Break Into Another World

Chapter 1105: West Sea Alliance

"You do not know!?"

Xu Ming's face sank, and when he raised his hand, he slapped the Emperor Lingjian so much that he didn't even have any **** left!

"Humph!" After killing Emperor Lingjian, Xu Ming snorted heavily.

Brother Ming asked, how dare you say "I don't know"?

Isn't this looking for death?

"Hey—" Yunshangzong went up and down, and took a breath of cold air again—Xu Ming's shot was too ruthless and decisive! If anyone becomes Xu Ming's enemy, it is definitely a sad thing!

The master kings of Wuhuan Sect turned pale with fright.

The answer to "revenge" is death.

Back to "not taking revenge" is also death.

Answer "I don't know", or die!

They no longer know how to answer in order to save their lives.

At this time, Xu Ming's eyes turned to the masters of the Wuhuan Sect.

Hundreds of master kings were shivering and shuddering with fear under Xu Ming's gaze—this was not an ordinary gaze, but the gaze of a **** of death!

"How to do?"

"How to answer?"

"No matter what the answer is, it's death..."

The masters of Wuhuan Sect are like a group of helpless little sheep, waiting for the judgment of fate.

"Are we fighting him?"

"How to fight? He can crush us all with just one palm! - Tell me how to fight?"

"How about... run away?"

"In front of such a super existence, you still want to escape? Naive!"

"If anyone dares to get up and run away, I'm afraid he will be the first to die!"

"Could it be that we can only sit back and wait!?" Hundreds of master kings were extremely grieved and unwilling.

However, after thinking about it, they finally came to the conclusion that they really can only sit still and wait for the judgment of fate!

Xu Ming walked slowly step by step.


The atmosphere of these Wuhuan Sect masters who had been seriously injured suddenly became tense. Every expert has been thinking about what kind of answer he should use in order to "impress" Xu Ming and find a way out.


This group of master kings seems to despise themselves too much! - They are not qualified to be questioned by Xu Ming one by one.

I saw Xu Ming's palm lifted, and instantly soared to thousands of miles.


The terrifying palm was shot directly at the head of the hundreds of king conferring masters; it was as if the entire sky had collapsed and was oppressed.

"Do not-"

The masters of Wuhuan Sect were terrified and desperate.

boom! !

For Xu Ming, who was "soul possessed" at this time, it was not too easy to kill hundreds of Feng Wang masters with one palm!

However, Xu Ming did not directly open the killing ring, but left some affection behind his men.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

For the masters of Wuhuan Sect, the divine bodies are all cracked; the entire divine body is covered with cobweb-like cracks - these cracks do not seem to have annihilated many divine bodies; but in fact, the divine bodies of every Wuhuan Sect master are in the The particle level suffered severe damage.

Now, this group of master kings of Wuhuan Sect may not be able to exert even 10% of their strength!

Xu Ming moved the seal in his hand again, and thick golden chains appeared out of nowhere in the void, binding all the masters of the Wuhuan Sect.

"Sect Master Yunshang!" Xu Ming said lightly and casually, "These people will be handed over to you!"

Sect Master Yunshang's eyes lit up: "Many... Thank you Senior Xu Ming!"

These are hundreds of master kings who have lost their resistance!

If they are all enslaved, the strength of Yunshangzong can almost double!

And these are all done and rewarded by Brother Ming at will!

The Asura Sea is endless and vast.

The entire Shura Sea can be divided into five areas: East China Sea, South China Sea, West China Sea, North China Sea, and Central China Sea.

The Yellow Spring Hall is located in the West Sea.

Even the West Sea in the "Asura Five Seas" is many times larger than the Yanyan Continent! In the West Sea, there are nineteen dominant-level forces—and this is on the surface; in the dark, there may be other dominant-level forces hidden.

These nineteen dominant-level forces naturally include Huangquan Temple and Manado Island.

Of the nineteen dominant-level forces, in addition to Huangquan Hall, the other eighteen secretly formed a "West Sea Alliance" - the existence of the alliance, only the leaders of the eighteen forces knew about it; not even the Lord of Huangquan Hall.

At this time, the headquarters of the West Sea Alliance.

Eighteen masters of the realm were sitting around a huge round table.

"The World of Myriad Tribulations in Huangquan Temple will soon be opened again!"

"Oh? Are you going to turn it on again? - This time the opening time seems to be a lot later than before!"

"The later it is opened, the more treasures there are!"

In this world, weak "masters of the Tao" can open up the "secret realm of Tao".

When the pioneers prove the Tao and become gods, they can elevate the "secret realm of Tao" to "the kingdom of gods".

The stronger the strength of the pioneers, the stronger the kingdom of God they can control! —According to strength, it can be divided into star-level kingdoms, silver-moon-level kingdoms, king-level kingdoms, and emperor-level kingdoms!

The emperor-level kingdom of God, developed and controlled by the emperor-level power, is already the limit of the kingdom of God! Going up, it is to break through the kingdom of God and transform into the world!

The world opened up by the Lord of the Realm is called the "primitive world".

In the original world, there is chaos and nothingness; even time seems to never pass.

And saints are able to evolve the original world into a "world of ten thousand calamities"!

Every World of Myriad Tribulations will continue to experience these four processes - birth, maturity, end times, reincarnation, "re" birth, maturity, end times, reincarnation... Repeatedly!

When the World of Myriad Tribulations evolves to the extreme, and goes a step further, it is the real world—a super world that is not inferior to the realm of the gods!

Of course, if you want to open up a super big world at the level of God's Domain, your own cultivation base must first reach "above the saint"!

The World of Myriad is extremely rare in the realm of the gods; however, the Yellow Spring Hall once produced saints, so it has the world of Myriad Tribulations—of course now, this is in the past!

"Think about it carefully, that Huangquan Palace is really pitiful!"

The eighteen master realms of the West Sea Alliance exist, all chatting and laughing freely.

"I think at the beginning, Huangquan Temple was the top power in the entire God's Domain; but now, it has become an ordinary dominant power! Even the world of ten thousand tribulations inherited by their ancestors can't keep it..."

"Hahahaha... Yes! It's unbelievable that a former emperor-level force has fallen into such a state!"

"By the way, the Lord of Manado Island, is there something wrong with you calling us over in a hurry?" asked the master.

"Yes!" The Lord of Manado Island restrained his smile, smiled coldly, and said, "I think that Manado Island and our West Sea Alliance have won too few places to enter the World of Myriad Tribulations! Should we... find us? good neighbors to discuss?"

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