Brain Storm

Chapter 553: Conversation with Temola


"Yes, that is the highest resolution body we have here."

"When can I go to your Presbyterian Church?" Xiao Yi said directly from the door.

"Sir, is there really a way to save our planet Temola?" Senglak was pleased with Xiao Yi's remarks.

Seeing the smile appearing on Senglak's face, Xiao Yi already had his own plan.

"It will take some time for the destruction of your planet, and I think I must use this time to understand you."

"If you have a way, you must save us as soon as possible, and we are willing to accept all costs."

"Every price? This is a very hypocritical word, let you be my slaves, are you willing?" Xiao Yi said.

The next moment, the man named Mirao came out.

"Sir, although we trolls are grateful for the aliens who can save us, but I want to know, as a highly civilized race, can you only enslave others to become your slaves? Do n’t you Knowing that in this universe, friends are more reliable than slaves, and higher civilizations will not force lower civilizations to become his affiliates. Each race has its own uniqueness and its own meaning. "

"Millao shut up, don't say it, our Elder Mocks is almost dead, but he still insists on continuously outputting energy in the seal. If these days, we can't solve this problem, our pre-rental is likely to be completely Disappearing in this world, the trolls without ancestors will have to surrender to other troll ancestors. This is no different from slaves, and the aliens who can save us a Temora are certainly not simple existence. Maybe it's not necessarily a misunderstanding in language communication. "After that, Sunglass looked at Xiao Yi again.

"When the two come together, why is there only one person talking?" After hearing this, Lu Xuexin froze.

"Are you asking me?" Xiao Yi nodded.

"What should I do? Will I be recognized as a woman? Everyone here except Miraco seems to be a man. Is it true that women can live long in this world, or do they have no status at all?"

"Would you like to speak?" Lu Xuexin shook her head decisively.

Xiao Yi, who heard Senglak's inquiries, did an action the next moment, and as soon as he moved his hand, he settled on the body of the next metal man.

The next moment, the metal man disappeared directly into the hall.

"She doesn't want to communicate with you, I have sent him back to the mothership."

"Well, now tell me about the aliens who deal with you?"

"Aliens?" At the moment, Senglak looked at Miraco with a puzzled look.

"Father, they are talking about Kobe people." The moment after hearing this, Senglak looked at Xiao Yi again.

"None of these Kobes knew where they were going. After our war there, they disappeared, and their guts were very cautious, but I don't know why they dare to come to our planet."

"Cautious?" Xiao Yi frowned at hearing this description.

"You mean, they are afraid of you?"

"Yes, our soldiers can destroy their ships. They are too small, and it takes too much effort to produce large equipment."

"I heard Miraco say that they develop your physical potential for you and give you trolls an extraordinary power." He pointed to Mirao.

"Like him, the ability to restore time should come from the physical development of the Beeks, right?"

"You seem to be misunderstood. They are only helping us develop our own potential, not Kobe people give us a strong bloodline."

"We trolls have had a system of cultivation since ancient times, but with the depletion of the Temola crystal, our power is weakening again, and it is precisely because of this that war broke out within us.

"I want to know what role Kobes play in this?"

"The Kobe people develop the ancient bloodlines in our genes and help us develop a scientific and technological civilization."

"I'm satisfied with your answer. Can you take me to the Kobe laboratory?"

"Sir, in fact, you have already been there. The giant mushroom was made by the Kobe people." At this moment, Miraco interjected suddenly.

And at this moment, Xiao Yi felt only a tremor on the ground, and with the sound of his footsteps, a demon giant stopped outside the door, and then walked in.

"Hehe are the aliens there? Am I wrong?" The sudden voice made Xiao Yi look at him with a bit of surprise.

This is a bearded demon giant that is actually 35 meters tall.

"Elder Sirkula, why are you back?"

"It was a message from Bills that two aliens visited our planet, so I came to see it on behalf of the Presbyterian Church."

The next moment Srcula saw Xiao Yi descending from a metal man.

"Hello, what should I call you?" Srcula took a few steps and stopped at 3.35 meters at the station where Xiao Yi descended.

"Weird custom." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, but was heard by Srcula.

"What custom?"

"Can you understand what I say?" Xiao Yi said at the moment in Earth language.

"Yes, it is my ability."

"Well, since it's convenient, I can help the planet Temoula."

"I have a few planets, and there are no indigenous peoples on them. If you can, you can choose to relocate."

"But there won't be only your demons, there will be other alien races there, if you can get along peacefully"

Suddenly I heard Xiao Yi ’s unexpected material, UU read www. A moment inside hall completely quieted down.

"Her Excellency, do you mean there is a way to take us out of here?"

"Yes, it's not exactly right. I'm not taking you to other planets, but to my world."

He pointed around and said, "You can bring everything on this planet there, and I will not interfere too much in your life unless you threaten me."

"Of course when you have such power, you can also leave me."

"You have no other requirements? Like fighting for you?"

"Interesting statement, but would you do it?"

"Sir, although we don't know how to call you yet, the shock you gave us is really big. Do we need to take a break? Let us have another meeting to discuss."

To be continued.

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