Break Into Another World

Chapter 1016: plane immigration

A full 100,000 **** puppets!

The terrifying momentum ripped apart the void and swept the world.

The fragile space is constantly being torn apart under the aura of 100,000 puppets. Evil space cracks spread across the sky, and the entire dusty world seems to be doomed.

The creatures in this world felt that a huge rock was pressed against their hearts, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

And His Majesty the Blood Emperor, the most ardently worshipped of the Gorefiends, was completely frightened at this time!

Yes, I was stunned!

His Majesty the Blood Emperor, to put it bluntly, is just an ordinary one-star god. Where have you seen such a big scene? - In the face of 100,000 gods and puppets, it is normal to be directly frightened!


However, His Majesty the Blood Emperor's reaction was fairly quick; after a short period of stunned, he rushed directly to the top of Jiuxiao!

"As long as I rush out of the dust world's membrane wall, I can survive!"

Beyond the membrane wall of the dusty world, there is the endless wind of destruction!

In the wind of destruction, the gods will be blown to the realm without resistance.

His Majesty the Blood Emperor does not believe that these gods and puppets who have appeared out of nowhere will chase and kill him to the outside of the world's membrane wall!

"Escape?" Chu Ji sneered - I am here with an army of 100,000 puppets. If you let you escape, that would be a joke!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

From the eyes of hundreds of puppets, red light shot towards His Majesty the Blood Emperor.

How could the poor blood emperor bear the salvos of hundreds of masters of the same level? Only one wave of attacks, and then the body is dead!



The entire Gorefiend City was in shock.

Everyone can see that these 100,000 puppets all possess the power of gods!

Then, Chu Ji ordered another sentence: "Everyone spreads out, slaughtering the blood demons of the entire dust world, not a single one is left!"

These blood demons dare to keep humans as pigs in captivity, **** it!

Although, these human beings are not the same as the human races of the Endless Continent; but in the final analysis, they are all human races.

boom! boom! boom! …

The 100,000 army, divided into 100,000 directions, aggressively attacked all parts of this dusty world.

Chu Ji took a step and came to Song Xiu's side; he killed the blood demon who had captured Song Xiu and rescued him.

"Thank you, senior!" Song Xiu looked at Chu Ji with gratitude and shock.

"Alas..." Chu Ji sighed, "The strongest human beings in the entire dust world is you, the Six-step Daoist..."

Speaking of which, it's really pathetic!

Song Xiu said: "If it wasn't for the appearance of the seniors, I would have become the meal of His Majesty the Blood Emperor!"

"It's all over!" Chu Ji comforted.

"Yes!" Song Xiu was in a surging mood and asked cautiously, "Senior, who are you..."

"We came from another world of dust!" Chu Ji said, "We have occupied this world of dust! At that time, the human race of our own world will come here to thrive!"

"Well..." Song Xiu took it for granted.

However, Song Xiu's mood was not calm - she was deeply shocked by how powerful the human race in the dusty world in Chuji was! It's just an army that came out to fight, and there are actually 100,000 gods and puppets!

"In any case, it's much better than before! Our human race will never be raised like a pig again!" Song Xiu's mood was simply indescribable.

At this time, Chu Ji said again: "The original human beings in your world, I will set aside a place for you to live! At that time, we will not invade each other!"

Song Xiu is the strongest human being in this dust world, and is likely to become the leader in the future; therefore, if Chu Ji has anything to say, she will tell her directly.

"Thank you!" Song Xiu said gratefully.

She knows very well that with the tyrannical strength of the other party, it is normal even if they don't give them any living space.

Now, being able to have a place to live is the best result for the human beings in this dusty world!

How high is the killing efficiency of the gods!

Soon, the entire Gorefiend City was slaughtered. One after another, the gods controlled the divine power and wiped the entire Gorefiend directly from the ground; of course, the captive humans were protected.

At this time, Chu Ji showed an extremely pious and solemn look, and said, "Sacrifice the statue of the palm god!"

Palm God statue?

Song Xiu was stunned - such a strange name!

However, when Song Xiu saw that Chu Ji and other gods were so serious, she naturally did not dare to talk nonsense.

A huge golden statue as high as a hundred miles was removed from the world ring by Chu Ji.

Song Xiu stared blankly at the golden statue—the handsome figure carved by the statue.

"Is this the 'God of Palm'?" For some reason, Song Xiu felt that the figure on this statue seemed to have some very magical charm.

"Here, it should be the place where the luck of this dusty world gathers; put the statue of Brother Ming here!" Chuji's consciousness enveloped the whole dusty world, and of course, it was easy to find the fate of the dust. Convergence point.

In fact, His Majesty the Blood Emperor established the Gorefiends here, not because of the luck here!

The statue is erected.

Song Xiu saw that Chu Ji and other gods all looked at the statue with extremely pious eyes.

"Senior! Can I also believe in the Palm God?" Song Xiu asked cautiously.

"Oh?" Chu Ji glanced at her in surprise and said with a smile, "Of course you can! - However, since you want to believe, you must believe in your heart!"

"That's for sure!" Song Xiu said.

Song Xiu's belief in Xu Ming really came from the heart. Because, if it wasn't for Xu Ming, then the human beings in this dusty world would be kept in captivity forever! There will never be a day to turn around!

And it is precisely because of Xu Ming that the entire human beings in the dusty world are freed from the sea of ​​misery.

Gradually Song Xiu closed her eyes reverently, and slowly knelt down beside the palm **** statue, feeling her belief in the palm god.

After sweeping this dusty world, Chu Ji released hundreds of millions of human races from the world ring! —These human races are all "planet immigrants" from the endless continent! With the reproductive ability of human beings, it only takes a few hundred years; the traces of these human races can spread across the entire continent.

Chu Ji left behind a **** puppet, responsible for guarding this dusty world. After that, he took the gods and the gods and puppets on the road to conquer other dust worlds!

The pace of the other nine-way army is similar to that of Chuji; now, they are all stepping into the next world of dust!

The battle plan of the Tenth Route Army is actually very simple - if it encounters the dust world occupied by aliens, it will be swept away mercilessly! When encountering a dusty world occupied by the same human race, they will negotiate with the other party and occupy a part of the site.

Xu Ming's beliefs were quickly spread to the world of dust. The deity of Xu Ming, who practiced the school of belief, is also constantly improving.

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