Break Into Another World

Chapter 1066: Sell

"My statue has disappeared!?"

The Holy Master was a little confused.

You must know that the material of the statue of the Holy Lord is comparable to the Chaos God Weapon! Even if it is a saint, it is difficult to destroy the statue of the Lord!

But just now, the Holy Master clearly felt that the statue of the Holy Master suddenly disappeared!

Yes, it just disappeared suddenly!

"Could it be that he was taken captive into their small world by other saints?" The Holy Master could not help but guess, "But it's not right! Even if I was taken captive into the small world of other saints, I can still tell the statue, There is a weak sense!"

But now, even the faint sense is gone! - This really puzzled the Holy Master!

"Under Heaven!" the Holy Master shouted.

Soon, a man with long hair and a loose gray robe walked in; he was the "Master of Heaven" under the Holy Lord's command, and he was also a crazy believer of the Holy Lord.

"Holy Master, what are your orders?" Lord Xie Tian looked at the Holy Master with a fanatical belief in his eyes.

"My statue... is gone! You go to the Yanyan Continent and check it out!" The Holy Master himself did not dare to leave the Sanctuary easily; because once he leaves, it is likely to attract the attention of several other saints.

Therefore, for this kind of thing, the Holy Master had to send his master to investigate!

"What!?" Lord Xie Tian was shocked and angry, "Don't worry, Holy Lord, I'll go check it now!"

The master of understanding heaven is best at causality; his self-named "Jietian" actually means "using causality to analyze heaven and earth". Therefore, if the Holy Master encounters something that needs to be investigated, he will usually send out the Lord of Heaven.

"Yeah!" The Holy Master nodded slightly, and then urged, "After you leave the Sanctuary, you must be careful! Although the saints can't surrender themselves and deal with you, but once the master of Yanyan Continent finds you, I'm afraid I'll besiege you!"

"Thank you Holy Master for your concern!" Lord Xie Tian was moved, "I practice the cause and effect one. Although I am weak in frontal combat, it is almost impossible for other Lords to track me!"

"Yeah!" The Holy Master waved his hand, "Go!"

But, where did the statue of the Holy Lord go?

Not so long ago.

Yan Yan Continent.

Deep in a remote and desolate poor mountain, Xu Ming looked at the statue of the Holy Lord in the world ring, very depressed.

Although this statue of the Holy Master is extremely precious, its value is even comparable to that of the Chaos God Armament; however, in Xu Ming's can't be used if he wants to use it.

This is the first time Xu Ming has obtained a precious treasure, but he is unhappy!

"How to fix it?" Xu Ming frowned.

Then, he asked Xiaohang jokingly, "Xiaohang, can this statue be sold to an artifact store?"

Xiaohang immediately replied: "Yes!"


Xu Ming was startled!

You must know that Xu Ming was just idle and bored, and he was just joking, asking casually to play; in his opinion, the statue of the Holy Lord should not be sold to artifact stores!

Unexpectedly, I just asked and played casually, and the answer turned out to be - yes!

"Really?" Xu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

"Of course!" Xiao Hang said.

"How much can you sell?" Xu Ming asked.

"30:00 Level 14 Hanging Point!"

"So many!?" Xu Ming was even more surprised.

To know…

The 9th-level hanging point corresponds to the **** stone used by the star-level gods. The level 10 hanging point corresponds to the crystal used by the silver moon gods. The level 11 hanging point corresponds to the essence used by the king-level gods.

The 12-level hanging point corresponds to the heaven and earth essence liquid used by the **** emperor. The level 13 hanging point corresponds to the chaotic vitality used by the master.

And the level 14 hanging point corresponds to the Chaos Primal Liquid used by the saint!

A drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid, even a saint would be jealous! Before, Xu Ming only had a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid in his hand, and he was really careful and tucked away;

And now, this statue of the Holy Master can actually be sold for 30 points and 14 points, that is... 30 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!

This is really... a windfall!

In addition to the surprise, Xu Ming quickly figured out why the statue of the Holy Lord could be sold to the artifact store.

Very simple, the artifact store does not accept "treasures with artifact spirits"; however, the statue of the Holy Lord is just a statue without artifact spirits! Therefore, it is naturally not within the scope of the artifact store that does not accept it.

"Do you want to sell the statue of the Holy Lord?" Xiaohang asked.

Needless to say?

Not to mention the level 14 hanging point at 30:00, even if there is only a level 14 hanging point at 10:00, Xu Ming would sell it without hesitation!

"Yes! Yes! Sell it now!" Xu Ming shouted.


In the world ring, the indestructible statue of the Lord disappeared immediately! As for Xu Ming's "Invincible Plug-in in Another World", there are 30 points and 14 levels of hanging points; these hanging points can be replaced by Xu Ming with Chaos Primal Liquid at any time! - The statue of the Holy Master was acquired by the artifact store. Even the Holy Master, naturally, he could only perceive that the statue suddenly disappeared; as for where the statue went, he could not perceive it at all.

"Hahaha... It's so cool!" Xu Ming's mouth turned into a flower when he smiled.

Although it is only 30 points for a level 14 hanging point, if it is exchanged for a level 13 hanging point and a level 12 hanging point, it is an incomparably huge number, which can allow Xu Ming to open the hanging point at will!

Of course, Xu Ming understood the truth of "Muxiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng"! - The hanging point is there, but as a person, you still have to keep a low profile!

After all, Brother Ming himself is a very low-key person!


Xu Ming teleported a few more times, and then teleported coordinates several times over a long distance before returning to the Yanyan Mountain.

Yan Yan Continent.

Death desert.

Xie Tianzhu suddenly appeared at the place where God Emperor Baili died, and also saw the remains of God Emperor Baili.

"The order of heaven here is so chaotic..." Lord Xie Tian couldn't help frowning, "Baili died in this place, doesn't this add a lot of difficulty to my cause and effect investigation?"

Lord Xie Tian did not know that God Emperor Baili deliberately entered the desert of death at that time, in order to use the chaotic order here to get rid of the causal tracking of other **** emperors. Unexpectedly, this desert of death has directly become the burial place of God Emperor Baili.

However, although the power of order in the desert of death is chaotic, it is also difficult to solve the Lord of Heaven.


Xie Tianzhu snorted suddenly. Immediately, the messy causal lines around him were forcibly smoothed out by him with great power.

"Everything, on the basis of cause and effect, must have traces!"

Then, Master Xie Tian followed the causal line to explore what happened here in the past.

Soon Master Xie Tian detected the scene when Xu Ming beheaded God Emperor Baili.

call out!

I saw a seemingly invisible black arrow flashed past, and God Emperor Baili died immediately.

"This is..." Master Xie Tian looked at the arrow in shock, "Zhuxin Arrow? How... how is it possible!?"

Unbelievable, Master Xie Tian replayed this scene several times; but no matter how many times he watched it, he was absolutely sure that this black arrow was definitely the "Heart Punishing Arrow", a chaotic divine soldier of mental power. !

"Zhuxinjian, actually reappeared in the world? Moreover, the person who used the Zhuxinjian was actually a **** emperor!?" Lord Xie Tian was shocked, "What is the identity of this **** emperor? Could it be... the successor of the saint without difficulty? ?"

Thinking of this, Master Xie Tian couldn't help but flash a murderous intent in his eyes: "The Saints of No Difficulties have disappeared for so many years. Unexpectedly, they have left their descendants in the God's Domain! Moreover, it has also ruined the good things of the Holy Master!"

Master Xie Tian "grabbed" the causal line that Xu Ming left here, and followed the causal line and began to track Xu Ming.

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