct can be adjusted."

"Instinctively, innate instincts are immutable, but innate instincts can be disturbing."

"So what exactly is interfering with the instinct?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"My dear, we just talked about evading the right thing."

"This is true, that is true. Avoiding the true will affect the innate instinct."

"For example, the movement of the arm will store the corresponding information in the corresponding memory cells."

"But humans have lost data in these cells because of some unexpected factors. I don't know how to feel the presence of arms and hands."

"There is a saying that it is impossible to start, and I don't know how to do it, which is similar to this situation."

"Just relatively speaking, one is the loss of basic instincts, and the other is the loss of advanced intelligence information. The two are still different."

"Ming Lei, if my arm doesn't know how to move, and there is no perceptual memory, is there any way to recover?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity first perceives the storage of memory ~ ~ mainly from the transmission of energy."

"The arm is also made of countless cells, and it has a fixed frequency."

"All that is needed is that the nerve cells in the brain give them the corresponding pulses, and they can recover. Then the pulses are corrected accordingly, and all kinds of actions will be retrieved."

"Whether it is instinct or intelligence, it is a transport of energy."

"In this process, the cell is the ultimate beneficiary."

"That said, the cell-to-cell connection is where the neural network is at its root."

"Everybody knows that the human body is a complex system. The surface of the human body is not huge, but it is also a huge biosphere from the perspective of the microworld."

"There are many types of cells, and different cells have different functions, which means that what role our activated cells play."

"So we want to activate the cells there, first we need to sense the cells there."

"Central neural networks are like express centers, and each cell is like the end user."

"What the cell senses will cause the neural network to send it."

"At this time, intelligence plays the role of a receiver."

"As our intelligence sweeps through the body, various feelings are transmitted to the brain."

"What would happen without this process?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"The energy of the body is not created, all rely on instinct to function."

"The problem is here, instinct is a complete instinct time only when you fall asleep at night."

"The cells at this time do not need such a large load at all, and the easiest time is then the accumulation of energy."

"In a sense, the body is often scanned with the mind, and the energy elements in the body can be actively distributed."

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