Break Into Another World

Chapter 1046: No need for a strong

The battle of Jianyue's sacrifice to the sky did not attract many people's attention! After all, everyone knows that Jianyue's strength is not bad; a slaughtering sacrifice against the limit of the sky, challenging the second-level slaughter, what's so good about such a battle?

Moreover, everyone's attention is focused on Xu Ming, "the first genius of the Heavenly Sacrifice World"!

"Xu Ming!" Mu Ziyun didn't know when he came forward, "Before, I might have offended me with my words, so please ask Haihan!"

As the first young pavilion master of Muxiao Pavilion, Mu Ziyun is also the master of cultivation, so his status is naturally extraordinary! However, in the face of Xu Ming's incredible talent, Mu Ziyun still chose to bow his head!

Because, Mu Ziyun knows too well what it means to stand out in the battle of sacrifice to the sky!

The battle of sacrificing the sky is like a dragon gate! Showing a genius against the sky in the battle of sacrifice to the sky is like jumping over a dragon gate!

Although Xu Ming's cultivation base is still low now, in the future, surpassing him Mu Ziyun is almost a certainty! Therefore, Mu Ziyun must take advantage of the present time to resolve the conflict with Xu Ming first.

It's just... Mu Ziyun didn't know that Xu Ming was just a passer-by in the world of sacrifices! Next time, Xu Ming will not know when he will come to the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm again.

Not only Mu Ziyun, but also the Fourth Young Pavilion Master and the Fifth Young Pavilion Master also came over to exchange a few words with Xu Ming, resolve the conflicts and enhance their feelings.

There is no suspense, Jianyue easily passed the second-level slaughter sacrifice!

However, he didn't get any applause, instead there were a lot of boos. After all, a genius who defies the sky can only challenge the second-level slaughter sacrifice, which is a joke in itself!

After Jianyue, another genius came to the stage to participate in the slaughter ceremony.

However, in an era, it is already very remarkable to have one or two amazing geniuses. The geniuses who came on stage later were basically the first-level, and only occasionally did the second-level appear. And because of Xu Ming's performance of "beads and jade in the front", the next massacre will naturally look boring and worthless.

When Luoshui appeared on the stage, Xu Ming thought that Luoshui would challenge the third-level slaughter sacrifice, and he would be a blockbuster - after all, Xu Ming knew very well that Luoshui had such strength!

However, Xu Ming was surprised to see that Luo Shui only challenged the first-level slaughter sacrifice, and it seemed to be quite "difficult"!

"Luo Shui is deliberately hiding his strength!" Xu Ming immediately thought of it!

However, Xu Ming thought differently, why did Luo Shui hide his strength? Why not seize the opportunity and be a blockbuster?

The slaughter continues.

Suddenly, a voice transmission sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind: "Brother Xu Ming, I am the ruler of Wuyang!"

Wuyang dominates?

This sound transmission deliberately left a trail, so that Xu Ming could follow it. Xu Ming looked in the direction from which the sound transmission came, and saw an almighty with a white goatee, smiling at him from a distance.

"Master Wuyang, what's the matter?" Xu Ming replied through voice transmission.

"There is indeed something I want to discuss with Brother Xu Ming!" Lord Wuyang's posture was very low.

"Oh? Please say it!" Xu Ming said.

"Brother Xu Ming, didn't you get a ray of chaotic vitality just now?" Wu Yang dominated, "I want to buy at a high price!"

Looking for Chaos Qi?

Xu Ming's hesitation flashed.

Xu Ming still doesn't know what the chaotic vitality is for. However, since this chaotic vitality is a reward that can only be obtained after passing the endless slaughter sacrifice; then, Xu Ming thinks about it with his toes, and knows how precious the chaotic vitality is, I am afraid it is a treasure that cannot be found!

Such a treasure cannot be measured by money, so how could Xu Ming sell it casually?

"Sorry, Lord of Wuyang!" Xu Ming said, "I don't want to sell this chaotic vitality!"

"Brother Xu Ming..." The Lord of Wuyang was not reconciled, and said, "The primordial energy of chaos can only be used if it is above the Dominion Realm; below the Dominion Realm, only ancient cultivators can use it! - Brother Xu Ming, you are cultivating the Heavenly Dao school. ;This chaotic vitality is useless for a long time even if it is in your hands! Why not sell it to me first, in exchange for the cultivation resources you can use now; when you become a master in the future, you will find a way to find the chaotic vitality, isn't it? Very good?"

Below the Domination Realm, only ancient cultivators can use it? - Xu Ming's eyes lit up immediately!

Xu Ming had an ancient cultivator clone, but he didn't bring it to the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm, but stayed in the Yanyan Mountain. Therefore, the great powers in the Heavenly Sacrifice World would naturally not guess that Xu Ming also practiced the ancient cultivator school!

"This ray of chaotic vitality can be used by my ancient cultivator clone! But, I don't know how to use it..." Xu Ming secretly said, "Before leaving the world of sacrifice, I have to ask Mu Zifan!"

"Brother Xu Ming?" Lord Wuyang urged, "Just give up your love and sell it to me! I will never let you suffer!"

"Sorry!" Xu Ming refused without hesitation.

"Hey..." Lord Wuyang had to sigh, feeling depressed in his heart, "Chaos vitality, you can't find it! If I can get a wisp of it, my cultivation can improve a little... Unfortunately, Xu Ming refuses to sell..."

After that, several more masters asked Xu Ming to buy Chaos Primal Qi, and the prices they gave were very moving.

However, Xu Ming is not stupid. Of course, he understands that the more masters who want to buy, the more it shows the preciousness and rarity of chaotic vitality! - This is a treasure that even the master wants, how could Xu Ming sell it?

The slaughter sacrifice, which lasted for a whole month, just came to an end.

Mu Zifan quietly explained to Xu Ming: "The battle of sacrifice to the heavens is divided into three rounds; the slaughter sacrifice is only the first round! Next, there are the 'Genius Sacrifice' and the 'Born Life Sacrifice'!"

Genius Festival?

Life Festival?

Xu Ming was a little puzzled.

Mu Zifan continued to explain: "The slaughter sacrifice is to slaughter blood slaves and sacrifice to the gods! The genius sacrifice is to let the geniuses of the heaven-defying level kill each other; the strong die, the stronger live!"

"Heaven-defying geniuses killed each other?" Xu Ming was shocked, "Wouldn't that mean that many heaven-defying geniuses would die?"

You must know that even a genius at the first level against the has the potential to become a **** emperor! Such a genius, no matter which force in the Yanyan Continent is placed, will definitely be held as a treasure; but in this world of sacrifices, they actually let them kill each other and survive the fittest...

Xu Ming just wanted to ask: What are you doing at the festival this day? Also, with the death of so many heaven-defying geniuses, don’t the top executives of Muxie Pavilion and Ziguang Sect feel distressed? Also, these heaven-defying geniuses, knowing that the battle of sacrifice to the sky is extremely dangerous, why are they not afraid of each one?

Xu Ming can feel that there are many doubts in this!

Mu Zifan glanced at Xu Ming and said, "I'm very confused, right?"


"I'll tell you why!" Mu Zifan said, "Because...our Heavenly Sacrifice World doesn't need a strong person!"

Don't need a strong man?

"What's the point of this?" Xu Ming became more and more confused when he heard this.

Mu Zifan continued, "We in the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm don't need the strongest, we only need... the strongest!"

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