Brain Storm

Chapter 279: Graduation Exam for Magic Elves

&; &; &; &; "Where is this?" Just when Xiao Yi had this idea, Xiao Yi's consciousness once again received a lot of information.

This feeling makes Xiao Yi very uncomfortable, as if someone is forcing something into your brain, and the amount of information is extremely large.

"No." The next moment Xiao Yi was conscious, he should have accepted the inheritance of the magic elves, but this inheritance is too weird. "

Xiao Yi tried to get himself into elementalization, and in the next moment, Xiao Yi's body was wrapped in a burst of electric light.

It was also at this moment that Xiao Yi completely got rid of this inheritance, and Xiao Yi found himself back in the magic kindergarten.

The pictures just made Xiao Yi feel very confused.

"What is that?" Xiao Yi asked Ming Lei in his consciousness.

"It's true that your location has just shifted, so the information I sent you will be delayed so much."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head, apparently did not understand what happened.

At this moment, Xiao Yi looked at the magic elves who were infused with memory, and these magic elves were also looking at Xiao Yi in doubt.

Seeing their strange eyes, Xiao Yi looked at the elementary spirit of the magic kindergarten.

"What happened?"

"City Lord, your qichangfeng literature, it's strange." Xiao Yi was a little confused when he heard this.

"Minglei, have I changed anything?"

"My dear, it may be that your body is stained with the breath of some magic egg teacher."

"Is it just a memory infusion?"

"For others, it is memory indoctrination, and for you, it may be memory reading."

"I was in a mysterious space just now and saw a door."

"That should be the gate."

"What's the use?" Xiao Yi wondered.

"It should be used to return to the real world."

At this moment, Lu Xuexin, who had the authority card, came in.

"Xiao Yi, what's wrong with you?" Lu Xuexin, who was next to Xiao Yi, frowned.

"It's weird, how can I stand by your side, and if you don't pay attention to you, you just don't exist."

"That's right, I feel the same way." Hearing Ding Hao said the same, Xiao Yi was a bit wrong.

What Xiao Yi didn't know was that, right next to the Tongtian Tower in Kunlun's dense realm, there was an inexplicably more mysterious portal there.

A gate has already appeared in Kunlun's secret realm.

Kunlun's dense realm is not without humans, but at this moment it is surrounded by a group of people, all looking at this portal with some doubts.

"It just popped up. I already reported this to my superior."

As the authority of Kunlun's Secret Realm, it has no knowledge of what happened.

In fact, it is very simple. This door is actually connected to the magic eggplant space.

"Okay, okay, don't be surprised at all. I may have been passed on to something." Upon hearing this, Lu Xuexin nodded.

"It's all right, magic wizard here, can we choose?" Lu Xuexin asked doubtfully.

"It should be okay, Xiao Yi asked uncertainly." Xiao Yi then looked at the element elves.

"Master, you have the right to choose magic elves. Other people need your reward to get magic elves. In addition, the magic elves have not yet graduated.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The magic elves also need to be tested for magic. Only qualified magic elves can graduate."

"How long will it take to inherit here?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The inheritance is over. They now have knowledge about magic elves. They know what they should do."

"Sister of the city, just look around. I will give them a graduation assessment now." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

At the next moment, the elementary spirit master came to the podium of the magic kindergarten.

There was a strange crutch on the podium. I saw the element elf picking up the crutch and pressing it down. At the next moment, Xiao Yi found that the surrounding environment had suddenly changed.

The sky turned purple.

Xiao Yi had a feeling that at this moment the magic elves had already entered the space where the magic egg teacher's body was located.

Xiao Yi quickly saw the surrounding environment, this is a wide square that cannot be seen at a glance.

At this moment, the magic elves were brought to a high platform by the element elves. At the next moment, a huge stone appeared in front of the high platform.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat confused.

"This is the magic test stone, which can test the magic level of the magic elves." Lu Xiuxiu was talking. Xiao Yi nodded when he heard this.

At this moment, a red magic elf came to the front of the high platform. At the next moment, this red elf suddenly released a fire snake and rushed forward.

"Boom" magic test stone was actually blasted and smashed directly ~ ~ Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"It's too powerful."

"Flame, your magic level is level 3. You are allowed to attend the graduation ceremony."

"Next." This time a green power elf appeared.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

Xiao Yi guessed that this magic elf should be wood, but how should the wood be attacked.

At the next moment, a green light hit the boulder, but the green light hit the boulder without any reflection.

Xiao Yi was wondering, but suddenly there were green plants growing inside the boulder.

"Greenwood, your magic level is 3, and you are allowed to attend the graduation ceremony."

And at this time, it was a magic elf with a golden light flying to the front.

The provision of this golden light magic spirit makes Xiao Yi a little speechless.

After the golden light magic elf came to the front, a more fiery gold light appeared above his head. At the next moment, the golden light magic elf bumped out.

"Boom" A huge explosion sounded suddenly.

Xiao Yi was surprised to look at this golden light magic wizard.

"Iron head, your magic level is 3, and you are allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.

"Thank you, the principal." The sudden voice made Xiao Yi shocked.

"It actually speaks." Lu Xuexin was also a little surprised.

General magic elves do not speak human languages, and require special training to learn human languages.

And this guy named Iron Head, can speak human language directly.

"The harvest was not bad, but I learned the language." Xiao Yi was sighed when he heard what Lu Tianming said.

"Uncle you are amazing,


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