Break Into Another World

Chapter 1070: Familiarity

Palace Master Chilie was so frightened that he almost rushed to Yanyan Sacred Mountain to apologize to Xu Ming.

However, Palace Master Chilie is not a brainless person; he believes in anything he doesn't hear.

"That's not right!" Palace Master Chilie was very puzzled, "I've seen this Xu Ming before! His style and actions are nothing like a reclusive master of the realm!"


"Back then, God Emperor Baili and I made things so difficult for Xu Ming! If he was really the master of the realm, I'm afraid he would have shot and killed us at that time!" Palace Master Chilie remembered that before, he set up a plan for Lu Qing. The "Hongmen Banquet".

After thinking about it, Palace Master Chilie felt that there were various signs that Xu Ming could not be the master of the realm!

"But... if the rumors are false, Xu Ming is not the great master of the realm; then, why did God Emperor Baili, as well as more than a dozen other **** emperors, and thousands of conferred kings die in the Yanyan Mountain? Can't come back at all?"

Palace Master Chilie was a little confused.

But there is one thing that Palace Master Chilie can be sure of—there is definitely an extremely terrifying power hidden in the Yanyan Divine Mountain!

At this time, Palace Master Chilie couldn't help but feel remorse in his heart: "I chose to help God Emperor Baili, but stood on the opposite side of God Emperor Yanyan, what a huge mistake!"

But now, it is too late to regret it; all that Palace Master Chilie can do is to try his best to make up for his relationship with God Emperor Yanyan.

"It seems that I have to bring my sincerity and visit the Yanyan Sacred Mountain! Although, it will be very shameful to do so; but, a man must be able to bend and stretch!" Palace Master Chilie comforted himself.

Endless Continent.

The power of the human race has already flourished to the extreme.

For today's human race, there are no external troubles at all; however, there are many internal worries - large and small forces, fighting endlessly! The battle between the forces will naturally make many people at the bottom of the human race lose their lives.

For these battles, Xu Ming, who is the absolute controller of the Endless Continent, sees it all in his eyes, but never interferes.

It is the rule of heaven and earth that the weak eat the strong. Although Xu Ming has a way to make the Endless Continent stop all killings, he will not do it. After all, only in the slaughter can geniuses and strong men emerge.

In Xu Ming's independent space.

In the depths of a certain frozen mountain range, there is a cold pool, curling and transpiring cold air.

The endless cold air pervades the air, and the smoke waves are vast, as real as fantasy, like a fairyland.

A slender figure, standing pretty on the edge of the cold pool, does not eat human fireworks. It was Gu Hanmo.

"Alas..." Gu Hanmo sighed quietly, "After so many years, despite Xu Ming's careful guidance and the assistance of many precious resources, my cultivation is still only a demigod; It's still a long way off…”

Gu Hanmo's talent, to be honest... very poor!

Of course, the good and the bad are relative terms.

At the beginning, in Feiyun Kingdom and in the Wilderness Sect, Gu Hanmo's aptitude was naturally peerless and independent; except for Xu Ming, no one could match her.

However, compared with the top geniuses of the entire human race, Gu Hanmo's aptitude is really ordinary, and it can even be said to be poor.

As a result, although Xu Ming devoted a lot of energy to Gu Hanmo, her cultivation was still progressing slowly.

Gu Hanmo is also in a hurry!

"Or... I'd better use a drop of the essence of the gods and demons!"

However, Gu Hanmo knew that Xu Ming would not let himself use the essence of gods and demons.

The essence of gods and demons has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that any demigod who uses it can become a god; the disadvantage is that it will have an impact on future cultivation! - Xu Ming will not let Gu Hanmo use it if it will have a slight adverse effect on Gu Hanmo in the future!

Xu Ming will only use the best for Gu Hanmo!

"Hey..." Gu Hanmo had no choice but to shake his head secretly, "Let's find a way to fully understand the mystery of heaven, and work hard to become a **** as soon as possible!"

Gu Hanmo sat down with his knees crossed and was about to close his eyes to practice. Xu Ming's Qi Luck clone suddenly appeared.

"Uh? Xu Ming, why are you here?" Gu Hanmo said in surprise, "Didn't you say that keeping me isolated from the world in this 'Frozen Divine Kingdom' will help my cultivation! If you come here now, wouldn't you fight? Cut off my practice?"

The Frozen Kingdom of God is a treasure of cultivation aid purchased by Xu Ming in God's Domain. It can help practitioners, bring their minds into a state of tranquility, and improve the efficiency of Heavenly Dao perception! The longer this state of tranquility is maintained, the more efficient the practice will be.

But Xu Ming's sudden appearance broke Gu Hanmo's peaceful state.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Although the Frozen Divine Kingdom is a good treasure for cultivation, it is only a mortal thing! In the Divine Realm, it is not difficult to buy! And now... I have a better treasure for cultivation, and I want to give it to you. you!"

"What is it?" Gu Hanmo had anticipation in his eyes.

Xu Ming turned his hand, and a drop of crystal clear water appeared in his hand.

This drop of water, without the slightest breath, is just as ordinary as an ordinary drop of water; however, the entire world seems to be reflected in the drop of water!

"What is this!?" As soon as Gu Hanmo saw this drop of water, he was completely attracted.

"Chaos Primordial Liquid!" Xu Ming did not explain in depth, but said directly, "If you absorb it, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation!"

"Really?" Gu Hanmo was about to take it, but suddenly, her hand froze slightly and asked, "Xu Ming, isn't this drop of Chaos Primal Liquid very precious?"


If it is really precious, this drop of Chaos Primal Liquid is enough to cause the sage to be jealous!

However, no matter how precious the treasure is, as long as it is used by Gu Hanmo, Xu Ming will not feel distressed at all.

"It's okay! It's a good treasure for cultivation!" Xu Ming said casually - he was afraid that Gu Hanmo would be reluctant to use it if he revealed the true value of the Primal Chaos Liquid.

"Oh..." Gu Hanmo took the Chaos Primal Liquid suspiciously.

"You can cultivate here!" Xu Ming said, "I will keep an eye on you in the dark!"

Saying that, Xu Ming immediately disappeared and left.

Gu Hanmo held this drop of incomparably miraculous chaotic primordial liquid and looked at it carefully. Unconsciously, there was a trace of doubt and confusion in her eyes.

"Why I feel... familiar with this drop of water!"

Yes, familiarity!

As if familiar.

However, it is only "as if"!

After all, Gu Hanmo would never have seen Chaos Primal Liquid! Even if the value of the entire endless continent is added together, it is not as precious as one millionth of a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid!

Then, Gu Hanmo solemnly and slowly introduced the drop of Chaos Primal Liquid into his body.


Immediately, Gu Hanmo's whole body felt a sense of brilliance. Her skin was already breakable; now, it is crystal clear to the extreme.

Clearer than water!

"What an amazing feeling!"

Gu Hanmo was completely immersed in the feeling of absorbing the primordial fluid of chaos.

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