Brain Storm

Chapter 485: Underworld's potential

"How about, are you ready?" Xiao Yi asked Ming Lei directly in the space of consciousness. Dust, Fate, Literary Studies → Web

"Okay, you're ready to move them back."

"Be careful, don't let them notice anything abnormal."

"No problem." The next moment in the hotel, where they stood before, four people appeared out of thin air.

"Do you want to eliminate the impact of lightning time on them now?" Lu Xuexin was a little worried at the moment.

"It's okay, Ming Lei has already arranged it."

"Minglei, are you okay?"

"Relax, deity, I will take over in a while, my deity and Xuexin's body will play a show with me." At the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin, who were still in the bronze horn, took off that holographic telepathy. helmet.

"Minglei, I'll leave it to you."

"Do not worry."

"Alas, alas, I found the spaceship approaching." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at a huge spaceship not far ahead of the Bronze with some doubts.

"This sign seems to be Arante's sign."

"Indeed, Xiao Yi, we should take a look now, those spaceships we have taken in."

"But it's good." The next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin left the cockpit.

"When they appeared again, they came into a huge space of lightning."

"This is the huge, charged spaceship."

"What is he going to do?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at the moment.

"My dear, now you can still ask me if you have any questions. On Baidi Xing's side, it can be solved by my incarnation."

"Incarnate outside?" Xiao Yi was a little confused about these words.

"It's my elemental differentiation that will provide the basic intelligence, and I can take it back."

"This technique, but the trick found when extracting elements from their bodies just now."

"You can use it so soon?" Xiao Yi was unbelievable.

"Lightning time has accelerated my learning speed."

"Well, pay attention to the overall situation."

"What's the deal with this ship now?" We can actually bring him in such a big ship. "

"Our deity, energy is compressible. Of course, the lightning bolt you see is the power of the compressed element. Only in this way can our spaceship accommodate such a large object.

"Can you send him into the small world?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Of course, but I'm copying information about this ship."

"Can your calculations be done now?"

"You mean, can I do many things at the same time?"

"This is just a division of labor. Of course, I can only do one thing, but I have so many Gaia Golden Eggs now. As long as my consciousness is allocated, I can do more of what I want to do.

"Then you can do a lot of things now?"

"Yes deity."

"Then what have you been doing recently? Xiao Yi is now curious."

"My dear, ever since you returned to this space-time from the last time-space tunnel, I have been calculating how we can return to that point in time."

"Did you find a way?" Xiao Yi asked afterwards.

"It's difficult. The space is too messy. Although I already have hundreds of avatars, the belt is too small for the vast universe."

"You mean, we can't go back?" Xiao Yi frowned at the moment.

"It's not that you can't go back, but you must go back to the galaxy before we can return to our time point."

"Will we just return directly?" Xiao Yi was really a little puzzled at this moment.

"The deity, the interest around it, seems to be super-civilized."

"Super civilization?" Xiao Yi heard the word for the first time at the moment.

"what is that?"

"I don't have their main profile right now, but it should be a higher rule of the Big Four."

"Will it affect us leaving here?"

"If I say, the civilization that made the planet out of time and space is one of this super civilization."

"How is this possible?" Xiao Yi was unbelievable.

"But the fact is that someone can change the order of time and even create a world of infinite loop."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi was really calmed down.

"You mean, we might be found?"

"Yes, it is likely to be tracked if found."

"Really so powerful?" Xiao Yi had some incredible.

"According to my calculations, the size of the universe is not so simple. The true strong man should be able to grasp all the dimensions of a world."

"The concept of this dimension contains all the energy and matter of a world, as well as the rules of the operation of matter, the rules of operation of energy, and even an extension of higher dimensions."

"Would such a strong man be able to wave a hand to create a civilization? It is also easy to affect the changes of a world?"

"Well, although you may have all of these, UU Kanshu, but these existences in this universe may not even care about us little ants."

"Perhaps you are right, but in case ..." Xiao Yi was silent after hearing Ming Lei's words.

"Okay, okay, don't talk."

"This spaceship quickly gave me a way to break it down. Did everyone in it catch it?"

"Of course, in the next moment, a group of character maps appeared in Xiao Yi's mind."

"This is their officer?"

"Yes, and also the puppet of Kabul, the emperor of Arante, this time Kabul can register, but this puppet has contributed." Hearing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat confused.

"What did he do?"

"His uncle rescued an attacked interstellar businessman during an interstellar voyage, and the interstellar businessman's family was a first-class civilized citizen. In this way, he obtained some technologies beyond the present level. That prism is what this man contributed. "

"What's his name?" Xiao Yi was curious.


"How could it be such a strange name?"

"This is the name he inherited from his father, and according to the history of their family, he is the thirteenth of Bucus."

Because of some special rules of the world, he even inherited some memories of his father.

"Memory can also be inherited?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, after his father gave birth, he passed on his memory." Hearing here, Xiao Yi probably understood something.

"Did you get this information from this Bugux's brain?"

"Yes, this information is in his space of consciousness, and it is very loose, showing a ball of memory, so I read it around."

(To be continued.)

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