Brain Storm

Chapter 268:

"I'm back in the small world, and you don't know how inconvenient it is."

"My dear, I think you should take control of Kunlun's secret realm when you have time." Xiao Yi was a little confused when he heard this.


"You know, Kunlun's dense realm has existed in ancient times, and now he appears in your body. Don't you think there is anything strange about you?"

"And the mysterious person you saw before, don't you have any association?"

"Do you mean, my life has been arranged?" Ming Lei nodded immediately.

"But I think this is also very good. After all, I came alive." Xiao Yi actually walked to an open space in the metal house, took out a sofa and sat directly there. "

"My dear, you still need to be vigilant. You have to know why the mysterious man arranged you to own this thing. There must be any reason for this. Have you been busy with your head recently?" At this moment, Ming Lei suddenly broke out.

"How come, it's just a little busy." Xiao Yi apparently knew that he was suffering.

"By the way, I remember in Kunlun space, there is a channel to the outside world?"

"It's the Tower of Heaven."

"Yes, this is the thing. Where does this thing lead?"

"I don't know about it, but this thing, isn't that alien **** last time talking about the gate?"

"The gate of the world? The gate of the world? Do you mean this tower of heaven is the gateway to other worlds?"

Xiao Yi was a little suspicious at the moment.

"Why not?"

"According to some records in Gaia's data, the advanced application of energy is to create matter, just like the physical body you created for the magic egg teacher before, these are all advanced applications of energy."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly flashed.

"Do you mean, as long as you have enough energy, what do you want to make?"

"In theory, but I also need to know how it works."

"Can you make a flying saucer?"

Hearing that, Ming Lei was a little confused.

"What do you want that thing for?"

"The universe is so big, I want to see it." Hearing this, Minglei was silent for a while.

"To make this thing, you must provide drawings, and Gaia will help you analyze and build." At this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Have you never seen anyone use drawings before?"

"That's because this part of the data is in the database, so that's what you can do."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly remembered, Ding Lao and Ding Ye.

"Why did they appear in Gaia space at the beginning?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.

"They were probably the first to explore the spacecraft, but they were unfortunately trapped there."

"Later, Zhu Geming's expedition came, and you should be cheap."

He suddenly laughed when he heard this.

"My luck is really good, haha."

"Yes, Ding Hao has dug up all the sweet potatoes-like things underground."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at it with curiosity.

Seeing Ding Hao the next moment, he opened these white leather bags with his hands.

The next moment, Xiao Yi and Ming Lei were holding back.

What appeared to Xiao Yi was a white energy spar.

At this moment, Ding Hao also grew his mouth.

"What's the situation?" Li Yao asked a bit puzzled.

"I don't know what to say."

By the way, hurry up to call the boss.

"How to call." Upon hearing Ding Hao's words, Xiao Yi's face showed a smile.

"I knew that Ding Hao was pretty good." The next moment Xiao Yi walked out of the metal object, a flash of electricity, the next moment Xiao Yi appeared to be not far away from Ding Hao, and was Walking around.

Seeing Xiao Yi's sudden arrival, Ding Hao immediately brought the white spar and the sweet potato-like thing together.

"Boss, my tree has actually grown out of energy crystals." When he said this, Ding Hao's face was full of excitement.

"I heard it all the way, I'm not here to see."

"Let me see." Xiao Yi took the energy spar from Ding Hao the next moment.

"Ming Lei, check it out." When hearing Yi Xiao's words, the next moment the white spar in Xiao Yi's hand disappeared out of thin air.

Soon in Xiao Yi's consciousness space, a projection of Gaia space appeared. At this moment, the white spar was suspended in Gaia space.

"My dear, these spar are pure light attribute energy spar, the magazines of which have all been taken away." Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised to hear this result. "

"You say impurities?"

"Yes, there are many holes in this energy crystal, but it seems that it does not absorb this white light property substance." After hearing this, Xiao Yi seemed to understand the process at this moment.

"Is this thing useful?"

"Remember Yi Qingyu?"

"What does this have to do with him, Xiao Yi is a little confused at the moment."

"The relationship cannot be said to be absent, but his ability is directly used by the light system."

"That is, after you have this kind of element, you can try to experiment with Yi Qingyu's healing ability." Xiao Yi's eyes brightened when he heard this.

At the moment, Ding Hao looked a little stupidly watching Xiao Yi there.

"What's wrong with him?" Li Yao, who was next to him, came over at this moment ~ ~ I should be thinking about what to check, wait a moment. "

The next moment Xiao Yi reflected it.

"This thing is really good, it's a pure optical crystal."

"Is this thing useful?"

"Remember Yi Qingyu's ability?"

"Can this thing be used only by those with light ability?"

"No, ordinary abilities can also use it, and can even awaken light abilities." Ding Hao's eyes suddenly lighted when he heard this.

"Boss, what do we have?"

"Of course it is useful, and it has a lot of uses. Maybe we can use it to treat future injuries."

The next moment Xiao Yi contacted Gaia in his heart.

"Energy and vegetables. It looks like this is just a plant, but I want to tell you that the relationship between matter and energy is a cross in itself."

"You look at two irrelevant things, but when the two of them get together, a spark occurs."

"Plants are the life that has recently taken root. They directly obtain material from the earth, but the plants themselves have energy production, which means that they are also energy lives."

"You look at two irrelevant things, but when the two of them get together, a spark occurs."

"Plants are the life that has recently taken root. They directly obtain material from the earth, but the plants themselves have energy production, which means that they are also energy lives."

"Have you seen your aunt Ziyun?" Xiao Yi heard a sudden chill when he heard this.

"Have you seen your aunt Ziyun?" Xiao Yi heard a sudden chill when he heard this. To be continued. ..

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