Break Into Another World

Chapter 1032: nourish

"Brother Ming, please let me know!" Luo Shui said without hesitation.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded, thought about it, "I have a secret skill that can greatly stimulate people's potential! - For example, you are a second-level genius against the sky now, if I use this secret skill on you, it should be able to Let you become the sky-defying triple, or even the sky-defying limit!"

"What!?" Luo Shui looked at Xu Ming in disbelief, "And such a secret skill!?"

Xu Ming smiled mysteriously.

Secret skill?

Actually, Xu Ming does not have any secret skills; however, Xu Ming has a plug-in function—genius training!

Genius Cultivation: Super geniuses can be cultivated and controlled! The cultivated super genius will become the most dazzling existence; and, no matter how high his future achievements are, he will be absolutely loyal to the host! There are currently talent training places: two!

The "genius training" link can only be used for super geniuses; this function cannot be used for ordinary geniuses! -Luo Shui is a second-level genius against the sky, the top genius in the entire era of the entire Heavenly Sacrifice Realm; he is qualified to accept the training of "genius training"!

And Xu Ming also intends to cultivate Luoshui.

However, of course Xu Ming couldn't tell Luo Shui that I wanted to hang up; therefore, he made up a lie, saying that he had a secret skill to stimulate people's potential.

Luo Shui was both shocked and looking forward to it: "If I can become a genius at the third level of the sky, or even the limit of the sky..."

Is there any genius who doesn't want to be the most dazzling existence?

"Brother Ming... Are you going to use this secret technique on me!?" Luo Shui asked excitedly.

"Don't worry! Listen to me first!" Xu Ming said again, "Although this secret skill can stimulate people's potential, it also has a huge drawback!"

"Yes!" Luo Shui listened carefully.

"If I use this secret technique on you, then, deep in your heart, I may be branded with me! From now on, you will be loyal to me!" Xu Ming said directly, "Would you like me to use this secret technique on you? , you decide for yourself!"

"Is that so..." Luo Shui understood, "Then, Brother Ming, please use this secret technique on me!"

When Luo Shui said these words, he almost didn't think about it!

Always loyal to Xu Ming? - In Luoshui's view, this is not a disadvantage at all; after all, Xu Ming is the object of Luoshui's most admiration!

"Oh?" Xu Ming glanced at him in surprise, "You have thought it through!"

"Very clear!" Luo Shui said with great certainty.

"OK then…"

Xu Ming took Luo Shui and walked into the room. He casually placed a ban around him, and then he started the "Genius Cultivation" link.

Xu Ming's palm covered Luoshui's Tianling cover; it was like an elder caressing Luoshui's head lovingly.

Immediately afterwards, the palm began to emit a little starlight. Countless stars circled above Luoshui's head and gradually penetrated into Luoshui's body.

Luo Shui's whole person, from the outside to the inside, from the divine body, to the soul, and then to the mind, has experienced rapid transformation. His divine body became more and more crystal clear, like raw jade; in his eyes, there was also a stronger and stronger piety.

This is devotion to Xu Ming!

After half an hour, the starlight in Xu Ming's palm dissipated. At this time, Luo Shui's aptitude has been changed beyond belief!

Now, Luo Shui's strength has reached the third level of anti-sky; in the future, with the passage of time, Luo Shui will definitely become more and more dazzling - it will only take a little time to become the ultimate genius of anti-sky!

Being stroked so lovingly by the palm of the "palm god" Xu Ming; Luoshui's future is destined to be endlessly brilliant and dazzling!

Cultivating Luoshui, for Xu Ming, is just doing it at will.

Xu Ming didn't expect Luo Shui to bring him anything in return in the future. After all, Luo Shui is much weaker than Xu Ming now; as time goes on, the gap between him and Xu Ming will definitely widen, and it will soon become too big to make up.

Three days later.

"Brother Ming, Third Young Master let us go to the banquet!" Luo Shui ran to Xu Ming and shouted.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Xu Ming asked suspiciously - banquets are usually arranged only when there is something to do.

Luo Shui said: "Three Shao has recruited another genius of the heaven-defying level, and it is the cultivation of half-step king!"

Being a half-step king is the highest cultivation level to be able to participate in the Celestial Ceremony!

Soon, Xu Ming saw a figure as thin as a skeleton in the banquet hall; his eyes were extremely cold and arrogant, as if no one could get into his eyes.

"That's him?" Xu Ming looked at the skeleton figure.

"Xu Ming, you're here!" Mu Zifan was naturally very enthusiastic when he saw Xu Ming; you must know that Xu Ming is a genius against the limit of the sky, and he relies on him to turn around, "I'll introduce it to you! It is Gu Xian, a heaven-defying genius who is half-stepped as a king! - He has similar origins to you!"

Similar to mine?

Xu Ming immediately understood the meaning of Mu Zifan's words - this Gu Xian should also be here to do the mercenary mission!

After all, Xu Ming is not the only one who can do mercenary missions. Anyone who has obtained the "Order of Ten Thousand Realms" can do mercenary missions.

"Nice to meet!" Xu Ming smiled and cupped his hands.

"Humph!" Gu Xian glanced at Xu Ming disdainfully, and did not return the salute, "Silver Moon Fourth Grade?"

Gu Xian did not continue to speak, but his contempt had been revealed.

Mu Zifan's expression changed suddenly - Xu Ming was his backing! Gu Xian does not give Xu Ming face, that is, he does not give Mu Zifan face!

Luo Shui, who was completely loyal to Xu Ming, even shouted at Gu Xian, "You are also a half-step king conferring expert, don't you even understand a bit of etiquette? - Brother Ming salutes you, you don't know. In return?"

"Huh!?" Gu Xian's face sank, "Where is the kid who dares to reprimand me? - Go to hell!"

Saying that, Gu Xian flipped his palm and patted it directly at Luo Shui.

"Presumptuous!" Mu Zifan finally couldn't bear it any longer, his aura turned cold, and the entire space in the banquet hall seemed to freeze.

Mu Zifan is an emperor-level almighty. As soon as he made a move, Gu Xian's palm was instantly frozen in the air, and it was difficult to advance any further.

Gu Xian's face changed suddenly: "The third young pavilion master, is this how you treat guests?"

Mu Zifan said coldly, "I invited you to come here to participate in the Celestial I didn't want you to come here to show off your power! - I know you have a mission! If you want to continue your mission, I will Of course you are welcome; but if you think that you can be presumptuous and messy with me, then you are wrong!"

Now, to Mu Zifan, the most important thing is Xu Ming! This Gu Xian dared to despise Xu Ming, of course Mu Zifan would not be polite to him.

"Good! Good! Good!" Gu Xian was not a good stalker, and immediately turned his face, "Mu Zifan, no wonder just now, I heard you say that you can't recruit a few heaven-defying geniuses; Some cats and dogs of the fourth rank of the silver moon and the fifth rank of the silver moon! - With your hospitality, it is strange that you are willing to have masters here!"

Gu Xian didn't know yet that Xu Ming was a genius at the extreme limit of the sky; he thought that Xu Ming was just an ordinary sky-defying genius. Therefore, he would treat Xu Ming with contempt and disdain, and would treat Xu Ming as a cat and a dog.

"You..." Mu Zifan was instantly furious. However, due to the restriction of "employers shall not harm mercenaries" in the mercenary system, he could only endure his anger.

"Humph! This task, I don't do it!" Gu Xian stood up directly and walked towards the door, "Mu Zifan, I wanted to help you and change your position in Muxie Pavilion! Now it seems that you It's a life that can't be turned over in a lifetime! - We will have a future!"

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