Break Into Another World

Chapter 1084: Remote face reappearance

Kneel down! ?

Li Xiujie's more than a dozen brothers were all grief-stricken. Lewen Mobile Network

However, today's Li Xiujie, who has obtained the mysterious inheritance in the family, is at his most high-spirited time; the resources and power of the entire family are also completely tilted towards Li Xiujie. The other dozen brothers had no status at all in front of Li Xiujie.

"What? You bastards, don't you want to kneel down!?" Li Xiujie's eyes flashed with murderous intent - he actually didn't mind, killing a few people to show his prestige; even if these people were the same father as him 's brother.

"I..." The dozen brothers gritted their teeth tightly, their faces twisted with anger.


Suddenly, a burly figure in black armor burst out.

"Li Xiujie! What kind of fame are you?" The vast imposing manner of the black armor figure showed that he had the strength of the first-level **** emperor, "Want me to kneel down for you? Go to hell!"

This black armor figure is a killer move when he makes a move! He had already figured it out clearly, even if he dragged Li Xiujie to death, he would never let Li Xiujie continue to be so arrogant.

"Ha!" Li Xiujie just smiled lightly in the face of the murderous intent of the figure in black armor, "Ephemerus shakes the tree!"

I saw Li Xiujie stretched out a palm and photographed it from top to bottom. The divine body of the black armor figure was crushed and annihilated like a meat pie.


With just one move, the black armor figure of the God Emperor's primary strength was killed!


The whole place was silent.

Li Xiujie's strength is much stronger than everyone imagined!

"Who else doesn't want to kneel?" Li Xiujie looked around, imposingly.

Although the more than a dozen brothers were grieved and indignant, in order to save their lives, they had to give up their last dignity, and "Putong" and "Putong" all knelt on the ground.

"Hahahaha..." Li Xiujie laughed more and more unscrupulously—he liked this feeling of power!

Of course, at the same time, Li Xiujie couldn't help but sigh: "If it wasn't for the mysterious inheritance in the family, how could I have such a glorious moment? And... With my current strength, I am absolutely determined to win the next marriage! No one can compete with me for Yin Ran! Hahahaha..."

At this moment, Li Xiujie had the heroic aura of "wake up holding the murder sword, drunk and lying on the knees of the beauty"!

"Wait for me to conquer! Yin Ran!"

There was a glimmer of light in Li Xiujie's eyes. He rose to his feet; a dozen of his brothers were at his feet.

Just when Li Xiujie was in a high spirits...


A crisp slap sounded.

Li Xiujie couldn't help being stunned - he felt a slap in the face.

Although it didn't hurt at all, it was definitely a slap in the face!

"Huh?" The dozen or so brothers kneeling on the ground raised their heads curiously; then, they were surprised to see that there was a bright red palm print on Li Xiujie's handsome face!

"What's the matter?" The dozen brothers were both shocked and secretly delighted - Li Xiujie is too arrogant and arrogant! Now that Li Xiujie was deflated, of course they were secretly overjoyed.

"You..." Li Xiujie noticed the sarcasm implied in these dozens of eyes, and couldn't help but get more and more annoyed.


But then, another bright red palm print was printed on the other side of Li Xiujie's face.

"I...I..." Li Xiujie was going crazy.

"Forced face slap" is Xu Ming's exclusive plug-in function. This function is a purely entertainment function; there is only the "audio and video effect" of slapping the face, but there is no substantial harm.

Li Xiujie received these two slaps, but it didn't hurt at all! However, Li Xiujie would rather be hurt than be humiliated like this.

Moreover, these two slaps also made Li Xiujie find a familiar feeling - when he was in Zihu City in Chilie Mansion, Li Xiujie received countless such inexplicable slaps. Moreover, it is impossible to find out who is hitting his face.

And now, this terrifying nightmare is here again!


Then, the third slap!

"who is it!?"

Li Xiujie is also an emperor-level existence now; although he is not good at the cause and effect, he is also familiar with similarities and dabble. He quickly exerted his attainments in the cause and effect, and wanted to explore the source of these slaps.


As far as Li Xiujie's half-hearted causal attainments are concerned, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream to try to find out the source of the "forced slap in the face".

Li Xiujie probed for a long time, but he didn't even detect the root hair.


The slap on Li Xiujie's face still didn't mean to stop.

"Who the **** is trolling me!" Li Xiujie was angry and aggrieved; the anger in his heart was turning the tide.

"who is it!?"

"who is it!?"

So, in the main hall, there was such a strange scene-a dozen of Li Xiujie's brothers, all kneeling on the ground, "looking up" at Li Xiujie and getting slapped.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

The applause was crisp and rhythmic.

"Get out!" Li Xiujie, who had lost all face, roared hysterically, "Get out of here!"

How could Li Xiujie not know that his dozen or so brothers were kneeling on the ground watching his jokes!

Although more than a dozen brothers wanted to continue watching Li Xiujie get slapped in the face, under Li Xiujie's roar, they could only stand up and leave angrily.


The slap continues.

"Go find my father!" Li Xiujie hurriedly left the family hall.

"Xiujie! What's wrong with your face?"

Li Xiujie's father "Li Tian" dominates, and he can't help but be shocked when he sees his son's face covered with palm prints.

"Father!" Li Xiujie was about to cry. "There is the power of cause and effect, and he is hitting me with the power of cause and effect! Father, take action and help me find out who is dealing with me!"

"Is there such a thing!?" Li Tianzhu's face suddenly sank, and he even manipulated the power of karma and spread out along the palm print on Li Xiujie's face.

It's just that although Li Tian exists in the Dominant Realm, he is not specialized in Causal Dao after all; he is only slightly involved in Causal Dao. Therefore, this investigation is naturally can't be probed! "Li Tianzhu's face became more and more ugly," The other party is definitely the superpower of the cause and effect! - Who the **** did you offend! ? "

"Father..." Li Xiujie continued, "Don't you understand my character? How could I possibly offend some superpower?"

Li Tianzhu snorted and said nothing. He also knows that this son of his owns, bullies the soft and fears the hard; once he encounters some superpower, it is too late to run up to flatter him, and it is impossible to offend the other party!

clap clap clap...

The slaps on Li Xiujie's face became more and more intense.

Layers of bright red palm prints had already covered Li Xiujie's entire face.

"Father... what should I do now?" Li Xiujie was both angry and helpless.

"Don't worry!" Li Tian dominated, "I'll take you to see Old Bai right away! - Old Bai's accomplishments in karma are only slightly inferior to that of a saint! He will definitely be able to find out who is dealing with you!"

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