Break Into Another World

Chapter 1086: tea money

The black-armored deity headed again said: "The **** fee is charged according to the cultivation base! - Star level, free! Silver moon level, the **** fee per person is half a bottle of spiritual marrow! King level, the **** fee per person is five Bottle of spirit!"

As for the emperor level and above, the black armored gods headed by him did not say anything. After all, their so-called "escorts" are simply to collect tolls; they are not qualified to receive tolls at the head of the emperor-level almighty.

"What a pit **** fee!" Xu Ming secretly said.

You must know that when Xu Ming went to Xingluo Island to practice, the Xingluo King who was at the beginning of the conquest king only had a bottle of spiritual essence!

And now, the **** fee for a Silver Moon-level **** is half a bottle of Spiritual Essence; a bottle of King-level **** is as high as five bottles of Spiritual Essence! - Even if many gods go bankrupt, they can't afford the high cost of escort!

The voice of the headed Heijia deity fell, and soon, there was a noise in the restaurant that went out to sea.

"Why did the **** cost go up?"

"Yeah! In the past, didn't each person only need three bottles of Spiritual Essence?"

"It's too expensive! How can you afford it!"

"Humph! Don't talk nonsense!" The headed Heijia **** shouted, "If you don't have the essence, don't think about going to sea! - If you want to go to sea to hunt for treasure, but don't want to pay a price? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!"

For many gods, going to sea is not actually to go to other continents, but to live in the sea or hunt for treasures!

The Asura Sea and the Storm Sea, these two seas, although they are full of dangers, they also contain many opportunities! - After all, the two seas are many times larger than the seven continents, and the resources are countless times richer; entering the sea to live and obtain treasures is naturally much easier than on land!

In short, crisis and chance coexist!

"Hurry up! Come to me one by one, and register to go to sea!" The head of the black armored **** said again, "By the way, when registering, take out all the world rings first; I want to check, your world rings Are there any Tibetans here?"

When the black-armored deity spoke, a hideous smile flashed in the depths of his eyes!

Check the world ring? - Checking whether there are Tibetans in it is just one of the reasons; the other purpose is to check to see if there are any treasures in the world ring.

If it finds a heavy treasure, although the Haitian Alliance will not act immediately, but after going to's hard to say!

"Ha!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing, "Check the world ring?"

Originally, when he heard the head of the black-armored deity saying that he would charge a high **** fee; Xu Ming also planned to keep a low profile and pay the **** fee! - After all, Xu Ming is not so bad. Moreover, this is a long-standing rule of Haitian City, and it is also a default unspoken rule on the entire coastline; Xu Ming didn't want to look for trouble, and broke other people's rules casually.

However, when he heard that he was going to check the world ring, Xu Ming knew that he couldn't keep a low profile!

Although, most of Xu Ming's treasures are stored in the heart world; the world ring is only some trivial garbage. But... this is not a question of how many treasures are in the world ring, but, Brother Ming's "Doudou" is not something that can be flipped casually!

Even if it is the master of the realm, don't even think about turning over the "pocket" of Brother Ming! Not to mention, what is the Haitian Alliance who is not in the mainstream!

"Looks like we're going to have to smash the Haitian League site today!" Xu Ming smiled casually, "Just, I hope they'll be smarter, I don't want to kill anyone casually!"

While Xu Ming was talking to himself, a slender and stern black-armored **** seemed to have noticed something abnormal on Xu Ming's side and walked over.

However... this lean and sinister **** did not go to Xu Ming, but to the young "Shi Qing" who met Xu Ming Pingshui.

Xu Ming looked over. It was found that at the big tea table where Shi Qing was, more than a dozen gods who came with Shi Qing had already stood up and were ready to go to register to go to sea; only Shi Qing, some of whom sat there obediently and did not dare to get up.

"This situation seems to be..." Xu Ming secretly guessed, "Shi Qing's spirit may not be enough to go to sea!"

Xu Ming guessed correctly, Shi Qing was indeed not enough.

At this time, the lean and sinister **** had already walked to Shi Qing's side.

"Do you want to go to sea?" The lean and sinister gaze of the **** was cold and ruthless.

"Yes! Yes!" Shi Qing continued.

"Going to sea? Then what are you doing sitting here grinding and chirping?" The lean and sinister spirit shouted again.

"But..." Shi Qing said somewhat submissively, "My spirit is not enough... In the past, we only needed 500 drops of spirit for **** when we went to sea at the silver moon level; but now, it has suddenly risen to a thousand drops... Before I came, I didn't even know that the **** fee had gone up; therefore, I only had five or six hundred drops of spiritual marrow on my body! Senior, can you be accommodating and let me go to sea?"

The lean and sinister spirit sneered: "Not enough spirituality?—Ha, you don't have the spirituality, and you want to go to sea? Get out!"

"I..." Shi Qing still wanted to fight; however, when he saw the murderous cold eyes of the other party, he was so frightened that he shrank back again.

"You can only go back, and come back with a thousand drops of essence!" Shi Qing had to stand up and walked back very lonely.

"Wait!" The lean and sinister spirit shouted again.

"Huh?" Shi Qinglian turned around, a look of surprise in his eyes - could it be that he is accommodating?

However, it was not what Shi Qing thought.

I saw the lean and sinister spirit shouting in a cold voice, "What? After drinking tea at the Sea-Going Teahouse, do you want to leave without paying?"

"Ah?" Shi Qing was shocked, "Isn't the tea here free?"

The lean and sinister **** sneered, "For those who want us to **** to the sea, we will naturally provide a cup of tea for free! However, if you don't go to sea, do you still want to drink Bawang tea for free?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Shi Qing continued.

He also thought that a cup of tea was not much money; even if the other party called it a little more expensive, it would be a good thing to break the bank and eliminate the disaster!

But then, Shi Qing was completely stunned.

"A cup of tea, five hundred drops of spiritual essence!" There was a playful look in the eyes of the lean and sinister god.

Five hundred drops of divine marrow! ? - Shi Qing was frightened.

Even Xu Ming couldn't help but pick up the tea and drink it carefully: "Damn it! What kind of tea is this, so expensive?"

However, even though Xu Ming was well-informed, he couldn't drink it, what was the difference in this cup of tea!

This is just an ordinary cup of tea!

"A cup of ordinary tea sells 500 drops of spiritual essence?" Xu Ming smiled - this teahouse going out to sea is clearly a robbery!

At this time, Shi Qing couldn't smile at all: "Five hundred drops of spiritual marrow..."

Shi Qing is only a half-step king! These five hundred drops of divine are almost all of his savings!

The lean and sinister deity smiled but said, "If you think tea is expensive, then you can choose to let us **** us out to sea! In that case, this cup of tea is free!"

Going to sea?

Of course Shi Qing came up with it!

However, he doesn't have enough spirituality to pay for the escort!

Shi Qing was suddenly caught in a predicament - if he wanted to go to sea, he had no money to go out;

"What should I do? What should I do?" Shi Qing turned around in a hurry.

"You figure out how to choose by yourself, I didn't force you!" The corners of the lean and sinister god's mouth twitched slightly.

Xu Ming took a sip of his tea calmly, and he had already decided in his heart to help Shi Qing! - Take it as it is, and accept the reminder that Shi Qing gave to himself before.

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