Break Into Another World

Chapter 1009: scapegoat

Lord Yun, one of the absolute top existences in the Yanyan Continent; even in the entire God Realm, he is also famous.

And Palace Master Chilie, at most, can only be regarded as a local snake in Chilie Palace; compared with Master Yun, it is completely different! Lord Yun can easily sweep the entire Red Lie Mansion by just dispatching one of his subordinate generals!

Palace Master Chilie had met Yun Ning once—it was at Yunning's coming-of-age ceremony, when Master Yun invited all the great powers of the Divine Realm; at that time, Palace Master Chilie could only sit at the end and take a glimpse from a distance Yunning.

Therefore, when he recognized Yun Ning, Palace Master Chilie trembled all of a sudden, and he ignored the chaotic atmosphere in the banquet hall.

However, Yun Ning didn't even look at Palace Master Chilie; his attention was entirely on Xu Ming.

"Master! I found you!"

Yun Ning ran to Xu Ming excitedly. And the masters who were restrained by the masters of the Red Lie Palace, all quickly retreated and fell to the ground under the wave of God Emperor Moruo.

"Er..." Xu Ming was speechless - this Yun Ning was really a pair of dog skin plaster; he had already figured out a way to get rid of him, but he was still able to figure out a way to get together.

At this time, Lu Qing, God Emperor Baili, God Emperor Guiku also recognized Yun Ning's identity!

Yun Ning, the only son of Lord Yun! And the strength of Lord Yun is said to be able to rank in the top ten in the entire God's Domain, and it is also known as "the first person under the saints of Yanyan Continent"!

If the saint does not leave, the Yanyan Continent is the world dominated by the cloud!

What really shocked Lu Qing, God Emperor Baili, and God Emperor Guiku was that Yun Ning called Xu Ming "Master" excitedly!

Doesn't this mean that Xu Ming's identity is to some extent on an equal footing with Master Yun!

But does the shock just stop there?

Do not!

Before everyone could recover from the shock, another shocking scene appeared!

I saw God Emperor Moruo respectfully approaching Xu Ming, bowing slightly and shouting, "Senior Xu Ming!"

Xu Ming...Senior?

The scene was silent for a while, except for the sound of heavy breathing.

The meaning of the word "senior" can be light or heavy; the main thing is to see who it came from! —And who is God Emperor Moruo? He is the highest person in charge of the Space-Time Hall in the Chilie Mansion, and possesses the strength of the peak of the God Emperor; he can make God Emperor Moruo call "Senior", the weight of which can be imagined!

Therefore, God Emperor Moruo's "Senior" voice was even more shocking than Yun Ning's "Master"! Even... Xu Ming was shocked.

"Uh... who are you?" Xu Ming obviously didn't know God Emperor Mo Luo yet, but he could feel God Emperor Mo Luo's extraordinary strength!

Although God Emperor Mo Luo saw that Xu Ming's cultivation base was only the fourth grade of Yinyue, but he did not dare to treat Xu Ming as a silver moon. God Emperor Mo Luo thought that Xu Ming's strength was too strong, so he He couldn't see Xu Ming's true cultivation.

So, seeing the question from "Senior Xu Ming", Moruo said quickly: "I have friends with Yun Ning, the senior is Yun Ning's master, so I should call you senior!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming was still stunned.

The scene also suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation, as if all of a sudden, everyone didn't know what to do.

God Emperor Baili and Palace Master Chilie originally wanted to unite to deal with God Emperor Yanyan; but now, this situation makes them really feel in a dilemma!

Enter? - God Emperor Moruo is not a vegetarian, and Yun Ning's identity is not a joke! If you really do it, Palace Master Chilie has no certainty that he will be able to obtain benefits.

retreat? - This is hilarious! Palace Master Chilie has no place to put aside his face, and he finally used a banquet to trick God Emperor Yan Yan to come here. The next time he wants to trick God Emperor Yan Yan to come here, it won't be so easy!

Moreover... the current situation is whether to advance or retreat, and it seems that Palace Master Chilie is not the one who has the final say!

"Master!" Yun Ning said with incomparable attentiveness, "I saw someone trying to attack you just now, what's the matter?"

Before Xu Ming could speak, Yue Xin even said, "Let me tell you! - General Hong Xiao of their Chilie Mansion, peeping at Xu Ming's belongings, was taught a lesson by Xu Ming; Mansion Lie bites back, slandering that Xu Ming is domineering in Chilie Mansion, and now he has to do something to us!"

The moment the conflict broke out, Xu Ming had already spoken to Lu Qing and Yue Xin about the whole story. Now that Yun Ning asks, Yue Xin can't help but say it.

"Bite back?" Palace Master Chilie was about to explode when he heard these four words - he even used the word "bite" to describe him, what did he take as Palace Master Chilie?


And Yun Ning almost exploded after hearing this! - A mere Palace Master Chilie dared to slander his master, and still wanted to do something to his master?

This made Yun Ning's petty temper very unbearable!

In order to flatter "Senior Xu Ming", God Emperor Mo Luo's face sank, and he shouted: "Palace Master Chilie, you are really getting more and more arrogant and domineering! Very good!"

God Emperor Mo Luo's powerful aura directly oppressed Palace Master Chilie: "Why don't you catch that Hong Xiao and confess his guilt?"

Generally speaking, whether it is a low-level divine city, a medium-sized divine city, a high-level divine city, or even a government city, the city lord should be the strongest, followed by the controllers of forces such as the Space-Time Hall and the Void Heaven Realm; but in Chilie Mansion, it is not In such a situation - "God Emperor Moruo", the master of the Space-Time Division Hall, is the number one expert in the city of Chilie Mansion! Even Palace Master Chilie is slightly inferior to him!

Therefore, seeing God Emperor Mo Luo's anger, Palace Master Chilie's expression also changed, and he even shouted: "Bold Hong Xiao, don't stand up immediately, and tell the whole story clearly!"

Since the appearance of Yun Ning and God Emperor, General Hong Xiao has been in a state of ignorance; of course, he can also see that Xu Ming's identity seems to be very good! Even better than the Emperor Yanyan!

Trembling with fear, General Hong Xiao stood up and explained the conflict with Xu Ming in Chiliefang that day.

Of course, Palace Master Chilie already knew that the truth of the matter was like this; but before, he wanted to use this incident as an excuse to deal with Lu Qing and Xu Ming, and force Lu Qing to cede Zhuotian Peak.

But now, Palace Master Chilie has to pretend that he just knew the truth, and put on a shocked expression: "What!? Hong Xiao, the truth of the matter is so!? You actually did such a thing. Come on, how dare the wicked sue first!?"

"Palace Master, I..." General Hong Xiao was about to defend himself.

"Needless to say! - You are so sinful that you almost caused me to neglect your honored guest. You really deserve to die!" After speaking, Palace Master Chilie waved his hand and killed General Hong Xiao with one palm! - Faced with this situation, Palace Master Chilie decisively pushed Hong Xiao out as a scapegoat; he didn't even give him a chance to speak up!

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