Break Into Another World

Chapter 1018: How would you like to?

The world of Sirius is a dusty world similar to the endless continent.

It was in this dusty world that the army of 100,000 puppets led by Chu Ji encountered trouble.

"Ten-star gods..." Chu Ji looked weakly at the ferocious werewolf in the distance.

Just now, the werewolf killed hundreds of gods and puppets with a wave of his hand; moreover, it told Chu Ji that he had the strength of ten-star gods!

As soon as he heard that the other party was a ten-star deity, Chu Ji crushed the karma letter without hesitation, and informed Xu Ming—there is no way, the gap between the one-star deity and the ten-star deity cannot be made up by quantity at all!

Not to mention 100,000 **** puppets, even a million **** puppets will be easily wiped out.

Therefore, Chu Ji did not dare to act rashly.

After all, the loss of 100,000 gods and puppets is a small matter, but if one human race gods die, it will be a big deal! - Although the human race gods are weak, their significance to the human race is extraordinary! You must know that many of them are the ancestors of the human race who once opened up and expanded their territories!

"So many gods and puppets... What is your origin!?" The ferocious werewolf looked at Chu Ji with some fear!

Although these gods puppets are weak, but the other party can send so many gods puppets, it can be seen that it is absolutely extraordinary!


At this moment, a powerful spiritual force descended on this dusty world. The tyrannical power of this spiritual power made even the ferocious werewolf with the strength of the ten-star gods feel deeply frightened.

"Who is it!?" The ferocious werewolf looked up at the sky in horror.


Time and space in the sky were distorted, and the wind and clouds were surging, revealing a huge and determined face - exactly Xu Ming's face.

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming is here!"

Chu Ji and other human race gods are very excited. In their eyes, Brother Ming is omnipotent; now that Brother Ming has arrived, the current crisis is no longer a crisis!

"Under the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf, who is Your Excellency!?" The ferocious werewolf looked at Xu Ming with fear—although Xu Ming only projected his mental power into this dusty world, it still made the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf smell a hint of threat!

"What a strong existence!" The Lord of Heavenly Wolf was secretly surprised, "The projection of mental power projected from other dust worlds actually made me feel threatened!"

You must know that the strength that mental projection can exert is not necessarily even one ten thousandth! It's just a projection of mental power, and it is so powerful; the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf can't imagine how strong the strength of this huge human face in the sky will be!

"Ten-star gods!" Xu Ming saw through the true strength of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf at a glance, and couldn't help but be shocked, "In the world of dust, I can see an existence like you!"

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf laughed at himself: "I have only lived in the dust world for hundreds of millions of years before I can have the strength I have now! Besides, my strength is really insignificant compared to your Excellency. Very!"

Living in a dusty world for billions of years?

Hearing this, Xu Ming couldn't help but secretly admire it! —The Lord of the Heavenly Wolf really can’t hold back his curiosity! After living in the dust world for hundreds of millions of years, I couldn't help but go to God's Domain!

This kind of control over curiosity, Xu Ming can't do it!

"Who is your Excellency, who can project spiritual power here from other dust worlds!" The Lord of Heavenly Wolf said again.

The distance between the two dust worlds is undoubtedly extremely far! Even if it is the two nearest dust worlds, at least the strength of the silver moon level is required to cross the plane and come to the spiritual projection!

The Lord of Sirius has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and this is the first time he has seen such a tyrannical spiritual force!

"I, Xu Ming! It's a human race from another mote world!" Xu Ming briefly introduced himself.

"These gods and puppets are all your subordinates, right? What do you mean by sending them to my dust world? Do you want to occupy my dust world?" .

Xu Ming smiled and said, "It just happened to be passing by, they will leave immediately!"

"Brother Ming?" Chu Ji couldn't help sound transmission, "Really want us to leave?"

Xu Ming's voice transmission replied: "In a world of dust, it's really not easy to be born with a ten-star god! - Let's leave, and treat this ten-star **** with respect; moreover, we are not bad for such a small god. Dust world!"

"Yes!" Chu Ji thought about it and said.

Now, the dust world occupied by the human race has reached tens of thousands; indeed, there are not many dust worlds more, and there are not many less.


The tree wants to be still and the wind is not constant!

"Leave!?" The Lord of Heavenly Wolf shouted coldly, "You guys don't take me too seriously, don't you? - In my world of dust, come when you want, and leave when you want?"

"Presumptuous!" Chu Ji shouted, "Brother Ming let you live, how dare you not know what's wrong? It's really shameless!"

Xu Ming was also a little displeased: "Lord of the Heavenly Wolf, I really want to kill you, shouldn't it be difficult?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Wolf smiled coldly: "Senior Xu Ming, I know that your strength is extraordinary! But I guess, your mental projection is not enough to kill me, right?"

Xu Ming's face sank slightly - the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf is right, his mental projection is indeed not enough to kill a ten-star god!

The main reason is the distance between the Endless Continent and the Heavenly Wolf World, which is really far away; when Xu Ming's spiritual power spread to this place, it was already at the end of the force, and there was not much power left! If it were two dust worlds that were relatively close, Xu Ming's spiritual projection could still directly kill the ten-star gods.

Of course, if Xu Ming used the "Book of Life and Death", he could also kill the opponent.

Just open the "Book of Life and Death", the farther the distance, the more exaggerated the required hanging point! The cost of killing the Lord of Sirius with the "Book of Life and Death" is as high as killing a silver first-level beside him!

Of course Xu Ming was unwilling to pay such a huge price for a ten-star **** and a world of dust!

"My spiritual projection can't really kill you!" Xu Ming said, "However, it's not difficult for me to personally come to this dusty world to kill you!"

"I know!" The Lord of the Heavenly Wolf looked like "bare feet are not afraid to wear shoes", "However, it will definitely take a long time for you to come in person; and this period of time is enough for me to kill your human race. These gods are gone! - After killing them, I will immediately go to the realm of the gods; in that case, what can you do with me?"

Go to the realm?

Even if the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf went to the Divine Realm, it would not be difficult for Xu Ming to kill him. But right now, Xu Ming didn't dare to provoke the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf; otherwise, if he provokes his ferocity and slaughtered the gods of the human race desperately, then Xu Ming would be too late to regret it!

"What do you want?" Xu Ming knew that the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf just wanted to make a request; otherwise, he wouldn't say so much nonsense!

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