Break Into Another World

Chapter 1060: ravaged

"Hahahaha, the mountain protection formation broke!"

"Now, I see how stubbornly Emperor Yanyan is still resisting!"

"God Emperor Yan Yan was captured alive!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

More than a dozen **** emperors all rushed towards Lu Qing.

Although Lu Qing's strength is very strong among the **** emperors, he can't fight more than ten **** emperors alone! What's more, the God Emperor Baili and the Scale God Emperor are stronger than Lu Qing!

In addition, there are thousands of master kings on the periphery, working together to set up a great formation! In such a situation, not to mention Lu Qing's confrontation, even escaping is extremely difficult!

What frustrates Lu Qing the most is that Xu Ming is still hesitating and holding her back at this time!

"Xu Ming, come to my world ring!" Although Lu Qing knew very well that at this time, it was the best choice to turn around and run away; however, she did not hesitate to rush to Xu Ming, wanting to take Xu Ming away. Ming received his own world ring.

"God Emperor Yan Yan, you are dying, and you still want to save people!?" God Emperor Baili sneered disdainfully.

At this time, Lu Qing saw that Xu Ming was not in a hurry and said very arrogantly: "Who is dying?"

"I'm dizzy!" Lu Qing was really drunk!

She just wanted to say—Xu Ming, ah Xu Ming, what time is this, you still want to wear X...



"Xu Ming! I really didn't expect that at this time, you still have the guts to be stubborn!—Okay! Very good! Later, I will definitely make you die wonderfully!" God Emperor Baili said with a wicked smile.

"Really?" Xu Ming's mouth curled into a smile.

At this moment, with Xu Ming as the center, a terrifying might that made all the **** emperors feel palpitations swept wildly.

"Huh!?" God Emperor Baili suddenly felt a warning sign. He felt that Xu Ming's body seemed to be transformed into a vortex; it seemed that there were countless beasts that were about to crawl out of the vortex.

"What's the situation?" Even Lu Qing was stunned, and some dared not approach Xu Ming—the aura on Xu Ming's body was just too terrifying!


Of course it's scary!

You must know that there are hundreds of **** emperors who have accepted the mercenary mission issued by Xu Ming; and now, these **** emperors are being teleported from another world at the same time! - In other words, Xu Ming exudes the aura of hundreds of **** emperors!

Can it be scary?

"This kid is so weird!" The "scale **** emperor", who was stronger than the **** emperor Baili, couldn't bear it, and slammed his paw towards Xu Ming.

But at this moment, a giant fist suddenly protruded from Xu Ming.


Accompanied by the roar of the earth-shattering roar, the giant fist slammed the Scales God Emperor back with a single punch - it was the Black Prison God Emperor who arrived first!

The Black Prison God Emperor cultivated in the ancient cultivator style, and he was at the limit of the God Emperor, close to the strength of the ruler; he punched out with an angry punch, even the tyrannical Scale God Emperor could not stop him!

Immediately after…

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! …

One after another powerful figures flew out of the "vortex" on Xu Ming's body. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of **** emperors rushed out and appeared beside Xu Ming.

"What!?" God Emperor Baili was dumbfounded.

"What!?" Divine Emperor Scales and more than a dozen other **** emperors and thousands of master kings were all dumbfounded.

"What!?" Lu Qing was also dumbfounded.

"These more than a hundred people... are all **** emperors!?" God Emperor Baili looked at the sudden appearance of more than one hundred people in disbelief, and was shocked to find that these more than one hundred people were actually **** emperors! And most of them are extremely powerful beings among the **** emperors!

"Where did these **** emperors come from..." God Emperor Baili was completely stunned!

You know, looking at the entire Divine Realm, there are only so many **** emperors. Suddenly more than a hundred **** emperors appeared, and they were all the **** emperors Baili had never seen before, how could he not be shocked! ?

"Who are you...?" Of course, God Emperor Baili immediately realized that the situation in front of him had suddenly turned around.

Of the more than 100 **** emperors, none of them paid attention to the **** emperor Baili, but all turned their attention to Xu Ming and asked eagerly, "Which one is it?"

Of course Xu Ming knew that these **** emperors were asking—whose primordial energy of chaos was in?

"It's him!" Without hesitation, Xu Ming pointed his finger at God Emperor Baili.

Immediately, the more than 100 **** emperors who came to carry out the mercenary mission all turned their attention to the **** emperor Baili again; everyone's eyes were red, and their eyes flashed with the greed of Chi Guoguo! —In their eyes, God Emperor Baili seemed to have become a ray of chaotic vitality!


Without hesitation, more than 100 **** emperors all killed Baili God Emperor—you must know that there are more than 100 **** emperors who came to perform mercenary missions; however, there is probably only one strand of chaotic vitality!

What to do at such a time?

Of course, hurry up and grab it! - There are fast hands, no slow hands!

"Not good!" God Emperor Baili saw more than a hundred glances, and all turned to himself; although he didn't know what these glances meant, he had already sensed a strong crisis.

Without hesitation, God Emperor Baili immediately pulled away and flew back; at the same time, he quickly transmitted other God Emperors and Kings to let them protect him!

God Emperor Baili has an extraordinary position in secret, and even these dozen or so **** emperors and thousands of conferred kings must be dispatched by him! The moment these **** emperors and kings received the voice transmission from God Emperor Baili, they all rushed up to protect God Emperor Baili!


Who is the enemy that God Emperor Baili is facing now?

Hundreds of **** emperors like wolves and tigers!

On the Baili God Emperor's side, the dozen or so God Emperors were able to slightly resist the attacks of the hundreds of God Emperors. As for those who are at the king level, if they dare to rush up, they will be like moths to the flames!

boom! boom! boom! …

Wave after wave of masters of conferring kings kept falling down!

Even the dozen or so **** emperors were gradually unable to support them!

Hundreds of **** emperors' mad is it so easy to resist?

"It's too fierce!" Xu Ming couldn't help but take a deep breath, "This is completely unilateral... God Emperor Baili, under the attack of hundreds of **** emperors, has no power to resist! "

"It's so miserable!" Xu Ming shook his head secretly.

God Emperor Baili was devastated and wanted to cry. He just wanted to ask, "Who are you? Why did you help Xu Ming and deal with me as soon as you rushed up and said nothing..."

However, no one answered God Emperor Baili's question.

The purpose of these **** emperors who came to perform mercenary missions is very pure, that is - chaotic vitality! Chaos vitality! Chaos vitality!

Therefore, they don't care about God Emperor Baili's grievances and life or death at all, and they go straight to death!

As long as God Emperor Baili is killed, there will be at least a ray of chaotic vitality!

God Emperor Baili could never have dreamed that he would die because of a ray of chaotic vitality in his hand.

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