Break Into Another World

Chapter 1075: Prove strength

"Everyone who wants to sign up to recruit relatives, come to me!"

The voice of "Bai Jian", the steward of the Palace of the Holy Emperor, fell, but there was no response from the bustling crowd at the scene.

No one stepped forward to sign up.

Seeing this, Bai Jian was not surprised at all - after all, to sign up for a marriage recruitment, you must at least have the strength of a king; moreover, you should not be too old.

In Chilie Mansion, although there are many king-level masters, there are not many who meet the age requirements.

"No one wants to sign up?"

Bai Jian looked around, with some disdain in his tone.

Bai Jian is not the steward of the Holy Emperor Branch Hall of Chilie Mansion, but from the main hall of the Holy Emperor Hall! As a member of the giant-level forces in God's Domain, Bai Jian's identity is detached, and he has some disdain for the gods in the "countryside" of Chilie Mansion; now that no one has signed up, it is natural to despise these gods in these rural areas. .

And Bai Jian's own sense of superiority became stronger and stronger, and he thought: "Small place, it's just a small place! In our Holy Emperor City, as soon as the news of recruiting relatives was announced, there was an endless stream of registered king-level masters. In this Red Lie Mansion, no one has signed up for a long time!"

At this time, Xu Ming finally figured out the requirements for registering for relatives.

He separated the crowd, walked towards Bai Jian, and shouted, "I'll sign up!"

Someone signed up!

Immediately, all the eyes of the audience turned towards Xu Ming. However, when they saw Xu Ming's cultivation, everyone was a little surprised.

"Silver Moon Tenth Grade?"

"It's not even a king, but the tenth grade of the silver moon! - Could it be that this tenth grade of the silver moon thinks that he has the strength comparable to that of the king?"

The avatar that Xu Ming is now acting on is his ancient cultivator avatar, and it is also the avatar of Xu Ming's highest cultivation base, reaching the "Tenth Grade Silver Moon".

However, because his cultivation was not at the king level, Xu Ming naturally aroused everyone's doubts.

"Oh? You want to sign up?" Bai Jian glanced at Xu Ming and sneered disdainfully, "Your cultivation is too low to be eligible to sign up! Go on!"


Xu Ming's face sank - not eligible to sign up?

Xu Ming said coldly: "In terms of registration requirements, there is no requirement for cultivation, only for strength! - Although my cultivation is low, but my strength has reached the king level, why can't I register?"

"The strength has reached the king level?" Bai Jian sneered, "Do you have the king level strength, can't I see it? - I said that you are not qualified to apply, you are not qualified to apply!"

"Ha!" Xu Ming was amused by Bai Jian's words, "You said that I am not qualified to apply, so I am not qualified to apply?"

Xu Ming felt that he might need to show his strength a little.

"That's natural!" Bai Jian sneered, "Why are you still standing here stupidly? Why don't you get down quickly?"


Xu Ming smiled.

Smiling brightly.

How long has it been since no one dared to speak to Xu Ming like this?

"I think, I should be able to prove my strength!" Xu Ming said coldly.

"Prove? Prove what?" Bai Jian scolded impatiently, "You bastard, are you bothered? I said that you don't have the qualifications to sign up, so you just get out of it, okay? You have to stand here, wasting my time?"


Hearing these two words, Xu Ming knew that this face, he had made up his mind! -Since the other party is so shameless, then you should slap this face yourself.

"Not yet..."

Before Bai Jian could say the word "roll", he saw a palm shadow suddenly attacking him.

The shadow of the palm is as strange as a ghost and as fast as lightning.

Bai Jian was terrified, subconsciously trying to resist. However, just as he reacted, his body didn't have time to activate, and the slap had already arrived!

Snapped! !

A crisp slap! Bright red palm prints!

"What a familiar feeling, I haven't experienced it for a while!" Xu Ming thought to himself as he felt the feeling of a slap.

"You..." Bai Jian was stunned, "You dare... to hit me?"

The originally noisy onlookers were also dumbfounded and silent at this time.

One by one watching the gods, they thought in disbelief:

"The steward of the Holy Emperor's Hall from the main hall was picked up..."

"This silver moon tenth-grade shot is so fast! It definitely has the strength of a king!"

"However, even if he has the strength of a king, it is too arrogant to dare to fight the steward of the Holy Emperor's Palace, isn't it?"

"Yeah! This tenth grade Yinyue is too arrogant and impulsive!"

"Pumping you?" Xu Ming showed an expression of disapproval, "I just want to prove that I have the strength of a king! - I think now, I have already proved it?"

"Prove it!" Bai Jiangang was slapped, angry and annoyed, and subconsciously shouted.

However, his voice just fell; on the other side of his face, he also felt a gust of wind blowing.


On the other side of Bai Jian's face, a bright red palm print was also printed.

"You..." Bai Jian was furious.

However, Xu Ming just asked calmly: "Now, can I prove my strength?"

"You..." Bai Jian's eyes were red.

The same red as the slap print on his face!

"you wanna die!!"

boom! !

The aura on Bai Jian's body erupted, and the powerful aura and coercion of a king-level master was unquestionably displayed.

"Take your life!" Bai Jian, who was dazed with anger, rushed towards Xu Ming aggressively.

However, his momentum has only just begun to be aggressive...


Another slap - seemingly ordinary and unremarkable, but unavoidable and unstoppable fell on Bai Jian's face, directly pulling his momentum away.

Xu Ming said the same thing: "Now, can you prove my strength?"

After three consecutive slaps, Bai Jian finally calmed down.

Bai Jian had to admit that Xu Ming had the strength of a king! Moreover, among the kings, they are not weak; at least, they are stronger than his white sword!

"Too arrogant!" The gods who were watching were amazed, "This is the most arrogant silver moon tenth rank I have ever seen! If there is a disagreement, I will act directly; moreover, the attack is still from the main hall of the Holy Emperor's Palace. The face of a master king..."

"Arrogance is arrogance! However, his strength is indeed strong!"

"Yeah! This white sword is in charge, and he was beaten so much that he didn't dare to fight back!"

Bai Jian felt ashamed and annoyed by the discussions of the and the strange gazes.

"You..." Bai Jian looked at Xu Ming with hatred and fear.

"Come on, now, can I prove that I have the strength of a king? - If I still can't prove it, then I will prove it again!" Since it's already high-profile, then Xu Ming doesn't mind a little more high-profile !

To prove it again, it is to draw another white sword!

"Boy, do you know, what are the consequences of offending the Holy Emperor's Palace?" Bai Jianse shouted sternly.

Offend the Temple of the Holy Emperor?

Xu Ming sneered: "You still can't represent the Holy Emperor's Palace! But...if you don't tell me, can I prove my strength; then, I have to continue to prove it!"

Saying that, Xu Ming raised his slap again. The threat in the language is self-evident.

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