Break Into Another World

Chapter 1040: 1 way sweep

Want to see Brother Ming get deflated?

If a mere 10,000 blood slaves can make Brother Ming shriveled, then Brother Ming will not have to mix!

call out! call out! call out! …

When thousands of long-range attacks volleyed near Xu Ming, an invisible wall seemed to appear beside Xu Ming.

Bang! Bang! Bang! …

The blood slave's attack fell on this invisible wall, like raindrops falling on a pond - only a little ripple appeared, and then disappeared invisible!


"What kind of defense is this?"

"What a powerful defense! What a powerful strength!"

No matter how unwilling to admit Xu Ming's strength, the masters and powers watching the battle, at this moment, they can only be convinced by Xu Ming's strength!

"This Xu Ming is definitely not only the second layer of anti-sky, it is very likely to be the third layer of anti-sky..."

"Obviously he has the strength of the third level of the sky, but he has to start the challenge from the first level. It's really boring! - Is he deliberately making a public appearance?"

"Such a grandstanding person is destined to be difficult to become a master!"

These masters and powers, I don't know if they are jealous of Xu Ming's talent; they slander Xu Ming behind their backs, and their words are vulgar.

However, their slander did not affect Xu Ming's sweeping all the way!


Xu Ming no longer stood still, but took the initiative to attack and kill these blood slaves!

In fact, if Xu Ming wants to kill these blood slaves, one look is enough! However, if he killed these blood slaves with his eyes, it would not have the effect of nurturing the gods. Therefore, Xu Ming had to use the reincarnation spear to kill these blood slaves.

boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming was like a human-shaped weapon, violently hitting one blood slave after another. Wherever he passed, the ferocious blood slaves were directly smashed into a cloud of blood; and the reincarnation spear continued to absorb the essence of life in the slaughter and transformed.



Xu Ming seemed to be incarnated as a ray of death, constantly shooting electricity on the battlefield!

10,000 blood slaves may seem like a lot; however, they can't stop Xu Ming's crazy harvest!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

There are constantly blood slaves turned into blood mist.

At the same time, at the moment when each blood slave dies, there will be a burst of blood energy that will slowly rise to the sky.

The strange thing is that after these blood energy rose to high altitude, they were able to ignore the space barrier between the arena and the outside world, and directly penetrated outside the arena. Then, above the altar of heaven, it condensed into a cloud of blood.

The blood cloud formed by the blood energy after the death of thousands of blood slaves is naturally not that big. However, this cloud of blood seems to be communicating with the entire world of sacrifice to the sky—the battle of sacrifice to the sky is to sacrifice to this world with life and blood!

Of course, Xu Ming was in the arena, so he couldn't see the outside world, nor could he see this blood cloud.

Xu Ming only knows - kill! kill! kill!

Soon, 10,000 blood slaves were also slaughtered!

"Congratulations, you succeeded in the challenge!" Saint Mo's voice sounded again, "Second-level reward: a thousand bottles of divine essence! With the previous first-level rewards, you can get a total of one thousand one hundred bottles of divine essence!"

"No hurry!" Xu Ming smiled indifferently.

Hearing Xu Ming say "No hurry", everyone thought in a conditioned reflex: Could this kid continue to challenge the third level?

They guessed right!

"I want to continue to challenge the third level!" Xu Ming's voice was very calm.

"Do you need time to prepare?" Saint Mo asked.

"No need! Come directly!" Xu Ming replied the same way.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

In the arena, blood slaves keep appearing!

At the third level, there are a total of 100,000 blood slaves! Moreover, the blood slaves of the third level are stronger than the blood slaves of the second level! -In addition to long-range physical attack salvos, they can also soul attack salvos!

To challenge the genius of the third level, there must be no weakness in material defense and soul defense! Once there is a weakness in one of them, under the salvo of 100,000 blood slaves, it will instantly fall into doom!

"This Xu Ming has really challenged the third level!"

"The first level, the second level, the third level... challenge one by one! This Xu Ming is really enough to show off his power!"

"Humph! However, Xu Ming's brilliance will end here! If he is really capable, he will challenge the fourth level!" The fourth level requires geniuses who are beyond the limit of the sky, just to be able to pass!

"Don't talk about challenging the fourth level! Maybe, Xu Ming will die directly at the third level!"

"I think so too! - As the saying goes, don't shake half a bottle when it's full! This Xu Ming, who loves to show off so much, must not have much real material!"

Xu Ming loves swagger?

Xu Ming is just earning some small rewards in a down-to-earth manner, where is he ostentatious?


In the arena, Xu Ming's figure constantly shuttled among the 100,000 blood slaves.

Countless material attacks and soul attacks fell on Xu Ming, and they were all sinking into the sea without any effect.

And wherever Xu Ming's spear passed, these weak Yinyue fourth-grade blood slaves were sure to die with one blow, and they were all blasted into blood mist.

kill! kill! kill!

In the void, blood mist bloomed; the world around Xu Ming was stained with a tinge of blood!

"Humph! This Xu Ming has some strength!" Jianyue Ping snorted, "However, he has stopped at the third level! As for the fourth level, that is the limit of the sky like me. Only geniuses can challenge!"

Jianyue has an inexplicable sense of superiority.

In his eyes, he despised any genius! Even if he felt that Xu Ming's strength was good; however, he didn't think that Xu Ming could challenge the fourth level of "the limit of the sky" like himself!

One hundred thousand blood slaves, even if they were counted one by one, would take a lot of time to count.

However, Xu Ming's mad killing was many times faster than counting!

In fact, this was because Xu Ming slowed down the rhythm of the killing in order to nurture the divine weapon! If he didn't think about nurturing his natal magic weapon, Xu Ming would be too lazy to use a long spear and kill him with one shot at a time; with a direct psychic attack, he could kill thousands of large pieces with one move!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

Countless blood mists bloomed beautifully.

In just half an hour, one hundred thousand blood slaves were also killed by Xu Ming!

"Congratulations, the challenge is successful! The third-level reward: a bottle of heaven and earth essence liquid!" Saint Mo said, "Do you want to receive the reward and end the challenge?"

Claiming the reward means the challenge is over.

Inside the altar of heaven, there was another uproar.

"Will Xu Ming challenge the fourth level?"

"As long as he's not probably not!"

"Humph! Although Xu Ming passed the third level relatively easily, there is still a long way to go before challenging the fourth level!"

"Yes! Only the extreme geniuses against the sky can challenge the fourth level! It is not the extreme genius of the sky, stepping into the fourth level is to die! - And if the extreme geniuses challenge the third level, they can sweep without weapons. Now, it won't be as laborious as Xu Ming just now!"

How do they know that Xu Ming is deliberately using the battle to sacrifice to the sky to nurture the divine soldier of his destiny.

"Xu Ming will definitely choose to stop here! Next, it's your turn to watch the performance of Jianyue, who is against the sky! - I'm really excited to see the genius of the sky-defying limit take action!"

Just when almost everyone believed that Xu Ming would give up the challenge and walk out of the arena; Xu Ming's indifferent voice sounded again.

"Receive the reward? No hurry! I'm going to continue to challenge the fourth level!"

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