Break Into Another World

Chapter 1101: finally reached!

Xu Ming was very depressed - obviously, the Yunshang Sect didn't believe his words!

Looking at the masters of Yunshangzong who were busy packing things, Xu Ming couldn't help shouting loudly, "Don't worry, everyone, you don't need to move to the sect! - No matter who kills them, I will help you block them!"

Xu Ming used his divine power to transmit sound, and the voice resounded throughout the Yunshang Sect.

However, the entire Yunshang Sect did not seem to have heard Xu Ming's words, and they were still packing things up diligently.

This made Xu Ming even more aggrieved and couldn't help complaining: "I've said it several times, telling you not to move to the ancestry; why are they all deaf and don't believe what I said?"

As soon as this sentence came out, it actually played a role.

Many of the Yunshangzong masters who were packing things up stopped what they were doing.

"Oh?" Xu Ming was a little surprised - did they believe my words?


Xu Ming was obviously too happy too early! The masters of Yunshangzong did not believe her words, but...Unbearable, they decided to stop what they were doing and scold Xu Ming!

"Will you stop us?"

"Humph! How many pounds and taels do you have? How dare you let out such mad words!"

"Isn't it a tenth grade Yinyue? Even if you have emperor-level combat power, do you think you are qualified to fight Wuhuan Sect and even Huangquan Temple? - Too naive!"

"I have never seen the world!"

"You have caused our Yunshang Sect to move to the sect, and you still haven't rolled away, and you are still standing there talking without back pain!"

"Humph! Get out! Get out of our Yunshang Sect now!"

I have to say, women's mouths are horrible!

The mouths of a group of women are undoubtedly more terrifying!

There are many experts in Yunshang Sect, who are very upset to see Xu Ming; but because of the pressure of the sect master, they endured their anger and did not "care about" with Xu Ming. Now, Xu Ming "speaks wild words" again and again, but this group of women is completely annoyed!

A group of women from the Yunshang Sect couldn't bear it any longer; they directed all their anger at Xu Ming to vent.

boom! boom! boom! …

The chattering sound, like the sound of artillery fire, was blasting towards Xu Ming.

"These women are simply unreasonable!" Xu Ming was really aggrieved.


Xu Ming wanted to open his mouth to defend himself, but his words had just reached his lips, and he was slammed back under the joint cannonade of countless female classmates.

The opponent's "artillery fire" is too strong!

Xu Ming was so bombarded that he didn't even have a chance to speak!

"Is it still unreasonable?" Xu Ming felt a little bit about to cry without tears.

However, Xu Ming ignored a problem, that is - in any world, don't try to reason with women!


Under the countless bombardments, Xu Ming finally recognized a reality - he had no chance to speak his mind at all!


Xu Ming is driving the plug-in and traversing the other world, without any disadvantages! But this time, he was really convinced!

I can't accept it!

Can't compete with these women!

Xu Ming had no choice but to land down from mid-air and hide in a corner quietly.

A group of female classmates saw that Xu Ming was intimidated, so "there are a lot of adults" and let Xu Ming go.

"If this matter is reported back to the Endless Continent, I will definitely be laughed to death!" Xu Ming hid in the corner in a humiliated manner, daring not to show his face again - if he did, he would definitely be bombarded by a group of unreasonable women!

"Brother Ming..." Shi Qing looked at Xu Ming with some sympathy, and wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

"Hey..." Xu Ming showed a helpless look - in this Yunshang Sect, there are only two men, he and Shi Qing! Xu Ming believes that Shi Qing can understand his own sadness!

"Fellow Daoist Xu Ming!" Sect Master Yunshang came over at some point, "The people in my sect are rather unruly; if they feel unhappy in their hearts, they will spit it out without any scruples - I also ask fellow Daoist Xu Ming to forgive me!"

Although Sect Master Yunshang said it very politely, but in her words, there is actually a bit of innuendo - the innuendo is Xu Ming's self-control, which caused the unhappiness of the Yunshang Sect!

What else can Xu Ming say?

Did you say "I'm sorry"?

If Xu Ming really said that, I'm afraid he will be bombarded by a group of women!

