Break Into Another World

Chapter 1088: super expert

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

At the moment when the lean and sinister spirit was swept away, the other nineteen Haitian League's black armored guards noticed the situation here and killed them.

"Old Yin was beaten!"

"What? You dare to beat our people?"

"court death!"

"Even if it is a half-step emperor, it will definitely die!"

The twenty black armored guards, including "Old Yin", are only tenth-grade Yinyue cultivators; however, they represent the Haitian Alliance!

To move any of them is to offend the entire Haitian Alliance!

"Boy! You are courting death!"

The nineteen black armored guards all shot at Xu Ming like electricity.

"Capture first!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

One after another grabbing means, bound to Xu Ming from all directions.

"Catch me?"

Xu Ming sneered and raised his slap again.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

The slap crossed an arc in the void, sending nineteen people away with one palm!

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Nineteen black armored guards fell to the ground very neatly.

"What!?" The surrounding gods were shocked.

"It's a master!"

"Judging from his understated shot just now, I'm afraid he has at least the strength of a high-ranking king!"

"High-ranking king? So what? - In Haitian City, provoking the Haitian Alliance? Even if it's a half-step emperor, it's courting death, right? Even if it's a real emperor, I'm afraid I need to weigh it a little!"

"He's dead!"

"Let's see how he dies!"

"Let's retreat a little further, so as not to be affected!"

The gods in the sea-going teahouse are curious and want to watch, but are afraid of being harmed by Chiyu. As a result, all the gods tacitly retreated to the corner of the teahouse, completely vacating the middle area and leaving it to Xu Ming.

"This..." Shi Qing was completely frightened - at this moment, he didn't have any hope for life! I just hope that I can die not too miserably!

Xu Ming was very calm, sat back to his seat, took his cup of tea, and drank it very leisurely.

"Huh? He didn't run away?" The eyes of the onlookers all fell on Xu Ming. Seeing Xu Ming not escaping, but looking calm and relaxed, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"Escape? Where can he escape? - Haitian Alliance, is it possible for him to escape from Haitian City?"

"That's right! But...the way he drinks tea so calmly is really a bit of a demeanor!"

"Has a fart demeanor! It's just a deliberate pretense before dying!"

"It's pitiful to pretend to be on the verge of death!"

Xu Ming naturally turned a deaf ear to these noisy discussions - on the road of his rise, he had heard too many such stupid voices!

rumbling rumbling...

Soon, at the entrance of the teahouse, a tide of black armored guards poured in—at first glance, there were probably thousands!

Obviously, "Lao Yin" and other 20 black armored guards sent out a summons for help at the moment when the accident happened.

Fortunately, the space in the teahouse is very large and spacious, otherwise, there would be no room for so many black armored guards.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of masters wearing silver and gold armors filed in—all of them were the masters of the Haitian Alliance!

"what happened?"

"Who is it? Dare to run wild in the place of my Haitian Alliance?" An old man with a white goatee and a treacherous eyes stood up and shouted - Pei Huan, one of the leaders of the Haitian Alliance; To the half-step **** emperor!

Xu Ming ignored Pei Huan's clamor and just continued to drink tea leisurely.

"It's you!?" Pei Huan's eyes immediately fell on Xu Ming.

Only then did Xu Ming raise his eyes to look at Pei Huan, and said lightly, "Not bad! It's me!"

boom! !

As soon as Xu Ming finished speaking, the thousands of Black Armored Guards, Silver Armored Guards, and Golden Armored Guards all burst into a monstrous aura.


Thousands of fierce auras pressed against Xu Ming, trying to directly press Xu Ming into submission.

Of course, such a weak aura was just a breeze for Xu Ming.

"The crowd!" Xu Ming smiled contemptuously, and then his palms turned into claws, grabbing directly towards Pei Huanxu.

"What!?" Xu Ming's action naturally once again shocked the eyes of the onlookers.

"How dare he make a move?"

"And, as soon as you make a move, you will directly grab the leader of the Haitian Alliance?"

"This idiot, doesn't he want to stage a 'catch the thief first catch the king'? He certainly doesn't know that Pei Huan's strength is already a half-step **** emperor!"

"It's really a joke!"

While everyone was watching Xu Ming's jokes, Pei Huan suddenly felt a burst of hairs all over his body; a huge sense of danger rose in his heart.

"He is..." Pei Huan looked at Xu Ming solemnly, but found that Xu Ming's cultivation was only the tenth grade of the silver moon, and he couldn't help but be extremely surprised - he clearly felt the imposing manner of the **** emperor during Xu Ming's shot!

Realizing the danger, Pei Huan hurriedly shouted, "Senior Rao..."

However, before the last word "Fate" was called out, an illusory sharp claw grabbed his throat, making him unable to speak.

Xu Ming's arm pulled back and pulled Pei Huan towards him.


The audience was in shock, full of voices that sucked in cold air.

At this moment, as long as he's not a fool, he can't see that Xu Ming is not pretending to be a force, but... a super expert!

"Pei Huan, who is a half-step **** emperor, has no resistance in front of this person; his strength has definitely stepped into the emperor level!"

"Is not this nonsensical?"

Shi Qing was completely stunned, and even felt that he couldn't understand what happened.

"He's not stunned, but... an emperor-level almighty!?" Shi Qing looked at Xu Ming in awe—he never imagined that his random words would lead to a cause and effect with an emperor-level almighty.

"What!?" Luo Huan, who was hiding in the, was full of shock; of course, there was also remorse—he had a chance to befriend this super expert! However, this opportunity was missed in vain!

"Emperor-level almighty! If I become friends, he will pluck me any leg hair, and I will become rich overnight!" Luo Huan was extremely regretful.

However, Luo Huan's eyes were still shining with light, and he wanted to look for it to see if there was still any chance to make friends with this emperor-level almighty.

"Emperor-level power..." Pei Huan was full of bitterness. He just wanted to say—you are a dignified emperor, come to a small place like Haitian City, what are you doing wandering around...

"Senior...Senior?" Pei Huan said cautiously, "Do you have any orders?"

"Pei Huan, right?" Xu Ming looked at the other party.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Pei Huan continued.

"The tea here is very expensive! Even I can't afford it!" Xu Ming said with a half-smile.

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