Break Into Another World

Chapter 1022: better than nothing

Time and space are changing rapidly.

The feeling of confusion in time and space made Xu Ming faintly want to vomit. Of course, Xu Ming's willpower was as strong as steel, and he quickly got used to it.

"The time and space disorder this time is much more serious than the last time I went on a mercenary mission! It seems that the mission location this time is much farther away!"

The farther the destination of the teleportation, the stronger the distortion of time and space, and the stronger the sense of confusion.


Just a quarter of an hour later, a white light appeared in front of Xu Ming's eyes and descended into a luxurious palace complex.


Before Xu Ming could observe the situation around him, his expression suddenly changed: "What a powerful space oppression!"


The terrifying space oppression rolled over Xu Ming like a heavy mountain; although it had no effect on Xu Ming, it still shocked him: "What the **** is this place? The space oppression here is three times as high as that of God's Domain! "

However, Xu Ming didn't care much either.

After all, the Divine Realm is endless and vast, and there will always be some magical places. Moreover, there are also some super-existing Divine Kingdoms in the Divine Realm, which have also evolved to perfection, and will also be very special.

However, what Xu Ming didn't know was that he had oversimplified the land under his feet!

At this time, the third young pavilion master Mu Zifan, who was dressed in fancy clothes, walked out of the largest palace and greeted Xu Ming.

"Finally someone accepts the mission..." Mu Zifan thought to himself.

Xu Ming was the first to accept the mission! - After all, Mu Zifan's mission conditions are indeed a bit harsh; at least one must defeat a thousand, such a heaven-defying genius is absolutely rare!

Mu Zifan was actually quite satisfied with the fact that he could now have one to accept the quest.

Immediately, Mu Zifan's eyes fell on Xu Ming.

"Silver Moon Fourth Grade?" Mu Zifan was slightly disappointed, "The cultivation base is too low! It is even lower than the cultivation base of my original two heaven-defying geniuses!"

The two heaven-defying geniuses that Mu Zifan had raised were also of the fifth rank of Yinyue.

"However... Hiring a heaven-defying genius through the Ten Thousand Realms Order is much cheaper than keeping a heaven-defying genius for a long time! Silver Moon Fourth Grade is Silver Moon Fourth Grade, it's better than nothing!"

In Mu Zifan's eyes, Xu Ming's role is to "make up the number". In this way, no matter what, Mu Zifan's subordinates also have three heaven-defying geniuses.

Of course, now, Mu Zifan is still skeptical about whether Xu Ming can really defeat a thousand with one. After all, it was the first time he saw Xu Ming, and he didn't know what Xu Ming's true strength was.

"Welcome, Your Excellency!" Mu Zifan cupped his hands and smiled, "I am the third young pavilion master of Muxue Pavilion, Mu Zifan; what do you call me?"

Muxi Pavilion?

Third Young Pavilion Master?

Xu Ming naturally didn't know what Mu Zifan's identity meant in the Heavenly Sacrifice World; after all, he had never been to the Heavenly Sacrifice World.

"Xu Ming!" Xu Ming also bowed his hands and reported to his family.

At the same time, Xu Ming looked at Mu Zifan obscurely, but he couldn't easily see through the other party's cultivation level; but what was certain was that the other party was at least an emperor-level existence!

"The employer of this mission doesn't seem to be easy!" Xu Ming said to himself.

"Young pavilion master!" Xu Ming smiled, "I don't know what the mission this time is...?"

"The task is very simple, that is to invite you to join me and participate in the Celestial Ceremony!" Mu Zifan said.

"Heavenly Sacrifice Conference?" Xu Ming had doubts in his eyes.

"Aren't you from our Heavenly Sacrifice Realm?" Mu Zifan glanced at Xu Ming and explained, "The Heavenly Sacrifice Conference is the most important event in our Heavenly Sacrifice Realm! One of the links is the entire Heavenly Sacrifice. The world's heaven-defying geniuses compete with each other!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming nodded.

"However..." Mu Zifan said again, "This competition is very dangerous! The minimum requirement to pass the first round is to have the strength of one against a thousand in the same level; if you don't have such strength, you will die if you come to power! - You Have you thought about it?"

The meaning of Mu Zifan's words is to confirm whether Xu Ming has the strength to fight against a thousand. If not, he would not let Xu Ming participate in the Celestial Sacrifice Conference, so as not to be embarrassed at the time.

"I see... I understand!" Xu Ming said confidently.

"That's good!" Mu Zifan saw that Xu Ming was very confident, so he felt more relieved; after all, if Xu Ming had no strength, he wouldn't kill himself.

"I would like to ask, how should we settle the rewards of the quest?" Xu Ming came to do the mercenary quest, firstly, to nurture the divine weapon, and secondly, to earn some extra money.

Rewards, of course, have to be negotiated in advance!

"You can rest assured!" Mu Zifan said, "As long as you participate in the Celestial Sacrifice Conference, at least I will give you a hundred bottles of Spiritual Essence; if you are amazing and can make it to the third round, then even if you want Tiandi Yuan Liquid, it's not a problem! - Besides, all the prizes you can get at the Celestial Ceremony are yours!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming also knew that the amount of reward he received was entirely determined by how much he played.

"This group of palaces is my mansion. You can stay here first, turn around, and I'll show you the other two geniuses!"

After settling Xu Ming, Mu Zifan shook his head slightly disappointed.

"The cultivation base is too low! It's only the fourth grade of the silver moon! Sigh... If I can meet a genius of the tenth grade of the silver moon, I might be able to impress my father at the Heavenly Sacrifice Conference!"

"Talking is better than nothing!" Mu Zifan comforted himself.

Mu Zifan's etiquette is still very well done. Although he was a little disappointed by Xu Ming's cultivation, he still arranged a grand reception for Xu Ming that night.

At the reception banquet, Xu Ming met two other heaven-defying geniuses—Luo Shui and Ku Jianxiu.

"Brother Xu Ming, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Ku Jianxiu raised his glass and toasted.

"Nice to meet!" Xu Ming also said.

Although the bitter sword cultivator is sloppy, his sword never leaves his body; obviously, he is an ascetic cultivator on the road of martial arts.

Xu Ming actually had some respect for such ascetic practitioners. Because Xu Ming had a plug-in, and he practiced very smoothly all the way; he wasn't sure if he didn't have a plug-in, he could be an ascetic in the martial arts like Kujianxiu.

Luo Shui, who was sitting beside Ku Jianxiu, was a handsome young man.

However, he didn't mean to respect Xu Ming's wine at all. Instead, he looked at Xu Ming up and down and said strangely, "Brother Xu Ming, I heard that you are the newest genius invited by San Shao?"

Regarding the mercenary mission, both Mu Zifan and Xu Ming chose to keep it a secret. After all, there are very few people who know the Order of Ten Thousand Realms and the tasks of mercenaries.

In fact, if Mu Zifan's mouth is not strict enough, then he will not be able to obtain the order of the world.

Therefore, others only thought that Xu Ming was an ordinary genius against the sky; but they didn't even know that Xu Ming was here to perform a mercenary mission.

"Not bad!" Xu Ming looked directly at Luo Shui and replied.

The Luoshui Monster smiled and said, "Brutal Swordsman and I, we have used countless actual battles to prove our strength before we were judged as heaven-defying geniuses! Brother Xu Ming, you are new here, shouldn't you show us your hands too? what?"

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