"Sect Master Yunshang is polite!" Xu Ming had no choice but to say.

Sect Master Yunshang smiled and left as usual.

Xu Ming held his breath fiercely in his heart: "Speaking with my mouth, I am sure that I can't speak to a group of women! Since this is the case, I have to use my strength to speak!"

How to speak with strength?

Xu Ming can only hope that Wuhuan Sect or Huangquan Temple will kill him quickly—at least before Yunshangzong moves to his sect!

In this way, Xu Ming will be able to show his great power! Use the powerful strength to shut up the countless women of Yunshangzong!

Xu Ming had already made up his mind that as long as Wuhuan Sect or Huangquan Hall came to kill him, he would show his "crushing" strength to prove himself!

"Wuhuan Sect, Huangquan Hall, come quickly!"

The Yunshang sect was busy and anxious to move to the sect, but Xu Ming was looking forward to the Wuhuan sect and Huangquandian coming to "save himself".

Time passed by moment by moment.

"The efficiency of Wuhuan Sect and Huangquan Temple is too low, right?" Xu Ming secretly slandered.

It's been a day!

The Yunshang Sect has already packed up everything that can be cleaned up; even, even the foundation of the Protecting Sect Great Array has been pulled out by the Yunshang Sect!


Wu Huanzong and Huangquan Temple still did not kill Xu Ming's expectations.

"It's so **** disappointing!" Xu Ming was very depressed. "If you don't kill me, how can I use my strength to prove myself? - Is it possible that I can prove my strength by taking a shot at the female class of Yunshang Sect?"

Xu Ming "in principle" will not do anything to the female class!

"Brother Ming." Shi Qing ran over with some joy - he had already seen his Cen Jing with the permission of Sect Master Yunshang! Moreover, because Yunshangzong has already had a quarrel with Huangquan Palace, Cen Jing does not need to marry Mo Gongzi of Huangquan Palace; in this way, Shi Qing and Cen Jing's "good thing" is basically settled!

Shi Qing and Cen Jing will get married after Yunshangzong moves to the sect.

Xu Ming was in a depressed mood at this time. Looking at Shi Qing's happy appearance, he faintly felt that Shi Qing was showing off, and he couldn't help but feel more depressed.

"You make a triumph!" Xu Ming said aggrievedly.

"Uh..." Shi Qing had no choice but to walk away.

"Everyone!" At this time, the voice of Sect Master Yunshang resounded throughout the entire sect, "Although this small island has witnessed countless ups and downs of my Yunshang Sect, it has carried the inheritance of my Yunshang Sect for hundreds of millions of years! Now it seems that the luck of our Yunshang Sect is not here! - Trees move to death, people move to live! Today, our Yunshang Sect will move to find a better place for opportunity!"

The masters of the Yunshang Sect were all disappointed and saddened! - Who would want to leave their hometown and leave the home where they have lived for many years if they are forced to do so?

Many sentimental masters of Yunshangzong could not help but shed tears.

Xu Ming also almost cried: "I'm going! What the **** are Wuhuan Sect and Huang Quandian doing? Why haven't they come yet!?"

"Let's go!" Sect Master Yunshang is undoubtedly the saddest one, but she must pretend to be strong, "In the future, when our Yunshang Sect is strong, we will definitely return to our homeland!"



One by one, the masters of Yunshangzong rose into the sky with tears in their eyes.

But at this moment-

A savage laughter sounded in the distance: "Hahahaha... The beauties of You are so inspiring, where are you planning to go!?"

"Not good!" Yun Changzong's face changed suddenly.

The face of Sect Master Yunshang is the most ugly: "After all, it's still a step too late! If I knew it earlier, I would have moved less things! Like the foundation of the Protector's Great Array, it takes too much time to move!"

Sect Master Yunshang regrets it!

Unfortunately, it's too late!

"Could it be that the fate of my Yunshang Sect is really going to be cut off here? Unwilling! Unwilling!" The flawless face of the Yunshang Sect Master showed grim unwillingness, "No, there must be vitality! "

The masters of Yunshangzong are also ready for the last battle!

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up: "It's finally here!"

Although it's a bit late, the victory is "timely"!

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