Break Into Another World

Chapter 1020: Belief in God

[There is a clerical error in the previous article, the price of killing the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf in the "Book of Life and Death" is not equivalent to killing a silver first-level, but killing a king's first-level (the silver moon has no first-level, it is a first-rank, 2nd product), which has now been corrected. Readers in other places may not be able to see my corrected content; so I post a post here to clarify. 】

Kill the Lord of Sirius with one arrow, and shoot through seven worlds of dust at the same time!

Xu Ming's methods can only be described in four words - terrifying!

In the world of Sirius, everyone was silent next to the deep hole where Xu Ming shot through the world.

"Is this the strength of Brother Ming?" Chu Ji really felt his own insignificance.

"No!" Immediately, another human **** shook his head and said, "Brother Ming's really powerful clone has already gone to God's Domain! Those who remain in the Endless Continent are just the weaker clone of Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming's strength has already reached a point that we can't imagine!"

"Yeah! If one day, I can have one percent, oh no, one thousandth of Brother Ming's strength, then I will have no regrets!"

"Wonderful! How can the gap between Brother Ming and us be measured by orders of magnitude?"

Xu Ming himself was actually a little shocked: "Oh, I'll go, it turns out that the defense of the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf is so weak; I accidentally used too much force!"

Xu Ming's gigantic face transformed from his spiritual power lowered his head and looked down at the deep hole that penetrated the world. He couldn't help but feel complacent in his heart.

At the beginning, when Xu Ming first saw the Eternal Demon Pit in the Endless Continent, he was so shocked - at that time, he couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying attack that could penetrate the entire world!

And now, for Xu Ming, traversing the world is nothing more than a piece of cake!

Xu Ming looked at the gods such as Chu Ji and said, "The Lord of the Heavenly Wolf is dead, and the next step to conquer the Heavenly Wolf World will be handed over to you!"

With that said, Xu Ming's huge face of spiritual power immediately dissipated in the sky.

The powerhouses of the Sirius Clan were extremely desperate—even the Lord of Sirius was easily killed, how could they resist?

Holy area.

Yanyan Mountain.

It took only seven days for Lu Qing to help Xu Ming refine the divine weapon.

However, after refining it, it does not mean that this divine weapon can be used directly! Next, Lu Qing will spend a longer time, forging, training spirit, inscriptions, etc.

However, although the latter processes take a lot longer, Lu Qing no longer needs to concentrate completely on the seven days of refining the divine weapon.


Cultivation has no time.

After I don't know how long I waited, the door of the refining room finally opened with a bang. Lu Qing walked out with a spear whose imposing manner could hardly be seen.

The shaft of the spear is made of the emerald bamboo stick left by the bamboo sage, so it is green. As for the spearhead, it was only made by Lu Qing that combined countless precious materials;

"This is my natal magic weapon?" Xu Ming took it excitedly.

"Give this gun a name!" Lu Qing said.

Xu Ming's name was naturally very casual, and he said without thinking, "Let's call it Samsara Gun!"

Xu Ming and the word "reincarnation" have always been related!

"Yeah!" Lu Qing nodded, "Nurture this spear well! - How strong your natal magic weapon can grow depends on how strong you are, and how much effort you put into nurturing it! Of course, the most The best way to conceive is..."

"Killing!" Lu Qing slowly spit out these two words.

Years are quiet.

In the following year, God Emperor Baili did not come to attack the Yanyan Mountain; this made Xu Ming and Lu Qing feel very incredible!

After all, when he was in the Chilie Mansion, God Emperor Baili had exhausted all his means in order to obtain the Burning Heaven Peak in the Yanyan Sacred Mountain! It can be seen that Zhuotian Peak should be very important to God Emperor Baili!

Since it is a very important thing, how can it be possible to give up after a setback?

"It's impossible!" Xu Ming and Lu Qing were very sure.

Since God Emperor Baili cannot easily give up, the only explanation is that God Emperor Baili is brewing the power to attack Yanyan Sacred Mountain!

I am afraid that God Emperor Baili will not make a move, but if he makes a move, he is absolutely sure that he will win the Yanyan Mountain.

And now, it's the quiet phase before the storm!

In the past year, Lu Qing has also carefully probed Zhuotian Peak, wanting to see what secrets it contains; however, there is no gain! —In fact, this is quite normal. If the secrets of the Burning Heaven Peak were so easy to find out; then, Lu Qing lived in the Burning Heaven Peak for hundreds of millions of years, and it is estimated that he would have discovered it long ago!

Even Xu Ming used "Exploration" to investigate, but it was also unsuccessful!

"There must be something hidden in this Burning Heaven Peak that I can't find out! Otherwise, God Emperor Baili wouldn't be like a mad dog, occupying the Burning Heaven Peak very much!" Xu Ming was very sure.

A world of billions of dust.

The road of the human race's expedition was very smooth.

One dusty world after another has fallen into the territory of the human race; one after another statue of palm gods stands in the place where the luck of another world converges.

In those dusty worlds where human beings existed before, the humans there, after hearing about Brother Ming's legendary deeds, gradually developed faith in Brother Ming.

More and more power of belief gathered on the palm **** statue, and then transmitted to Xu Ming.

When the power of belief accumulates to a certain level... Quantitative change finally produces qualitative change!

The deity who cultivates the belief genre will finally become a god!

"Faith genre becomes god!"

The deity of Xu Ming felt the radiant divine power within himself—this was the divine power composed of the power of faith!

Faith is inexhaustible, divine power is inexhaustible!

Since then, Xu Ming has become a **** in the five schools of Heavenly Dao, Ancient Cultivator, Faith, Qi, and Mind.

"The five major schools of cultivation are really different!" Xu Ming felt silently, "However, I feel that there is some kind of connection between them!"

As for the specific connection, Xu Ming can't say it yet; however, when Xu Ming's strength reaches a certain height, he will definitely discover the connection!

What Xu Ming didn't know was that when he believed in a school and became a god...

The "sanctuary", one of the seven continents of God's Domain, a dead figure that has never moved, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Oh? There are still people who dare to practice the school of belief?" There was a touch of surprise in the turbid eyes of the withered figure.

Lv Qing once warned Xu Ming that the school of faith and the school of luck, these two schools, it is best not to practice! Especially the belief school, she was warned by her to "don't cultivate"!

However, Xu Ming did not heed Lu Qing's warning and embarked on the cultivation path of the faith school.

At this time, the withered figure slightly felt the surrounding void: "It turned out to be in the dust world, cultivating the school of belief to become a god! A kid in the dust world, I am afraid he doesn't know what it means to cultivate the school of belief! —Humph, let's 'raise' him first! When he cultivates deeply, it will also help me a bit!"

Thinking of this, the withered figure closed his turbid eyes again.

From the beginning to the end, he just checked at random, but did not check the specific situation of Xu Ming. Therefore, the withered figure only knows that Xu Ming is in the world of dust, and he has become a **** in the school of belief; but he does not know that Xu Ming has four bodies and Xu Ming's achievements in the other four schools.

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