Brain Storm

Chapter 719: Bertik castle

"Oh, it doesn't matter, but this thing is very useful for me. There is a skill. When I used the skill, I always had to control it deliberately. Now as long as I have mastered this method, I just need to know With a single thought, my strength will be revealed. "

"Respect, in fact, this is the power of the element itself, and your wisdom eyes are on the spirit body. Because of this, you can use these elements in this way. This should be regarded as an element technique."

"In the past, when you used powers, you were manipulating elements from the perspective of a person. This is limited, and the power will not be particularly exaggerated. But now it is different. Your spiritual power communicates with heaven and earth. Elements that are homologous to the elements you have mastered will also be added to your grasp. "

"Well, this is a wonderful experience." Said Xiao Yi, however, was teleported several times in a row.

"Curious feeling, this seems to be the geometry of lightning time and lightning elementization. The main thing is that as long as I believe, these lightning elements will know what I will do."

"Yes, deity, this kind of tacit training is very difficult for ordinary people, but for our ability, this is its own strength."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately smiled.

Immediately, Xiao Yi took something out of the storage space, and then cast it again. Now he controlled it in the way of great prophecy.

Strange things happened. Originally, Xiao Yi couldn't let an object float in the air just like that, but now a metal sword was suspended in the air like that.

"Holy deity, this is the magnetic field effect, which has produced gravity and repulsion."

"It was an amazing experience." Xiao Yi praised.

And just then, the door was knocked.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yi didn't go there, an idea opened the door inexplicably the next moment.

When the people saw that there was no one at the door, they were startled.

"Come in, is there anything wrong?"

"Mr. Xiao Yi, this is Boksa." Upon hearing his introduction, Xiao Yi nodded.

"What do you find me for?"

"It's the leader of the male meiluo who asked me to tell you that after 5 minutes, I will enter the Bertic castle. The chief asked when you want to get off?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Any time," Xiao Yi said, looking at Boksa.

"There are two more things. The leader asked me to give them to you. This is a magic messenger, and this is a blood vein sensor made by Mr. Maybach."

"How to use these two things?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"This magic messenger, just click, you can speak. The other party receives the signal, and this stone will light up. At this time, you will click the other party to make a voice." Hearing here, Xiao Yi points Nodded, as modern people basically understand.

"This is a blood vein sensor. Press this red button and he can take you to Master Myers."

"What's so magical?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"No, and the closer you get to Master Myers, the thing will gradually glow red, and the closer you get to the red light, the moon will be."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately pressed the red button, and then a faint red light had passed to Xiao Yi's eyes.

"The closer the deity is to the target, the stronger the induction is, and the thing is very sensitive. If you stretch your hands forward, you should have induction."

After hearing Ming Lei's words, Xiao Yi immediately tried it. As Ming Lei said, at the next moment, the red light really brightened slightly.

"It seems that Myers is in Bertic Castle." After that, Xiao Yi glanced at Boksa.

"Well, then I'll leave first." Said Xiao Yi's lightning element gradually diffused out.

With the idea, the next moment, Xiao Yi has disappeared directly from the place.

Seeing this scene, Boksa was surprised.

"What a weird space magic."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi directly opened the door of a flash of fantasy and walked directly in.

With Xiao Yi's control of the Dream Gate, the Dream Gate moved towards Bertic Castle.

Xiao Yi held the blood vein sensor in his hand.

Watching the red light gradually light up, Xiao Yi speeded up the movement speed, it was useless for a long time that huge castle had appeared in front of Xiao Yi.

This is a huge castle. The height is about 150 meters. At the moment, there is a group of people standing in front of the castle gate. The gate is very wide. According to Xiao Yi's understanding, the gate of this castle can let the ice car drive in directly. It is not to choose to do so.

At this time, Mebak and Mei Luonan, winning the sprint, Boksa four have stepped off the ice cart.

"What a magnificent building, go and tell Berdyk that his old neighbour, Mayback, I'm here!" Hearing this, the guard nodded despite doubts, and immediately turned around and disappeared into Mayback and others. In front of ~ ~ Grandpa, did he really meet us? "

"Don't he give the old man's face?" Mei Luonan nodded immediately after hearing this.

But in the next moment, Mei Luonan shook his head again: "This Bertic does not give you any face. He knows that it is your grandson and dares to kidnap him. You will go in for a while, but you must do it for you. Our Mei family cleans up that guy. "

Mei Luo's words had just fallen, and the guard who had just left had already returned.

"Come with me." The four of them immediately entered the castle.

Xiao Yi, however, followed him directly into the castle.

Looking at the flashing red dot blood vein detector in his hand, Xiao Yi had no mood to care about anything else.

As Xiao Yi entered the castle, he had clearly felt that the red dot was constantly growing.

"Should be right ahead." Xiao Yi, however, followed the others like Maybach and walked forward.

The inside of the castle is very wide, enough to allow a few carriages and ice stars, and a circle of tunnels can be seen from time to time. Obviously this is the stairs connecting the upper floors, but the entrance of each floor is guarded .

As soon as Maybach entered the castle, he was led by a team of guards on a carriage and sneaked into the depths of the castle.

Xiao Yi immediately followed the car. As he moved, Xiao Yi felt an extraordinary breath.

"All elements of this deity are branded, and the host here cannot call them." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned immediately.

"Then what shall we do, will we be found if we go in this way?"

"You don't need to worry about this deity. The scope of this spiritual power is so large that even a little wind and grass will not be found."

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