Break Into Another World

Chapter 1025: The concept of anti-sky level

Muxizhen Temple.

on the battlefield.

Luo Shui had a lot of blood on his body, and his breath was a little weak. As for his opponent, You Heming, his expression was rebellious and arrogant.

"You Heming!" Luo Shui looked at his opponent with a sneer, and there was still pride in his eyes, "I don't know where you got the courage, the fourth grade Yinyue, dare to challenge me!"

Luo Shui, as a genius of the fifth rank of Yinyue, has always looked down on people whose cultivation is lower than himself. As if he looked down on Xu Ming, now, he also looked down on You Heming in front of him.

Because, in Luo Shui's view, no one can beat himself by leaps and bounds - even if he is seriously injured!

"Stupid!" You Heming just sneered arrogantly.

Xu Ming sat in the stands and watched silently—he was in the viewing area, so he could see the people in the battle area, but the people in the battle area couldn't see him.

"This You Heming, it's not easy!" Xu Ming's eyes were like swords, and he secretly commented, "If Luo Shui was in his peak state, he should be able to compete with You Heming; but now, Luo Shui is not seriously injured. , it is impossible to be You Heming's opponent!"

Xu Ming could see that this should be the calculation of the second young pavilion master! - First, Yan Yu of Yinyue Rank 5 shot and wounded Luo Shui; then, You Heming... hit the killer!

You Heming is only the fourth rank of Yinyue. If he kills Luo Shui by leaps and bounds, he will definitely defeat the prestige of the third young pavilion master, Mu Zifan!

If Mu Zifan's prestige was lowered too seriously, he might even be deprived of his qualifications to participate in the Heavenly Sacrifice Conference! After all, the Heavenly Sacrifice Conference is the most serious event in the entire Heavenly Sacrifice world. People with insufficient prestige are not eligible to participate!

"Hey... Maybe, I'll have to rescue Luo Shui later!" Xu Ming thought a little depressedly.

He didn't want to save Luo Shui, but if Mu Zifan was prevented from participating in the Heavenly Sacrifice Conference, then Xu Ming's mercenary mission would be in vain!

"This pig teammate!" Xu Ming leaned against the seat in the stand and shook his head secretly.

"Let's make a move!" In Luo Shui's hand, there is a long sword like flowing water, which is completely in line with his own aura - this is a divine weapon!

"Then I'm welcome!" You Heming sneered. The machete in his hand is also a divine weapon.


You Heming suddenly took out the knife.

The moment the machete swept through the void, it seemed to turn into a crescent moon; and the surrounding void suddenly plunged into endless darkness, like a night.

call out-

The light of the crescent moon blade flashed, and it came to Luo Shui in an instant.

"This..." Luo Shui's eyes suddenly became round, and at this time, he realized that You Heming was terrifying!

"He is the fourth grade Yinyue?" Luo Shui didn't have time to think about it, and quickly turned his long sword into layers of water curtains to defend.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

The layers of water curtains are all broken into pieces under the light of the meniscus knife; like countless stars in the night, it is extremely beautiful!

However, the remaining power of this knife still fell on Luo Shui who was caught off guard.


Under the knife, Luo Shui's breath became weaker.

"I'm careless!" Luo Shui's expression changed suddenly - if he wasn't careless, he could take the knife. However, he despised his opponent from the beginning, so in an instant, he fell into an extremely passive situation.

call out!

When the second meniscus light flashed, the passive Luo Shui could only try his best to defend, but he had no chance to counterattack at all.

"His strength is not weaker than me in peak state!" Luo Shui realized that the silver moon fourth rank in front of him was terrifying.

However, it's too late!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

The light of the sword kept flashing, and Luo Shui was suppressed so that he could only parry constantly; his aura was also becoming weaker and weaker.

It's only a matter of time before you lose!

"Ahhhh!" How could Luo Shui allow himself to be defeated by a Yinyue 4th rank, and instantly entered a frenzied desperate state.

Xu Ming just watched calmly.

"It turns out that this is the strength of a heaven-defying genius in the world of sacrifices!" Xu Ming had a clear idea of ​​the strength of a heaven-defying genius.

For example, Luo Shui, whose cultivation base is Yinyue Rank 5; in his peak state, his combat power should be able to reach Yinyue Rank 9—that is, one against a thousand among his peers!

Another example is You Heming, who is the most powerful among the heaven-defying geniuses! - The cultivation base is Yinyue fourth-grade, but the combat power has also reached Yinyue ninth-grade. Among the same level, you can "one against ten thousand"!

"Under the second young pavilion master, there is a heaven-defying genius who can defeat ten thousand with one!" Ku Jianxiu felt bitter in his heart - the genius of the heaven-defying "one enemy ten thousand", the entire heavenly sacrifice world It is rare to see it, but it appears under the command of the second young pavilion master. Ku Jianxiu has already foreseen that the second young pavilion master will make a big splash this year!

"Luo Shui, hold on!" Ku Jianxiu prayed in his heart - if Luo Shui was defeated, it would undoubtedly be worse for Mu Zifan, the third young pavilion master!

However, Xu Ming was still calm: "A genius at the level of defying the sky, it's just like that!"

Xu Ming's cultivation is only the fourth rank of Yinyue, but he has killed the high-ranking king! - And after taking the Black and White Life and Death Pill, the strength of the soaring high-ranking king!

So, what level should Xu Ming be considered among the heaven-defying geniuses?

Can't judge!

Because, there has never been a heaven-defying genius like Xu Ming!

As Xu Ming pondered, the battle on the battlefield had come to an end. Luo Shui, who has been losing ground, has finally reached the end of the battle.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

You Heming forcibly suppressed Luo Shui, and the dazzling crescent moon blade light chased and fought fiercely all the way.


Luoshui's defense was completely broken, and he was exposed to the opponent's sword light without defense!

"Failed!" Luo Shui's eyes were full of despair.

Between the lights and flint, he didn't even have time to admit defeat! And bitter sword repair, it is too late to come to the rescue! -In an instant, Luo Shui's life was hanging by a thread.

That is at this moment, Xu Ming shot!

call out!

A heart imprint containing the mystery of space appeared behind Luo Shui like a teleportation, and directly attached to him.

Immediately, before everyone could react, Luo Shui had been removed from the battlefield.

"I..." For the rest of his life, Luo Shui was still stunned.

"Who is it!?" You Heming slashed the air with a knife and couldn't help shouting angrily.

"Who is sneaking and hiding in the dark!?" Yan Yu and other heaven-defying geniuses also shouted angrily.

Almost, You Heming can successfully kill Luo Shui! You must know that "kill" and "defeat" are different concepts; "kill" will undoubtedly defeat the prestige of the third young pavilion master!

The opportunity to kill Luo Shui was finally created, but it was destroyed. The geniuses such as Yan Yu and You Heming were naturally very angry.

Just when everyone was furious, a calm figure slowly walked from the viewing area to the combat area.

"Xu Ming!"

"Xu Ming!"

Ku Jianxiu and Luo Shui couldn't help exclaiming.

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