Brain Storm

Chapter 474: Weirdness of battleship keel

"Well, there are no known pirate ships, several ..." Suddenly, Colin looked at the small silver dot on the big screen.

"Don't worry, this is definitely a good thing that Kabul of Arlanda did."

"If they approach, attack."

"It's a general."

But Xiao Yi sounded a sudden alarm in the Bronze.

"Alas, alas, there is a huge source of energy now, dangerous, dangerous."

Suddenly heard this voice, the next moment, Ming Lei's voice also rang.

"This should be an interstellar orbital gun. I didn't expect such a thing to be here."

"In addition, it seems that we are coming in the direction of several ships."

"Can you know who it is?"

"It's not clear, but the goal seems to be Portland."

"Oh, oh."

"It should be a pirate, and the boat is the same as last time."

"My dear, they stopped."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi felt strange.

At the moment Carucci was sitting in an office, and a picture was projected on the wall.

"Princess Carucci, it's me Abra."

"I know it's you, why is there something urgent?"

"Your brother, another warship has passed."

"There should be news from you. The Armed Fleet of the Arante Empire is moving towards Brandt. I suggest that you leave Brandt immediately."

"Do you mean, they dare to attack Portland?" Carluci was obviously not convinced.

"I have a feeling that they dare to attack now, so my baby, Princess Carucci, please follow the outside guard to find Bright at the underground base. Only his elderly can help you escape from here."

"Okay, okay, I see."

"Pay more attention to safety." Carluci turned off the communication the next moment.

The next moment a soldier came in.

"Princess Carlucchi, please come to me." Upon hearing this, Carlucchi said nothing and followed immediately.

Before walking a few steps, I saw Teacher Delin.

"Okay, Carucci, I know all about it. Let's rush to see Master Brett."

The next moment, they walked to a lighthouse building, and then all three of them went in.

As soon as she walked in, Carucci appeared immediately. There was an elevator inside the tower.

"Hey, hey, now there is a large-scale fleet." Just the next moment Xiao Yi was on the projection screen of the spaceship, but a red dot appeared out of thin air, and there was a huge red dot.

The next moment the picture zoomed in, and a battleship appeared in front of Xiao Yi and others.

"Well, this spaceship is so big, I feel like it has caught up with our spaceship."

"My dear, although this spaceship is very large, most of it is heavy armor. If we were to attack it, he might not be able to bear one attack."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little unbelieving.

"The spaceship is at least 15 kilometers long. You can sink him with a word?"

"I'm telling the truth, should we try it?" Xiao Yi immediately became interested when he heard this.

"Wait, bastard, can't you two take the initiative without seeing me?" 6 Xuexin said with dissatisfaction at the moment.

"Just a joke, this spaceship is so large that there must be a lot of people in it. If I let the spacecraft attack, how many people would I have to kill."

"I thought you didn't know it." After hearing this, the next thing came to mind.

"Xue Xin, how did you know that there were many people in those spaceships?" After hearing this, 6 Xue Xin pointed to her head.

"Abilities have improved?" Xiao Yi asked, puzzled.

"Of course not. It's my Xena's brain. What's wrong? Amazing, isn't it envious?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head decisively.

"It can only be said that each has its own advantages. Your ability was originally to detect superior attributes, but now it is only of better quality."

"Xiao Yi, instead of using my mental strength, I used the power of dreams to enter Gaia's main brain, and I got this information."

At this moment, 6 Xuexin was somewhat inexplicable.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Xiao Yi asked at this moment in confusion.

"Yes, I think I found a way to advance the main brain. But it is very troublesome and requires a lot of energy, and there is another related design.

"I want the spaceship, so you are not allowed to attack. Now you must do everything you can to get that ship to me." At this moment, 6 Xuexin's eyes were glowing.

"The biggest ship, that should be the flagship."

"Yeah, everything else is so small."

"My dear, those little ones, some are fighters." Xiao Yi was a little puzzled when he heard this.

Fighters can also be in space. Yes, the compressed plasma compression jet technology used, as long as they have energy, they can travel to space.

"This world really opens our eyes." Xiao Yi was a little excited at the moment.

"Ming Thunder, how should we catch that spaceship?" 6 Xuexin asked anxiously at this moment.

"As long as you get closer, and then become energetic?" While saying this, 6 Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi.

"It seems to be the only tactic, right?" Ming Lei said.

"But then, a lot of energy will be used."

The next moment Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something.

"Ming Lei, if I went directly to the battleship and captured all the people inside, what do you say, Meng Lei?"

"It's a good idea, but even a large ship like this might have a lot of trouble even if it is occupied.

"Trouble?" Upon hearing this, 6 Xuexin smiled.

"I'll make the trouble go away." Hearing 6 Xuexin's words, Xiao Yi looked at the big screen.

At this moment, the red dots of the strongholds are getting bigger and bigger.

"Zoom in these spaceships." Ming Lei, who heard Xiao Yi's words, immediately did so ~ ~ The next moment Xiao Yi's eyes appeared a huge ship type. Seeing the enlarged picture of this spaceship, Xiao Yi was Sigh.

"This spaceship feels weird, like a submarine."

"Basic spaceships were basically like this in the early days. This was to prevent collisions."

"What is the long horn in front of the spaceship?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.

"Isn't it a collision angle?" 6 Xuexin said a little magically.

"It should be an energy weapon, but what it does is not known until he starts using it, but according to my analysis, it seems to be an animal's skeleton."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin suddenly became weird.

"Does the keel of this spaceship use the bones of some kind of beast?" At this moment, Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin were obviously occupied by their own conjecture.

(To be continued.)

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