Break Into Another World

Chapter 1078: Is that... Brother Ming?

The Emperor Jinmu also felt those tyrannical breaths, and his face couldn't help showing joy.

"Help is here!"

Sure enough, soon, three imposing figures in black appeared in the distance of the sky! —These three figures are all emperor-level strength! It is the hall master of the Chilie House branch of the Holy Emperor's Hall, and the two deputy hall masters.

boom! boom! boom!

Three figures soon came to the side of the Jinmu God Emperor.

"Jin Mu, what's going on?" Ji Qing, the head of the branch hall, could not help but ask when he saw that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

"Ji Qing!" The Emperor Jinmu said angrily, "In your Chilie Mansion, some people are very arrogant!"

The Emperor Jinmu subconsciously thought that Xu Ming was from the Chilie Mansion.

"Oh?" Ji Qing Palace Master was a little puzzled; suddenly, he noticed the white sword that was drawn inhumanly behind the Jinmu God Emperor.

Ji Qing Palace Master was almost afraid to recognize it: "Is this... Bai Jian? Why..."

"It is thanks to him!" The Emperor Jinmu pointed at Xu Ming and sneered.

The three Jiqing Palace Masters all turned their attention to Xu Ming, but found that Xu Ming was only a tenth grade Yinyue, and couldn't help but be more and more puzzled: "Thanks to him?"

Jiqing Palace Master three people, it is impossible to imagine how a silver moon tenth rank can make a king-level white sword look like this!

"Don't underestimate this thief!" God Emperor Jinmu said in a voice transmission, "On the surface, his cultivation is only tenth grade Yinyue; however, I suspect that he is a **** emperor who is good at disguise!"


The three Jiqing Palace Masters immediately let go of their contempt for Xu Ming.

"If the three of you hadn't come, I'd probably have already taken action to capture this thief and avenge my disciple!" Emperor Jinmu said again, "Now, you've come just in time, come with me and capture him! "

Although the three Jiqing Palace Masters do not know what happened, but the Jinmu God Emperor is a member of their Holy Emperor Palace, no matter what happens, it is always right to "help the inside and not the outside"!

Therefore, the Jiqing Palace Master didn't even think about it, he shouted angrily at Xu Ming: "Boy, do you know the guilt!?"

In the aura of the Jiqing Palace Master, there is a feeling of "judgment", as if to judge Xu Ming's fate.


Xu Ming sneered: "You didn't even ask what the situation was, but asked me if I was convicted?"

"Hahahaha..." Jiqing Palace Master looked up to the sky and smiled, "I don't need to know what's going on! Anyway, offending my Holy Emperor Palace is a sin!"

"Crazy enough!" Xu Ming flashed two words in his heart.

"Offending the Temple of the Holy Emperor is a sin? - Why have I never heard of this sentence?" Xu Ming sneered, "Also, you are a small branch hall master, can you represent the Temple of the Holy Emperor?"

"Jin Mu, you're right, this kid is really arrogant!" Jiqing Palace Master was furious; then, he turned to Xu Ming and shouted, "Boy! I'll give you a chance now! If you are honest, you will be captured, Maybe we can let you go; otherwise, I can punish you for your crime now!"

"Ha!" Xu Ming laughed in anger - this Jiqing Palace Master is too self-righteous and self-confident, right?

"Huh? How dare you laugh!?" Ji Qing Palace Master said angrily, "Since you insist on courting death, don't blame us for being cruel!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three hall masters, including the Jinmu God Emperor and Ji Qing, surrounded Xu Ming from four directions very tacitly.

"Now, I'll give you the last chance to capture you!" Ji Qing Palace Master sneered.

The corners of Xu Ming's mouth twitched slightly; he didn't speak, but the answer was self-evident - no need!

"Okay! Very good!" Ji Qing's aura became gloomy and cold, and he was about to make a move; at this time, at the end of the sky, two tyrannical auras swept in.

Moreover, the two tyrannical breaths that came this time are obviously much stronger than Jin Mu, Ji Qing and others!

"This is...?" In the end, the Emperor Jinmu was a "foreign population" and came from the main hall of the Holy Emperor's Palace; he didn't know anything about the situation or the masters of the Chilie Mansion. He felt that these two auras were far stronger than himself, and he couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Ji Qing Palace Master recognized the identities of these two auras, and even Chuanyin explained: "They are the two giants of our Chilie Mansion!"

Not long after, these two tyrannical breaths also appeared in the distance of the sky.

"Uh..." Xu Ming found that he actually recognized them - Palace Master Chilie! God Emperor Moruo!

Jiqing Palace Master also introduced to the Emperor Jinmu through voice transmission: "The one on the left is the Palace Master of our Chilie Mansion! The one on the right is the Palace Master of the Space-Time Branch!"

"Oh?" The Emperor Jinmu was a little strange, "Palace Master Chilie is the giant of your Chilie House, I can understand it! But, why was the Palace Master of the Space Separation Hall at that time..."

"You don't know!" Jiqing Palace Master continued to explain, "Generally speaking, the strength of the time and space branch hall masters of Fucheng is almost the same as our Holy Emperor branch hall master! But in Chilie Mansion, there are some exceptions. - God Emperor Mo Luo, the master of the Space-Time Division, has been instructed by Master Yun; therefore, his strength has already reached the peak of God Emperor! Even, he may even be stronger than Palace Master Chilie!"

Having said that, Hall Master Ji Qing is still a little envious and unwilling! -Why, Moruo was able to be instructed by Master Yun; but Ji Qing, he didn't have such luck?

God Emperor peak?

Hearing these four words, the Jinmu God Emperor immediately became awe-inspiring! - You must know that he was promoted to the **** emperor, only the first level of the **** emperor! The strength gap between the peak of the God Emperor is still very large!

Two experts from the peak of the **** emperor came, how could the **** emperor Jinmu not take it seriously!

From a distance, Palace Master Chilie and God Emperor Moruo discovered Palace Master Jiqing! —After all, they usually have the most contact with the Jiqing Palace Master, and they are also the most familiar with the Jiqing Palace Master! Therefore, we can identify it as early as Palace Master Ji Qing! Palace Master Chilie laughed from a distance, "I heard that your Holy Emperor Palace is promoting the marriage proposal of Yin Ran, the daughter of the Holy Emperor City Lord? Hahaha, such an interesting thing, I also come to see the fun! By the way, get to know the experts from the Holy Emperor's main hall! "

Palace Master Chilie and God Emperor Moruo came together. On the one hand, they really came to join in the fun, and on the other hand, they also came to get to know the "masters" of the Holy Emperor's main hall!

After all, although the Emperor Jinmu has an average cultivation level, he was born in the main hall of the Holy Emperor, so Palace Master Chilie and the God Emperor Moruo will naturally look at the Emperor Jinmu! Moreover, getting acquainted with the "masters" from the main hall of the Holy Emperor's Palace, in case they want to do business in the main hall of the Holy Emperor's Palace in the future, it will be much more convenient.

However, both Palace Master Chilie and God Emperor Moruo found that the atmosphere on Jiqing Palace Master's side seemed to be a bit wrong! There is a feeling of tension.

"what's the situation?"

Immediately, Palace Master Chilie and God Emperor Moruo found Xu Ming surrounded by the four God Emperors.

"That's... Brother Ming?" Palace Master Chilie, God Emperor Mo Luo suddenly showed a look of panic.

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