Break Into Another World

Chapter 1113: fair play

I saw a burly and vast figure in a gray robe walking over the ripples of time and space.

These "space-time ripples" are the materialized time-space order.

Where the gray-robed figure stepped on, the ripples in time and space spread out, forming a blossoming lotus shape.

"Step on time and space, step by step to grow lotus!" Xu Ming looked at it in shock, "This gray-robed almighty, his understanding of the order of time and space has reached an unimaginable realm!"


The grey-robed figure waved casually in the void, as if plucking the strings of time and space. Suddenly, the frozen time and space seemed to melt as if ice cubes melted, and Xu Ming and others regained their freedom.

"Hall Master!"

"Hall Master!"

God Emperor Leng Yong, God Emperor Rough Armor, and General Xuan Ling, the little girl, all bowed.

This grey-robed figure is the master of the Huangquan Palace.

"This is the Hall Master Huangquan?" Xu Ming looked at it quietly, "His strength is likely to have reached the ultimate dominance!"

When Xu Ming was in the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm, he had seen quite a few masters and saints; he could naturally judge that the strength of the Hall Master Huangquan was strong!

"Humph!" Huang Quan's hall master looked around and snorted heavily, "You elders and generals, you are actually taking action against the new general's successor!"


It can be seen that God Emperor Leng Yong, God Emperor Rough Armor, etc., are not the first to do this kind of deeds, but they are repeat offenders!

Hall Master Huang Quan was a little annoyed, but there was nothing he could do! - He used to be just an ordinary general of the Huangquan Temple; it was because he got a great opportunity in the world of ten thousand tribulations that he made breakthroughs one after another, and even later became the master of the palace!

To Huangquan Hall Master, many elders and generals in the hall are his comrades-in-arms and even seniors! And Huangquan Palace Master is a person who misses old love, so generally he can't bear to punish these old fried dough sticks!

Over time, old fried dough sticks like God Emperor Leng Yong became more and more arrogant; they brought the entire Huangquan Hall up and down into a black smoke.

Like this time, if the Hall Master Huangquan hadn't arrived in time, God Emperor Leng Yong and others would have already taken action against Xu Ming.

In the past, there were many successors of generals who happily ran to the Yellow Springs Hall to inherit the opportunity, but as soon as they arrived at the gate, they were killed by these old fritters! The mark of successor on his body was also taken away by the old fritters and given to their younger generation.

"Palace Master, we just want to test the strength of this fellow Daoist Xu Ming!" Emperor Leng Yong was a little annoyed when he saw the Hall Master Huang Quan, and even explained.

"Really!?" Hall Master Huang Quan snorted, too lazy to say more.

Immediately, Hall Master Huangquan looked at Xu Ming again: "Follow me and inherit the position of general!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming glanced at the Hall Master Huang Quan in surprise. He did not expect that this Huangquan Palace Master was quite reasonable; as soon as he came up, he went straight to the topic and let Xu Ming inherit the position of general!

And isn't this exactly what Xu Ming wants?

Xu Ming's character has always been: people respect me one foot, and I respect others ten feet!

Seeing the attitude of the Hall Master Huangquan, Xu Ming was too lazy to care about God Emperor Leng Yong and others.

"Let's go!" The Hall Master Huang Quan said lightly.

Xu Ming was about to follow the Hall Master Huang Quan to inherit the position of general. Suddenly, the expression of the hall master of Huangquan suddenly changed.

Immediately after…

boom! !

The entire Huangquan Hall shook heavily.

"what happened?"

"What's wrong?"

"Is someone attacking our Huangquan Temple?"

The masters of the Yellow Spring Hall all looked up; however, they could only see the sky of the Yellow Spring Hall! - On the edge of the Huangquan Hall, there is a formation that separates it from the underwater world outside; these masters naturally cannot see the outside world through the formation.

Only the Hall Master Huangquan, because he was in control of the great formation, could see what was happening outside.

"It's this group of people again!" Huangquan Palace Master's face was ugly - outside the great formation, it was the Eighteen Masters of Dominion Realm including the Lord of Manya Island!

These eighteen masters are all leaders of eighteen master-level forces in the "West Sea" of the Asura Sea!

It is common for the eighteen forces to join forces to "bully" Huang Quandian!

"If this group of people really annoys me, I will..." In the eyes of Hall Master Huang Quan, a cold killing intent flashed across.

Huangquan Temple used to be a "holy-level force", even if it is now in decline, the dead camel is bigger than a horse! If the Hall Master Huangquan is really willing to use some trump cards to kill these 18 factions, it will not be difficult!

It's just that "hole card" means that it cannot be used easily! Therefore, the Hall Master Huangquan would rather swallow his anger and bear the burden of humiliation than easily use his trump card.

"Humph!" With a big hand from Hall Master Huang Quan, the formation in the sky opened a gap.

Eighteen leaders of the Dominion Realm, including the Lord of Manado Island, all flew in from the gap.

"Hahahaha, Hall Master Huangquan!" The Lord of Wanya Island laughed arrogantly, "The 'knock on the door' is a little louder, please forgive me!"

"Knock on the door?" The Hall Master Huang Quan sneered in his heart: "Is it almost the same as 'knock on the door'?"

The masters of Wanya Island and other masters, outside the big formation just now, joined forces to smash the big formation together, causing the entire Huangquan Hall to vibrate heavily - isn't it a kind of "smashing the door"?

"Wan Ya!" The master of the Huangquan Palace looked cold, "What are you doing here?"

"Haha, Hall Master Huangquan, don't put on such an ugly expression!" The Lord of Manado Island continued to laugh arrogantly, "We old neighbors are here to talk to you about the place in the World of Myriad Tribulations!"

"Sure enough!" The Lord of the Yellow Springs Hall had long expected that this group of people came to the Yellow Springs Hall almost every time for the place in the World of Myriad Tribulations!

"I really think the World of Myriad Tribulations is a piece of fat..." In the depths of the eyes of Hall Master Huang Quan, a haze flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Wanja, don't go too far!" Huang Quan's hall master shouted, "There are only so many places to enter the world of ten thousand tribulations! Most of them have been given to you by the eighteen families; now, even our Huangquan There are many **** emperors in the temple, and there are still no places to enter the world of ten thousand tribulations! - Your eighteen factions, come to ask for places, is it too much?"

"Humph!" The Lord of Manado Island hummed disdainfully, "I don't care whether your God Emperor of Huangquan Temple has enough places to enter the World of Myriad Tribulations! However, there are many of our Eighteen Factions Even God Emperors can't enter the World of Myriad Tribulations! - They are all neighbor forces in the Xihai Sea of ​​Shura Sea, Hall Master Huangquan, are you unwilling to even give up so many places?"

"You are too embarrassed to say 'neighborhood forces'?" Huang Quan's hall master said indignantly, "You made it clear that you are here to extort!"

"Extortion?" Manado Island Lord laughed and laughed, "Palace Lord Huangquan, we are not robbers who are extorting! We are just here to find you and have a fair competition! - You Huangquan Palace won, we are eighteen Family forces, give you some places in the world of Myriad Tribulations; if we win, then turn it around!"

"Another 'fair' competition?" The Hall Master Huang Quan sneered.

Fair competition, is there really fairness at all?

But even if it's unfair, Hall Master Huang Quan has to accept it! Otherwise, the Manado Island Master and others will join forces to launch some attacks on Huangquan Hall!

"What kind of competition is this time?"

The routine of "fair competition" is different every time; but the master of Huangquan knows that since the other party proposed "fair competition", he must have prepared the routine!

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