Break Into Another World

Chapter 1000: Palace Lord Chilie

The Yanyan Mountains are endless, like a sea of ​​fire, burning the earth.

Xu Ming, Lu Qing, and the king-level masters of the Yanyan Sacred Mountain lived on this quiet mountain called "Burning Heaven Peak". Lu Qing's residence is at the top of the mountain.

Xu Ming walked up the stone stairs in the mountains; soon, he arrived outside Lu Qing's courtyard.

"Come in!" Lu Qing's voice sounded in Xu Ming's ear.

Lu Qing has absolute control over the Yanyan Mountain. Not long after Xu Ming came back, she had already discovered it.

Xu Ming pushed open the door and entered.

I saw Lu Qing sitting cross-legged under the tree in the courtyard, with a peaceful expression and harmony between man and nature.

"You're back?" Lu Qing slowly opened his eyes.

However, when she opened her eyes halfway, she seemed to have discovered something extremely horrifying, and her two beautiful eyes suddenly became round: "Xu Ming, your cultivation level..."

At first, Lu Qing only felt Xu Ming's aura, but didn't pay attention to his cultivation. It was not until she opened her eyes that she suddenly realized that Xu Ming was actually the fourth rank of Silver Moon.

"How long has it been..." Lu Qing couldn't imagine why Xu Ming's cultivation had soared so much.

Moreover, Lu Qing of course found that the one standing in front of him was Xu Ming's avatar of Tiandao Liu, not the avatar of the ancient cultivator.

"What has Xu Ming experienced since he left the Yanyan Sacred Mountain? Why, the progress in the understanding of the Dao of Heaven is so huge..." Lu Qing's inner shock wave after wave.

Xu Ming had long expected that Lu Qing would have such an expression when he saw him. He said lightly as if nothing had happened: "When I was on Xingluo Island, I was chased and killed by the time traveler Feng Ming; out of resignation, I used the Wu Difficulty Stone! Such a huge transformation!"

"So you have already been to the Realm of No Difficulty! No wonder..." Lu Qing nodded secretly, "In the Realm of No Difficulty, there are countless opportunities; it is indeed possible that your cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds in a few decades..."

However, as he spoke, Lu Qing's voice gradually became smaller.

Then suddenly, Lu Qing asked in surprise, "Xu Ming, you said you have entered the world of no difficulty!?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said.

"Then... how did you leave the Realm of Difficulty!?"

With Lu Qing's status, it is natural to know many secrets of God's Domain. For example, in the Realm of No Difficulty, it is easy to enter, but difficult to come out. If you want to come out, you must at least have the strength of half-step kingship; even, sometimes the strength of half-step kingship is not enough, you have to be a real king-level strength. !

However, Xu Ming's cultivation is only the fourth rank of Yinyue. How did he come out of the Realm of No Difficulty?

"Could it be that... even though Xu Ming is a fourth-grade Yinyue, he has at least the combat power of a half-step king!?" Lu Qing looked at Xu Ming like a monster, "How is this possible..."

Xu Ming nodded slightly, confirming Lu Qing's conjecture.

"You really have the strength to be a half-step king!?" Lu Qing couldn't believe it, and confirmed again.

"There should be..." Xu Ming said in a low-key and vague manner.

There should be, right?

Sure enough, after listening to Lu Qing, he mistakenly thought that Xu Ming was just barely able to possess the fighting power of a half-step king. But even so, it has already made Lu Qing feel very terrifying!


For a super genius like Xu Ming, Lu Qing can only use the word "pervert" to describe it.

After calming down his excitement a little, Lu Qing's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Xu Ming, you said, the time traveler Feng Ming is chasing you?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said.

"Feng Ming..." Lu Qing's eyes became more and more cold, "Speaking of which, when Feng Ming was weak at the beginning, by chance, I even gave him a little advice! Unexpectedly, the reward information of the Temple of Time and Space, all It is clearly written that you are from my Yanyan Mountain; Feng Ming dares to chase and kill you!—This ungrateful white-eyed wolf! If I run into him, I have to make him look good!"

"That..." Xu Ming thought about it and said, "Maybe you don't need to bother you to do it yourself..."

"Why?" Lu Qing was curious.

"Because..." Xu Ming tried his best to keep his tone low-key, "Feng Ming is dead!"

"What? Feng Ming is dead? How did he die?" Lu Qing couldn't react for a while; after a while, Lu Qing's terrified eyes widened and he looked at Xu Ming, "Could it be? you…"

"Cough! I couldn't help it and killed him!" Xu Ming coughed a few times.

"It's really you!" Lu Qing sucked in a breath of cold air, "Feng Ming is a high-ranking master of the king. It is said that he is not very far from the peak of the king! You were able to kill him... Then your strength!?"

Why are you chatting and chatting, and then talking about strength?

Xu Ming sighed secretly in his heart: "Accidentally, it's high-profile again!"

Just when Xu Ming hesitated, should he explain his strength to Lu Qing a little bit; Lu Qing's maid "Yue Xin" hurried over.

"God Emperor!" Yue Xin obviously had something to report.

"Speak!" Lu Qing said directly.

Yue Xin said: "Palace Master Chilie just sent a message inviting you to go to Chilie House and attend the banquet!"

Lu Qingxiu frowned felt a little strange: "Palace Master Chilie invited me to the banquet?"

In the Yanyan Continent, there are hundreds of "prefectures"; and each prefecture leads thousands of various divine cities.

Chilie Mansion is one of them!

And Palace Master Chilie is the top existence among the emperor-level powers!

"Palace Master Chilie and I have never had anything to do with each other; he has never invited me to a banquet before!" Lu Qing fell into deep thought.

"God Emperor." Yue Xin whispered, "How should I answer?"

Lu Qing thought about it seriously, and said, "Palace Master Chilie is one of the top powerhouses in the Yanyan Continent! Although I don't have any friendship with him, since he opened his mouth to invite, it's not very good to Just tell me, I'll be there on time for the banquet!"

"Yes!" Yue Xin hurriedly left.

The Yanyan Sacred Mountain and the Chilie Mansion are far apart; to communicate with each other, they must rely on the Void Heaven Realm or a super-large communication formation. Therefore, Yue Xin was unable to reply by subpoena on the spot.

After Yue Xin left, Lu Qing was still thinking deeply: "What is the matter of Palace Master Chilie looking for me?"

After thinking for a while, Lu Qing still couldn't think of a clue: "Forget it! No matter what he is, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil! - Xu Ming, if you have nothing to do, accompany me to the Chilie Mansion! Your strength Soaring so fast, it's time to meet some contacts in God's Domain!"


To be honest, Xu Ming is not very interested! Because, Xu Ming is only interested in strength!

However, since Lu Qing invited him to go with him, and Xu Ming really wanted to go to a big place like Fucheng to buy something, so he agreed.

"That's right!" At this time, Lu Qing brought the topic back to Xu Ming, "You haven't said it yet, what's the matter with your strength!"

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