Break Into Another World

Chapter 1054: God

"God Emperor Baili... is here!"

Needless to say, God Emperor Baili was definitely a bad visitor.

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, murderous aura pervading his body, "This God Emperor Baili, when he was in the Chilie Mansion, had no good intentions! Now, he dares to come to the door on his own initiative! - It's too deceiving. !"

"Let's go, go meet him for a while!" Lu Qing wrapped Xu Ming with divine power, and in a flash, he appeared at the edge of the Yanyan Mountain.

At the end of the sky in the distance, a tiny black spot is rapidly magnifying. It was God Emperor Baili who was rushing towards him.

"Hahahaha..." God Emperor Baili, who had a pale face and a cold aura, laughed arrogantly from a distance, "God Emperor Yanyan, your reaction is really sharp enough! You are already there before I arrive. I noticed it!"

"Humph!" Lu Qing snorted disdainfully, "You're already so close, if I didn't notice it yet; then, my Yanyan Sacred Mountain's vigilance formation is too useless!"


God Emperor Baili rushed in, and finally stopped abruptly outside the mountain protection formation of Yanyan Sacred Mountain.

"Heh!" Lu Qing smiled disdainfully, "Why, don't you dare to go any further?"

The mountain protection formation of Yanyan Sacred Mountain is extremely powerful! If you break in rashly, even God Emperor Baili may fall into it.

"Don't worry!" God Emperor Baili was gloomy and cold, with a smile that was not a smile.

"Tell me, what do you mean by coming to my Yanyan Mountain?" Lu Qing shouted.

"Don't have such an attitude!" God Emperor Baili sneered, "Can't we just sit down calmly and talk about buying and selling Burning Heaven Peak?"

"You really came for the Burning Heaven Peak!" Lu Qing shouted angrily.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

At this time, all the kings in the Yanyan Sacred Mountain existed, and they all came out aggressively. Of course, they also heard the conversation in the sky, so when they looked at God Emperor Baili, they were very unkind.

Burning Heaven Peak, but the place where all the existences above the titled kings of Yanyan Sacred Mountain live! How could this God Emperor Baili actually want to come to buy the Burning Heaven Peak, and the master kings of Yanyan Sacred Mountain, how could they have a good face?

"Haha..." God Emperor Baili sneered, with deep disdain in his eyes, "A group of rabble!"



"The rabble? - God Emperor Baili, what are you doing!?"

The masters of Yanyan Sacred Mountain were all filled with righteous indignation.

Lu Qing's face was also extremely ugly.

God Emperor Baili didn't seem to see the hatred of everyone, and continued to say arrogantly and calmly: "Don't get excited, the rabble! - Why don't you look at my sincerity in buying the Burning Heaven Peak! Maybe, you see After my sincerity, are you willing to sell it?"

Regarding God Emperor Baili's arrogance, Xu Ming just watched indifferently and did not say anything.

Xu Ming has seen many **** emperors and rulers in the heavenly sacrifice world! Even the ethereal saints in God's Domain, Xu Ming has seen three!

Therefore, seeing God Emperor Baili again now, Xu Ming naturally didn't feel the slightest sense of oppression, but felt that the other party was a clown jumping on the beam.

In fact, in front of Xu Ming, God Emperor Baili was really just a clown jumping on the beam!

Although Xu Ming's own strength is still weak, don't forget, Xu Ming has now obtained more than 100 bottles of Heaven and Earth Primordial Liquid! - Heaven and Earth Essence Liquid, but it can be exchanged for level 12 hanging points!

Level 12 hanging point is the hanging point used at the God Emperor level. But for Xu Ming at this stage, he can also use the 12-level hanging point to open the "Book of Life and Death" hanging, or the "Soul Possession" hanging! —Anyway, it is absolutely no problem to crush God Emperor Baili!

Moreover, Xu Ming is really in a hurry, Xu Ming can still use the Chaos God Weapon "Zhu Xin Arrow"!

In short, in Xu Ming's eyes, God Emperor Baili was just a clown who was eager to find death. The pitiful thing is that God Emperor Baili himself doesn't even know about it!

"Sincerity?" Lu Qing sneered, "God Emperor Baili, don't bother! I can't sell you an inch of the Burning Heaven Peak or the Yanyan Mountain!"

"No, Divine Emperor Yanyan, you should see my sincerity first!"

Celestial world.

Inside the altar.

Saint Mo, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his turbid but all-encompassing eyes: "The hour has come! Geniuses, please enter the arena one by one and start the 'Benming Festival'!"

When Saint Mo's voice fell, every genius received a number in their hearts - that is, the order in which they participated in the "Benming Festival"!

"Number five hundred and twenty?" Xu Ming realized that he was the last to appear!

Soon, the first genius walked into the arena.

This is Fei Ying, a first-grade Yinyue genius under the command of the Fourth Young Pavilion Master.

At this time, the isolation of the arena from the outside world has been completely lifted. Hiei stood in the center of the arena, looking up at the blood-colored clouds in the sky, a pious smile gradually appeared on his face.

Feiying opened her arms involuntarily, and her eyes gradually closed.

Immediately, fire started to burn on his body, sacrificing himself!

"Huh!?" Xu Ming was surprised, "Benming sacrifice, do you really want to sacrifice yourself?"

Immediately afterwards, the firelight on Feiying's body condensed into a thin red line, leading directly to the blood cloud in the sky.

The smile on Feiying's face became more and more pious.

The fire of life continued to burn, and Hiei's breath continued to weaken.


A golden light shot out from the blood cloud; along the trajectory of the fire, it fell on Hiei.

The fire that was burning in Hiei's whole body suddenly went out; at the same time, Hiei's aura was also rapidly getting stronger!

Soon, Feiying's breath returned to its peak! Then, quickly surpass the peak!

Silver Moon Second Grade!

Silver Moon Third Grade!

Feiying's aura has soared to the sixth rank of Yinyue before it stopped!

"My perception..." Feiying was shocked! He could feel that in such a short time during the "Benming Festival", he was bestowed by "God", and his perception soared.

"But..." Feiying didn't have the slightest hint of joy, but instead was deeply disappointed, "I didn't see 'God'..."

The second genius was also from the Muxuge Pavilion.

After he performed the "Born Life Sacrifice", his strength also soared, but he also looked extremely lost.

Obviously, he did not see "God" either.

One genius after another performed the "Benming Festival".

The strength of one genius soared.

Each genius looks "Xu Ming was extremely puzzled, "Could it be that... God is a person?" "

The fifth hundred and nineteenth, Luoshui!

When Luo Shui just started the "Benming Sacrifice", he was no different from other geniuses. However, with the progress of self-sacrifice, Luoshui's breath became weaker and weaker, and there was no golden light in the sky!

Luo Shui's breath continued to weaken, until... it burned into ashes and disappeared directly into this world!

"What!?" Xu Ming was horrified.

However, the other geniuses around showed a look of incomparable envy: "He was chosen by God!"

Saint Mo was also a little surprised: "This Luo Shui... has a good chance!"

After the shock and envy, everyone focused their attention on Xu Ming—Luo Shui was chosen by God! So, Xu Ming must also be selected, right?

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