Break Into Another World

Chapter 1002: 00,000 heroes

In God's Domain, "Puppet One" is actually not very prosperous.

Because there are very few people who can refine the puppet of the king's strength. Moreover, the vast majority of puppets only have the strength of star-level gods, and their combat power is weak.

When Xu Ming walked into the puppet pavilion, there was a plump Yinyue seventh-grade master who was buying puppets.

"The store owner, bring me a thousand puppets with the strength of 'One-star God'!" The fat master shouted.

"One thousand?" Xu Ming was slightly startled - is he doing wholesale?

Actually, Xu Ming still didn't know that in God's Domain, the main role of puppets was not for fighting, but for... doing coolies! - After all, only puppets with star-level strength are really limited in combat power; but for coolies, they are very cheap and high-quality labor.


Xu Ming bought the puppets, but they were not used as coolies - he wanted to transport the puppets to the Endless Continent through the "Heart World". Then, use the puppets to assist the gods of the human race to conquer the worlds of dust!

Xu Ming wants to let the footprints of the people spread throughout the world of billions of dust! In the world of billions of dust, build your own "belief statue" to help yourself practice the school of faith.

Puppets are not of much use in the realm of the gods; but in the world of dust, they are simply killing machines that slay the Quartet and sweep the invincible!

"This little brother, what kind of puppet do you want to buy?" The store owner had the face of a profiteer, but he was very kind. After he finished the business of the fat master before, he turned to look at him with a smile. Xu Ming.

"I want to buy a one-star puppet!" A one-star puppet represents the strength of a one-star god.

The smiling store owner "Qian Yuan" is not too surprised; because the one-star puppet is the most cost-effective and has the best sales: "How many?"

"Then..." Xu Ming pondered for a while, "Let's get one million first!"

"How many!?" Qian Yuan almost jumped up, "One million!?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming secretly despised the store owner - he really didn't do a big business, only one million, so he scared him like this!

However, for Xu Ming, a million puppets were not enough! You must know that Xu Ming intends to occupy the billions of dust worlds; even if a dust world is assigned a puppet to guard it, it will take hundreds of millions of puppets to guard the billions of dust worlds!

Therefore, Xu Ming said "come one million first", which is not wrong at all, it is really just "come first". Wait until next time to buy again, it may be to buy 10 million, 100 million!

"You..." Qian Yuan's face was a little ugly, "You're playing with me!?"

One million puppets... With such a huge amount of business, Qian Yuan has never done a few orders in his life; and the objects of the transactions are all king-level masters! And the fourth-grade Yinyue in front of him actually said that he wanted to buy one million puppets. Of course, Qian Yuan felt that Xu Ming was playing tricks on him!

"Tricking you?" Xu Ming's face sank slightly, and when he turned his hand, a bottle of spiritual essence appeared.

"Spirit!" Qian Yuan's eyes widened immediately, "And it's still a whole bottle!"

Divine Essence, Divine Crystal, Divine Stone, from high to low, the exchange ratio between the three different levels of Divine Realm currency is very exaggerated!

One million puppets, if purchased with divine stones, would naturally be an extremely terrifying astronomical sum; but if purchased with divine essence, it would only be a matter of ten or twenty drops.

And a bottle of spirit essence, that's two thousand drops!

In other words, it would not be a problem for Xu Ming to buy a 100 million one-star puppet from the bottle of essence in Xu Ming's hand!

And Qian Yuan, when he saw this bottle of Spiritual Essence, was naturally stunned! At this moment, of course, he had already seen that Xu Ming had an extraordinary origin!

Xu Ming put away the essence and said coldly, "A million one-star puppets, do you have any?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Qian Yuan nodded his head like garlic.

"Since there is, then take it out quickly!" Xu Ming said impatiently.

For Qian Yuan, the store owner, one million puppets was undoubtedly a super big business; but for Xu Ming, it was almost like buying a lump of candy—it took so much time to buy a lump of pond, of course Xu Ming. A little impatient.

"Yes!" Qian Yuan hurriedly opened the protective formation in the store and took out a hundred world rings. There are 10,000 one-star puppets stored in each world ring.

Qian Yuan sorted out these world rings and counted the number of puppets inside to prevent mistakes; he smiled and said, "This distinguished guest, do you need other puppets?"

"No need for now!" Xu Ming said.

One million one-star puppets were enough for Xu Ming to use for a while.

Being not?

Qian Yuan, however, heard Xu Ming's words, and continued: "This distinguished guest, when you want to buy puppets in the future, you must remember to find me; I will definitely give you the greatest discount!"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ming asked again: "In the future, if I need a larger number of puppets, how many puppets can you provide in a short period of time?"

Qian Yuan's eyes lit up, and he understood that there might be big business to do in the future, he said, "Don't look at me as a puppet pavilion, a small family; however, my purchase channel connects all the puppets in the entire Yanyan Continent. Master! - I can satisfy you as much as you want!"

Qian Yuan's words are not bragging.

You must know that although the puppet group is not very prosperous, the Yanyan Continent is so vast, and the puppet masters in the entire Yanyan Continent are even more difficult to count than the stars in the sky! - As long as there are buyers, the Puppet Pavilion can indeed create hundreds of millions of puppets in a very short period of time!

"Oh!" Xu Ming nodded lightly and didn't say more.

At the price of twenty drops of divine marrow, he bought one million one-star puppets; then, amid the flattery of Qian Yuan's nod and bow, Xu Ming left the puppet pavilion and went to other places in Fangshi to hunt treasures.

However, when he walked out of the puppet pavilion, Xu Ming's eyes were very secretive and slightly cold: "Oh? Someone wants to die?"

A quarter of an hour later, in the Chilie Square, there was a palace decorated in a rustic yet arrogant manner.

"General! General!" A thin and treacherous Yinyue sixth-grade **** hurried in.

"Cao Jiu, what's the matter?" The general with a stubborn back, glanced at the Yinyue Rank 6 deity displeased, and asked.

This general is the expert in Chilie Mansion who is responsible for guarding Chilie Square. He is in charge of maintaining the order of The skinny and treacherous **** Cao Jiulianhui reported: "General, I found a strange Yinyue fourth-grade **** with a bottle full of gods. marrow!"

"Huh!?" The general was shocked, "Silver Moon Fourth Grade? A bottle full of spiritual essence?"


"Have you looked carefully?" The general narrowed his eyes slightly, rubbing his chin with one hand, thinking about something.

"Look very carefully!" Cao Jiu said, "Moreover, I think he looks like a lucky nouveau riche who doesn't know where to get the treasure; with his strength, he is not qualified to have a bottle of spiritual essence at all!"

You must know that even the King of Star Luo, who has occupied Xing Luo Island and has been in business for hundreds of millions of years, only has assets around a bottle of Spiritual Essence - he is a king-level existence!

Therefore, in the eyes of General and Cao Jiu, the weak Yinyue Fourth Grade is not qualified to own a bottle of Spiritual Essence!

"Take me to see it!" The general suddenly stood up - the wealth and silk moved people's hearts! Facing the temptation of a bottle of spiritual essence, he was moved!

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