Break Into Another World

Chapter 1081: Set off! Thunder Continent!

Chilie House.

Temple of the Holy Emperor.

According to the agreed time, Xu Ming came to find the Emperor Jinmu and set off to the Holy Emperor City together.

However, after entering the branch hall of the Holy Emperor Hall and looking around, Xu Ming found out that the Emperor Jinmu and Bai Jian had disappeared!

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned tightly, "The appointment is today! Jin Mu and Bai Jian are not here?"

"Brother Ming!" At this moment, the master of the Jiqing Palace stepped forward and shouted respectfully.

"Ji Qing!" Xu Ming asked, "Where are Jin Mu and Bai Jian?"

"I remember that more than two months ago, they said that they would go to the surrounding city of God to accept the registration for marriage!" Jiqing Palace Master said, "Today is the day they agreed with you, Brother Ming, and they should be back soon. Bar!"

"Oh?" After hearing Ji Qing's words, Xu Ming became more and more suspicious. Because, he found that even Ji Qing didn't seem to know where Jin Mu and Bai Jian were going!

Faintly, Xu Ming felt something was wrong.

"Could it be... that I was released as a pigeon?"

Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

"Xiaohang, help me find out where Jin Mu and Bai Jian are now!"

With Xu Ming's current strong financial resources, it is naturally easy to investigate the whereabouts of a **** emperor and a conferred king.

Soon, Xiaohang's investigation results came back: "The Emperor Jinmu and Baijian are both in the Shura Sea now!"

"Asura Sea?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled, and then his anger came up.

The Divine Realm is divided into seven continents and two sea areas; and the Shura Sea is one of these two sea areas!

"They have already left the Yanyan Continent and entered the Shura Sea..." Xu Ming was full of anger, "The realm of the gods is vast! From the Chilie Mansion to the Shura Sea, the distance in the middle is even more distant than it can be measured! - Jinmu God Emperor He Bai Jian has already entered the Asura Sea; this means that they probably left the territory of Chilie Mansion more than two months ago!"

And Xu Ming was also completely sure - he was released as a pigeon!

Dare to let Brother Ming's pigeons go?

Although, starting two months earlier and two months later doesn't make much difference to Xu Ming; after all, even if he arrives at the Holy Emperor City early, the family recruitment will not start, and there will be nothing to do and nothing to do! However, Xu Ming's mood will not always be happy when he is let go of the pigeon for no reason!

Moreover, Xu Ming also saw through the intentions of the Jinmu God Emperor and Bai Jian: "You must be thinking, are you looking for revenge on me in the Holy Emperor City?"

This kind of mind jumping clown, Xu Ming guessed it casually.


"Ha! Take revenge on me?" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, "Then they have to get to the Holy Emperor City!"

It's just that the Emperor Jinmu and Bai Jian have offended Xu Ming again and again. Can they still reach the Holy Emperor City alive?

Xu Ming sneered, found an unoccupied corner, and took out the "Book of Life and Death".

"Since they have to find death, then I have no choice but to fulfill them!"

Self-inflicted sin, do not live!

"Use the 'Book of Life and Death' for long-range beheading! The farther the distance is, the more exaggerated the cost of hanging points!" Xu Ming secretly said, "However, it's just the price of being a **** emperor at the beginning level, a king level, and killing them at a distance. , I can still afford it!"

Thinking about it, Xu Ming indifferently wrote the names of Jin Mu and Bai Jian on the "Book of Life and Death".

Shura Sea.

Endless vastness.

You must know that most of the space in God's Domain is the sea area, not the mainland! The area of ​​the Shura Sea alone is much larger than the seven continents combined!


The sea is not only vast, but also extremely deep! Each **** is lurking at different depths in the sea; the number of gods in each layer is more than the seven continents combined!

Countless layers of "sea layers", how many gods and gods are hidden? I am afraid that no one knows except the saint!


On the turbulent sea, a big wave suddenly rose.

The size of this huge wave is bigger than a world of dust! And this kind of big wave, in the Shura Sea, is just a "splash" that is accustomed to; those real monstrous waves are even bigger than dozens or hundreds of dust worlds combined!

However, even this habitual "wave", if it is photographed on the endless continent; then, all life on the endless continent can be destroyed with just one "wave" - ​​unless it is a powerful **** who can Survive in such a catastrophe!

Just a single wave has such a strong power! It can be seen that all those who can live near the sea are masters of the Divine Realm; if the strength is weak, if one is not careful, they may be killed by the waves!

"It's so vast! It's shocking!" Although this is not the first time for Bai Jian to come to the Shura Sea, he can't help but be shocked. "It's bigger than our entire Thunder Continent, I don't know how many times!"

In Bai Jian's eyes, apart from the sea water, the only thing he could see was the drowsy sunset in the western sky.

"Huge? What is this?" The look of the Emperor Jinmu was full of disdain, "No matter how vast, isn't it under the control of our Holy Emperor City?"

Holy Emperor City, known as the largest city of the gods! Such a claim naturally includes the cities in the sea area!

"Yes!" Thinking of this, Bai Jian's face also rose with pride.

Holy Emperor City, how detached is its status in the Divine Realm? Even if Bai Jian is only a very inconspicuous member of the Holy Emperor City, but at this time, he still feels honored.

Both the Jinmu God Emperor and Bai Jian looked at the direction of the sunset slowly sinking to the sea level - this is the direction of the Holy Emperor City!

"so beautiful!"

"Sunset is magnificent!"

A look of intoxication appeared on the faces of the two of them.

But suddenly, the eyes of the two became frightened; before they could shout anything, they had completely lost their breath of life.

Die dead!

Until death, neither the Jinmu God Emperor nor Bai Jian knew how they died! - There is no trace of the attack of the "Book of Life and Death"; even if it is the gods of the realm of cause and effect, it is impossible to find out the cause of death of the two!


The two gods that had lost their breath of life quickly fell into the Asura Sea—they were **** emperors and kings after all. Their gods and treasures fell into the Asura Sea, which naturally caused countless gods to fight in the Asura Sea!


Inside the Chilie Mansion.

Xu Ming put away the "Book of Life and Death", his expression was indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

"Go, go back first!"

The "coordinate transfer" started, and Xu Ming quickly returned to the Yanyan Mountain.

However, Xu Ming found out that Lu Qing had entered a state of seclusion - come to think of it, it is possible that Lu Qing used that drop of chaotic primordial liquid; therefore, he is now in seclusion, absorbing the huge energy in chaotic primal liquid.

"Lu Qing is in retreat, then I will definitely leave a clone to guard the Yanyan Sacred Mountain!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Otherwise, once the Yanyan Sacred Mountain encounters any danger, I won't have time to know, and I won't have time to come back!"

Which avatar is left?

Naturally, the Heavenly Dao Liu clone was left behind! - After all, the strength of the ancient cultivator clone is the strongest! As for Xu Ming, the genius to be faced in this recruiting process will probably be a **** emperor or even a master; therefore, Xu Ming certainly does not dare to be too arrogant, and of course chooses to let the strongest clone come into play!

When it comes to recruiting a relative, you must not miss it!

"Bring Sisi and Yingying with you too!"

Bringing Sisi and Yingying along can help Xu Ming increase his luck. Moreover, the second daughter is hidden in the world ring, and it is not easy to be discovered by other great powers.

After everything was ready, Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone looked towards the far west: "Let's go! Thunder Continent!"

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