Break Into Another World

Chapter 1014: Soldiers in a different world

Millions of gods and puppets, monstrous.

The terrifying momentum even made the surrounding space tremble - the space in the dust world is too fragile! Millions of **** puppets appeared all at once. Although these **** puppets did not deliberately exude momentum, they still showed signs of collapse in the space!

"Give me town!"

Xu Ming manipulated the momentum and suppressed the momentum of the millions of gods and puppets; only then did the surrounding space return to calm.

The human race gods are all silent.

After a long time, someone said, "Brother Ming... These are..."

Xu Ming smiled lightly and said, "These are all puppets I bought in God's Domain, and I managed to transport them back to the Endless Continent! There are a million of them in total!"



All over the place is the sound of breathing cold air!

Before Xu Ming was born, even in the most prosperous Jiuyu era of the human race, there was only Jiuyu True God. And now? —The human race not only has thousands of gods, but also millions of gods and puppets!

Too tyrannical!

So invincible!

Every human race deity, especially those human race ancestors who have experienced a debilitating age, are full of emotions, and even have a feeling of tears in their eyes - isn't it the goal of each of them to make the race strong? Now, this goal has not only been achieved, but it is also a thousand times stronger than what they had dreamed of before!

"Brother Ming, you brought back so many **** puppets, do you want to...?" Chu Ji seemed to have a premonition.

Xu Ming said: "I want you to lead these puppets to conquer the world of billions of dust!"


The human race gods are more and more passionate - this day has finally come! From then on, the footprints of the human race will no longer be limited to the endless continent, but will spread across countless dust worlds!

The human race will dominate the world of billions of dust particles!

"But Brother Ming, how can we go to other dust worlds?" Another human **** said.

After leaving the world of dust, those destructive winds are too powerful! Ordinary star-level gods can't resist the wind of destruction at all; even Xu Ming was blown to the realm of the gods by the wind of destruction without any resistance.

"Of course you don't have to worry about this issue!" Xu Ming waved his hand with a smile, and a large group of black monsters with blood wings appeared immediately—the same demons who had invaded the Endless Continent.

However, at this time, all the more than a thousand demons were already at the level of gods!

"Brother Ming...this?" The human race gods were a little shocked - they didn't expect that these demons have become gods!

"No need to panic!" Xu Ming said indifferently, "These demons have all been enslaved by my soul and are absolutely loyal to our human race! - I gave them the essence of gods and demons to help them become gods! From now on, they will help our human race develop Space channel, to fight in the world of dust!"

The essence of gods and demons, one drop can make a demigod become a **** directly! This kind of treasure is very precious even to the star-level gods in the Divine Realm; but to Xu Ming, it is nothing!

"How to conquer the world of billions of dust, how to let our human race spread branches and leaves in the world of billions of dust, it is up to you to negotiate, I will not intervene!" Xu Ming directly acted as a hand-seller, "Of course. , if you feel that the number of **** puppets is not enough, tell me too! This kind of low-level **** puppet is not very valuable, and I can easily get a lot of them!"

Can you get a lot easily?

Human race gods, another burst of excitement!

Three days later, the top officials of the human race finalized the details of attacking the world of billions of dust.

The army of millions of puppets is divided into ten directions! Under the leadership of the human race gods, at the same time marching towards the dust world in all directions of the endless continent, sweeping all the way!

Blood Demon Realm.

This is a dusty world completely occupied by the Gorefiends.

The Gorefiend family has absolute power here; and the human beings in this world can only be raised in captivity like pigs, and will never turn over!

Gorefiend! —It is the imperial city of the Gorefiend Realm! More than half of the top experts of the Gorefiend clan lived in this city.

"Your Majesty the Blood Emperor, what would you like to eat for lunch?" A blood demon attendant looked at their emperor respectfully, with fervent admiration in his eyes!

His Majesty the Blood Emperor, the strongest in the Gorefiend world, is a one-star god! In the dust world, this strength is already an invincible existence!

His Majesty the Blood Emperor, who was rolling around with scarlet blood energy, frowned and thought for a while, and said, "Today...

His Majesty the Blood Emperor eloquently reported a lot of dish names.

They are all common dishes in the Gorefiend world!

At the end, His Majesty the Blood Emperor added: "Remember, it must be a human being with the strength of Taoism, and it must also be a woman! - I want to have a good meal at noon today!"

The attendant said helplessly: "Your Majesty the Blood Emperor, the human beings with Dao Zun's strength have already been eaten up! Until now, no new Taoist has appeared in the captive human beings!"

Dao Zun level, in the dust world can be regarded as an absolute master! Among the human beings raised by the Gorefiends, although Dao Zun masters occasionally appear; however, they will soon be eaten. After being eaten, if you want to give birth to a new Taoist, you have to wait for a long time!

"What!?" His Majesty the Blood Emperor's face sank, a little displeased, "It's rare that I want to eat a good meal, but I don't have it! - What is the strength of the strongest human being right now?"

"His Majesty, he is a six-step Taoist!"

"Damn! It's so weak!?" His Majesty the Blood Emperor stared, helplessly said, "You have to eat it as soon as you can!—Go and prepare!"

"Yes!" The attendant immediately stepped back to prepare.

In the Gorefiend City, the palace is extremely huge.

There are 100,000 humans in captivity in the palace, and all of them are elites! - After all, they are not elites, and they are not qualified to be sent to the palace to be "vegetables".

Among these human beings, there is a female Daoist with a beautiful face, who is practicing cross-legged painstakingly—Song Xiu, Six-step Daoist, is currently the strongest human being in this dusty world!

However, deep in her eyes, there was deep despair.

" it really useful?"

People are swords and I am The entire Gorefiend world is the domain of Gorefiends; no matter how hard the human beings cultivate, they cannot escape the fate of being treated by Gorefiends as a meal on a plate!

If you practice, you will become a meal on the plate; if you don't practice, you will become a meal in the plate faster.


At this moment, the formation in the sky opened, and a Jinpao Gorefiend demigod stepped into the cage of the human race.

"It's him!"

The captive human race recognizes this Gorefiend—he is the attendant of His Majesty the Blood Emperor. Every time he appears here, it means that His Majesty the Blood Emperor wants to eat people again!

"This time, who will be chosen?" Everyone knows that His Majesty the Blood Emperor eats people and likes to eat strong ones.


At this time, the blood claw of the blood demon attendant directly grabbed Song Xiu, the six-step Taoist master.

"It's me..." There was despair in Song Xiu's eyes, but also relief.

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