Break Into Another World

Chapter 1004: important guests

"Don't mess with me!"

Xu Ming's aura was calm and cold.

"What an arrogant fourth-grade Yinyue!" Everyone looked at Xu Ming in astonishment—this was the first time they had seen such an arrogant fourth-grade Yinyue!

A flash of scarlet anger flashed across General Hong Xiao's eyes, and at the same time there was a trace of fear - after all, Xu Ming was too calm and calm! This made General Hong Xiao have to be afraid. Does Xu Ming have any trump card or some background?

But then, General Hong Xiao's fear was replaced by anger: "Humph! If he really wants to have a big background, he won't come to a place like Fangshi to buy things! In my opinion, most of them don't know where. Upstarts popping up..."

Thinking of this, General Hong Xiao's eyes showed greed again.

"Boy!" Cao Jiuhu stepped forward in a pretentious manner and shouted sharply, "Just because you are disrespectful to the general is a capital crime! If you don't hurry, you will be captured. Maybe the general will be merciful and will open up the net and let you live!"

"Capture without hand?" Xu Ming sneered.

"What? Could it be that you still dare to resist?" Cao Jiu said, grabbing Xu Ming directly. In his opinion, it is not a matter of hand to catch Xu Ming's silver moon rank 6, and catch Xu Ming's silver moon rank 4?

However, just as Cao Jiu made his move, he felt a flower in front of him, as if a palm shadow floated over.


A bright red slap was printed directly on Cao Jiu's face; his whole body was also swept away.



Everyone was shocked: "This fourth silver moon is not easy!"

"Huh?" General Hong Xiao was stunned for a moment, then burst into anger, "Presumptuous!!"


General Hong Xiao's aura, like a tsunami, overwhelmingly oppressed Xu Ming.

"Boy! I have tolerated you again and again! But you still dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"


The mighty iron fist slammed directly at Xu Ming: "Die!"

At this moment, the surrounding gods did not show any pity to Xu Ming, instead they all laughed: "The weak should have the consciousness of the weak!"

"Yinyue Fourth Grade, dare to be arrogant in front of General Hong Xiao! Now that he is dead, he can only blame himself!"

"Yeah! If God does evil, you can still live; if you do evil, you can't live!"

But at this moment, another palm shadow floated past.

This palm shadow was as fast as lightning, and even General Hong Xiao couldn't react in time. He only felt a pain in the face, and he was already slapped.


General Hong Xiao flew out directly and fell heavily to the ground.


The whole place was silent and silent. Everyone looked at General Hong Xiao in disbelief, and the bright red palm print on his face, unable to speak for a long time! - King-level existence! He was actually slapped away by Yinyue Fourth Grade!

how can that be?

Yet this is what happened!

"You're not a fourth-grade Yinyue!" General Hong Xiao looked at Xu Ming in horror, "Who are you? What's the purpose of coming to Chilie Mansion!?"

Xu Ming didn't even look at General Hong Xiao, he turned around and left.

The silver armored sergeants who surrounded Xu Ming, who dared to stop him, hurriedly made way out of the way.

"Don't mess with me!"

Xu Ming left indifferently, leaving only these three words coldly.

And this time, no one dared to stop Xu Ming, and no one dared to mock Xu Ming again. Everyone looked at Xu Ming with panic in their eyes.

Three days later.

Lu Qing brought Xu Ming and Yue Xin to the palace master's mansion.

"Yuexin!" said Lu Qing, Emperor Yanyan, "Palace Master Chilie and I have a good relationship, and there are many doubts about this banquet; after entering the palace master's mansion, put away your petty temper and don't mess around. say!"

"I understand!" Yue Xin's face was slightly serious.

"Yeah!" Lu Qing glanced at Xu Ming again and didn't say any more.

Lu Qing seemed to be speaking to Yue Xin, but in fact, he was mainly speaking to Xu Ming. She was worried that Xu Ming would be arrogant and arrogant if something happened to her, so she said this.

"Hahahaha..." At this moment, a hearty laughter sounded. A tall Taoist **** emperor came out of Chilie's mansion to greet him - it was the manor of Chilie's mansion!

His beard and hair were all fiery red, like a burning flame.

Beside him, there is another black-robed **** emperor, slightly behind half a step; behind him, there are hundreds of king-level existences following him.

"What a big battle!" Xu Ming secretly exclaimed—two **** emperors! Two or three hundred master kings!

The battle that was put out was already stronger than the entire Yanyan Divine Mountain!

"What do they mean by this? - Is it a very grand welcome? Or use this battle to give us a slap in the face?" Xu Ming watched silently, without making a sound.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xu Ming's eyes swept to a master king who was at the end of the team, "Isn't that General Hong Xiao?"

Although Xu Ming had long expected that he would probably meet General Hong Xiao at the palace master's mansion, but when he saw it, he still felt that... it was really a narrow road for the enemy!

However, to Xu Ming, General Hong Xiao was just a kitten and a puppy, and he had nothing to worry about!

"It's him!" Of course, General Hong Xiao also discovered Xu Ming; a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, but in this case, it was obviously not his turn to speak out.

"Hahahaha! God Emperor Yanyan, it's been a long time!" Palace Master Chilie smiled, "Last time, after we parted at the banquet of Jinzhu, we never met again, right?"

"Indeed!" Lu Qing also laughed, and at the same time, he gestured to the black-robed **** emperor beside the Palace Master Chilie, "God crying **** emperor!"

"Yeah!" The ghost crying **** emperor in black robe looked very cold, as if he couldn't laugh.

"God Emperor Yanyan, stop standing at the door, come in with me!"

Under the guidance of Palace Master Chilie, Lu Qing, Xu Ming, and Yue Xin all entered the banquet hall.

In the banquet hall there are many rectangular wooden tables; next to the wooden tables, there are futons. The three **** emperors, as well as hundreds of king-level experts, all sat cross-legged on the futon at one table.

The three of Lu Qing were in positions next to Palace Master Chilie.

However, Lu Qing found that the wooden table directly opposite her was empty.

"What other important people haven't come?" Lu Qing was a little curious.

After all, the seat directly opposite her was also next to Palace Master Chilie, and it was also a very important seat.

"Who could it be?" Lu Qing glanced at him, but didn't notice any important people in Chilie Mansion who didn't come!

"Haha!" At this time, Palace Master Chilie laughed, "God Emperor Yan Yan, are you curious, who is the seat opposite you reserved for? - To tell you the truth, today, in addition to entertaining you, Another very important guest was also entertained!"

important guests?

Lu Qing couldn't think of it more and more - who would it be?

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