Break Into Another World

Chapter 1007: Although the master does not want me

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For a time, the atmosphere was tense!

At this time, in the time and space temple branch of Chilie Mansion, Yun Ning shouted impatiently at the **** in charge: "Let your temple masters come to see me!"

The deity in charge is a somewhat treacherous fat man; he squinted at Xu Ming, and did not hide the contempt on his face: "Who is our hall master? How can you be a silver moon level, if you want to see it? Can you see?—It's not enough to make amends with your life for disturbing the hall master!"

Although the **** in charge seems to be very powerful, what he said has some truth.

You must know that in God's Domain, every Fucheng is a prosperous center of an endless and vast territory; therefore, the Palace of Time and Space in Fucheng is naturally very powerful! - The person who can serve as the master of the space-time hall in Fucheng is an emperor-level almighty!

"Molo", the hall master of the branch hall of Chilie Mansion, is the top existence among the **** emperors; his strength is slightly stronger than that of Mansion Chilie Mansion!

Therefore, if a silver-moon-level person disturbs Hall Master Mo Luo, it is indeed not enough to make amends with his life!

It's just... Is Yunning an ordinary silver moon?

"You..." Yun Ning was despised by this fat man in charge, how could he bear this breath? His spiritual power penetrated into the world ring, and he wanted to take out some treasures and smashed the Space-Time Hall to force God Emperor Moruo out.

But at this moment, an elegant Sword Immortal appeared in the Hall of Time and Space.

"Who is making the noise?" The elegant sword fairy said coldly.

Yun Ning was shocked when he heard this voice; he turned around quickly, looked at the elegant sword immortal, and sneered: "God Emperor Moruo, you are such a big arrogant! I came to your territory, but even yours No one can see it!"

This elegant sword immortal is God Emperor Moruo, and also the hall master of Chilie Palace's Space-Time Branch!

"Bold!" The fat man saw that Yun Ning, a silver-moon level, dared to talk to God Emperor Moruo in such a ruthless manner, and his face suddenly changed; Catch it first!

However, before Fatty Steward's attack could reach Yun Ning, he saw that God Emperor Moruo threw his sleeve towards him!


Although it is only a seemingly fluffy sleeve, it is as fast as lightning! The fat man in charge even felt that an unstoppable attack was coming, and he was blown away without any resistance.

"This..." Although the fat man was not injured, his expression was dazed. For a time, he couldn't understand why Emperor Moruo wanted to blast himself with a sleeve, "Palace Master..."

Immediately afterwards, the fat man saw an even more incredible scene! I saw God Emperor Mo Luo put a smile on his face after he blasted him, walked to Yun Ning, and smiled very amiably: "So it's Brother Yun Ning! Long time no see, how are you?"

Yun Ning...Brother! ?

The fat man in charge seemed to have seen something unbelievable, his mouth turned into an "O" shape, and he couldn't react for a long time: "The hall master actually... and a silver moon class brother!?"

The fat man in charge can't imagine why this Silver Moon class is so arrogant!

However, Yun Ning's shock to Fatty's manager didn't stop there!

"I've been very bad lately!" Yun Ning didn't give God Emperor Mo Luo any face at all.

"Hey—" The fat man in charge couldn't believe his eyes! He couldn't imagine why the Palace Master, who was usually very aloof, would be so enthusiastic now; he couldn't even imagine that the Yinyue-level named Yun Ning dared not give the Palace Master any face...

Yun Ning continued: "Emperor Moruo, after you became the master of the Space-Time Hall, you really got bigger and bigger! It's so difficult for people who want to see you now!"

Mo Luolian said: "Brother Yunning, you are here, just send me a message directly! - As long as it is your message, even if I am in seclusion, I will break out immediately, come and see. you!"

"Uh..." Yun Ning felt a little embarrassed when he heard the other party say this, "What... your communication frequency, I forgot..."

The frequency of communication, to put it bluntly, is equivalent to... a mobile phone number!


God Emperor Moruo almost had the urge to vomit blood - he didn't even bother to remember the frequency of my communication! This is a bit too disrespectful to my **** emperor, right?

However, God Emperor Moruo did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, but said: "Brother Yunning, 'Yunzhu' he... how has he been recently?"

Master Yun, the father of Yun Ning.

Moruo was able to break through to become a **** emperor because he had received a lot of advice from Master Yun; therefore, in front of Master Yun, Moruo always held the junior salute! -Since it is the junior of Yun Zhuo, it is naturally the same generation of Yun Ning!

It is precisely because of this that Mo Luo, a dignified **** emperor, would call Yun Ning a silver-moon-level brother.

"My father... has been trying to find a way to break through, but he has never been able to take that last step!" Yun Ning sighed.

Mo Luo was in awe: "With the peerless aptitude of Lord Yun, you will definitely be able to take that last step! At that time, Lord Yun will become one of the most peak existences in the God's Domain! - By the way, Brother Yunning, you come to Time and Space. The temple wants to…?”

"Find someone for me!" There is no politeness between Yun Ning and God Emperor Mo Luo; the reason why he talks to God Emperor Mo Luo so casually, even with a bit of teasing, is because of the relationship between the two. friendship is very good.

At the end, Yun Ning added another sentence: "This fat man thinks my cultivation is low, so he won't help me check!"

"Oh?" God Emperor Moruo gave Fatty Steward a cold look.

Fatty Steward Lian explained, "This brother Yunning, oh no, what Senior Yunning wants to investigate is a person named 'Xu Ming'..."

The fat man originally wanted to call "Brother Yunning", but suddenly found that if he called it like this, wouldn't it be the same as God Emperor Moruo's calling? In front of God Emperor Moruo, the fat man is an absolute junior; therefore, he can only offer Yun Ning as a senior!

God Emperor Moruo ignored the fat man in charge, UU reading www. uukanshu. Instead, he pulled Yun Ning and said, "Brother Yunning, your time is precious. I will take you to check on that person named Xu Ming..."

A quarter of an hour later.

Yun Ning stared at the divine mirror used for investigation in the Space-Time Hall in disbelief, and was pleasantly surprised: "Master, he is actually in the Chilie Mansion! Moreover, he is now in the mansion of the Chilie Mansion! - Master and I really have a fate! I will follow If you come to this Red Lie Mansion casually, you can meet Master!"

God Emperor Mo Luo looked at Yun Ning's face in surprise and couldn't help but curiously asked, "Brother Yun Ning, this Xu Ming is...?"

Yun Ning said sternly: "The name 'Xu Ming' is taboo, but you can't call it casually! - He is my master!"

At the same time, Yun Ning added to himself in his stomach - even though Master doesn't want me!

"You... Master!?"

(End of this chapter)

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