Brain Storm

Chapter 549: Temora's Helper

"Good deity." As Ming Lei's voice fell, in a cabin of the Bronze, it was unknown when it appeared here, but now it has a laboratory-like device, a metal room, A huge Gaia golden egg was suspended above a metal bed.

As Gaia Golden Egg projected a transparent beam of light, a three-dimensional humanoid silhouette appeared on the metal bed, accompanied by the flashing of colorful light. After a while, two humans in metal clothes walked away from this room. When they came out, their goal was an area covered by electro-optical light. As two metal people entered the area covered by electro-optical light, they lost their sight instantly.

Temola is a world with history. The demon giant has survived on Temola for more than 10,000 years. During this period, aliens have helped them develop, allowing them to reach a level of ethical and scientific civilization. Quite a high degree, but with the arrival of aliens, some more powerful giants appeared in the giants. As these powerful giants began to show their power, they also allowed the social order to move forward smoothly. There was chaos. As the potential of the demon giants continued to be tapped, it finally broke the original fundamental order of the world and launched the war of destruction. Eventually the entire planet began to go to destruction. When the demon giants realized what was going on, they only The thought of looking for these aliens, but at this time in this world, are there any other aliens there, the aliens have all mysteriously lost their tracks.

Miraco, female, demon giant tribe, was born after the catastrophe of Temora, and his father was Senglak, the patriarch of the torrak giant.

Torak is the name of a city, but the city here is a family lineage. As the patriarch's daughter, Miraco has always wanted to help her father and the presbyterian home formed after the war. The countdown to the end of the world has come. If this problem is not solved, even if there are any talented giants appearing in their giants, it will be useless and will eventually be destroyed. Super power can keep the planet from being destroyed, but it will also shorten the life of the giants quickly.

It is precisely because of this that only males are responsible for contributing their lives, creating superpowers that are almost infinitely consumed by the earth fissures, and it is precisely because of this that the life of males in Temoura is generally only a few hundred year.

Although the seal of time is drawing strength from time to time, I don't know why. It seems that God's will in the deep world doesn't seem to want this magic giant to exist. Their power seems to be losing its effectiveness.

And here it is, there is another animal on their planet, they do n’t know what it is, but that life is not ordinary life, but the whole body burns flames. From the perspective of the demon giant, those are legends In the devil.

Although the power of time can seal them, but these devil will not get any consumption, and the number of that kind of devil is constantly increasing.

Miraco must help the clan door come up with a way, because the city of Torak is near the big crack.

The demon giant has three talents, becoming a giant, time delay, super physical fitness.

Boratti is the name of this desert, but at the moment Miraco is in a metal house, doing something he has done countless times.

Here is a relic, this as well as using a large number of metal particles in the desert to collect, and even send their distress signals.

She has done such things countless times, and several times, they even contacted passing aliens, but the message to them was that they were completely wrapped in gravel belts, and our spaceship could not approach you Planet. "

For this result, Miraco is difficult to accept. Miraco believes that it must be that the civilization level is too low, and she will definitely contact the super civilization.

For the demon giants of Tamara, their wisdom can produce spacecraft, but the only problem is the world. After calculating by the elders of the Presbyterian Church, it takes at least 10 years to build a spacecraft. Many industries It was basically destroyed because of the battle of destruction, but at this moment they are trapped in Temoura, and their time is not enough to support the creation of a spacecraft before the destruction of the planet. This is a sad thing.

Miraco is still sending out messages for help. This is a kind of spiritual particle. Each particle is wrapped in a large amount of information and similarly radiates to space in a wave form.

As long as I can accept this fluctuation in consciousness, I will immediately understand what she means. Today is destined to be Miraco's lucky day.

In front of the metal house of Bolatimo, a lightning suddenly split down, and then two metal men appeared at the place where the lightning split. For these two metal men that appeared suddenly, Miraco discovered it as soon as possible. .

However, the way it appeared was really weird, which made Miraco nervous, and did not dare to act lightly.

These two were the advents sent by Xiao Yi to Temolla, simply two humanoid detectors.

The next moment, the two metal men's foreheads opened a small hole, and a red mang shot out, and then they shot around.

For all of them, Miraco was able to see the whole process. Although they can't build a spacecraft now, it is not difficult for Miraco to make such a handmade product.

"Well, there is no one in the metal house." At this moment, several images had been passed back inside the Bronze spacecraft.

Miraco only saw two metal men, but in fact there were some Gaia golden eggs flying around that were too small to be detectable by human senses.

"There is no one on this roof. How could a signal come out?" Xiao Yi said with some doubt.

"My dear, is there any shielding device here to block our investigation?" The next moment a red mark on the spaceship's big screen ~ ~ appeared directly in a metal cover in front of the metal house.

"From my observations, this is likely to be the entrance."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded, "Go and see." At the next moment, the two adventists walked by.

After walking around this lid.

"There doesn't seem to be a gap, are you going to cut it?"

"Do it." Xiao Yi agreed directly.

At the next moment, the foreheads of the two metal men suddenly shot out an electric ray and hit the metal cover directly.

Instantly the metal cover was melted out of a hole.

"Does it actually go underground?"

"Minglei asked them to investigate and see if anyone was underground?"

To be continued.

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