Break Into Another World

Chapter 1115: Invincible beyond level 1

"The mere first-level king, dare to provoke all the middle-level kings in my Huangquan Hall!"

"These three swords... are really arrogant!"

"Not arrogant! He is using this method to show his talent!"

"Show talent? Humph! I think he's courting death, right?"

In the Hall of Yellow Springs, a middle-level genius with a strong temperament, exuding strong power, snorted angrily and jumped directly off the stage.

"I, Wu Man!" The powerful genius shouted; there was a strong disdain in his eyes, as if he felt that it was a huge shame for him to fight with a junior king.

"Wuman?" Sanjue Dao smiled playfully, "I hope you can take my three swords!"

"act recklessly!"


Wu Man waved his heavy blade, arousing the power of one side of heaven and earth, and directly crushed the three swords.

call out!

Xueliang's sword light flashed, as if it could break through all oppression.

One side of the West Sea Alliance.

The eighteen masters of Dominion Realm, including the Lord of Manado Island, all laughed playfully.

In addition to these eighteen masters, there are dozens of kings and **** emperors on the side of the West Sea Alliance; these masters are all imposing, obviously much stronger than ordinary kings and **** emperors-these kings and **** emperors The masters were specially invited by the Manado Island Master for this "fair competition".

"Heh!" The Lord of Manado Island and the rulers of the West Sea Alliance whispered and laughed in private, "This three swordsman is a genius who has won thousands of defeats in the 'Slaughtering God Field'! Although it is only the first level of Fengwang's cultivation, it can sweep Huangquan Hall's middle-level titled king is not a problem!"

The Slaughtering God Field is a superpower in the God Realm that is on a par with the Void Heaven Realm and the Holy Emperor Palace!

Moreover, compared to the Void Heaven Realm and the Holy Emperor Palace, the Slaughtering God Field is extremely bloody! Because... in the Slaughtering God Field, every battle is a life-and-death battle; only one of the two sides can survive!

Gaining a thousand victories in the Tushenchang means that the Sanjue Knife survived a thousand life-and-death battles! With such strength, looking at the entire Divine Realm, it can be called invincible at the same level!

In addition to the Sanjue Dao, among the other geniuses brought by the Lord of Manado Island, there are also several who were defeated by the Slaughter God Field.


The sharp light of the Sanjue Knife collided with Wu Man's heavy blade, but it failed to shake Wu Man in the slightest, and instead was knocked back.

"Hahahaha..." Wu Man couldn't help laughing, "With this little strength, you dare to come out and act wildly? Die with peace of mind!"


Wu Man's aura was stronger, and he crushed it mightily.

However, Xu Ming frowned slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, as if he could see through everything: "Wu Man is about to lose!"

call out!

The second sword of the Three Jue Knives became more and more sharp-just now, Cheng Jun, the first genius of the First Rank of the King of Huangquan Palace, died under this second sword.

boom! !

In the second sword, the Sanjue Sword and Wu Man were evenly matched.

"Huh?" Wu Man couldn't help but be a little shocked, "You can be on par with me! Boy, it seems that I underestimate you! - However, you only have the first level of Fengwang cultivation, this sword should be your ultimate combat power. Bar?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Sanjue Knife's mouth: "Take my third knife, let's talk nonsense again!"

call out-

The third knife is out.

In the whole world, it seems that only this blade of light is left!

Three unique knives, only three knives are used to kill! And... he only knows these three knives!

However, at the moment when the third knife was split, Wu Man felt a deep sense of despair.

"How is that possible!?" Wu Man looked at the blade of light in horror, "This is... the power of a high-ranking king!"

Under this knife, Wu Man is unavoidable and unstoppable! His eyes still kept a look of infinite horror; however, the light of the knife had already passed over his divine body.


Fengwang middle-level, Wu Man, die!


"Wuman was actually beheaded by... three swords?"

"The strength of these three swords..."

The geniuses of the Huangquan Palace were all horrified.

Especially those middle-level geniuses who are the kings are the most frightened - Wuman is relatively strong among the middle-level kings! Even Wu Man was beheaded with three swords, and the other middle-level kings, how could they not be frightened?


The Sanjue Saber put it back into the sheath again, and looked down upon the middle-ranking kings of Huangquan Hall: "There are middle-ranking kings, dare to come up and die?"



The middle-level geniuses of the Huangquan Palace were all very indignant.

"Fan Zhou, why don't you go up and teach him a lesson?"

Fan Zhou, although he is the first among the middle-level geniuses of the Huangquan Palace, but he has no confidence to take over the third sword of the three swords - after all, his strength is not much stronger than Wu Man .

After hesitating for a moment, Fan Zhou finally shook his head: "I don't have the confidence to beat him!"

Although, it is a very shameless thing to think that the middle-ranking king is inferior to the first-ranking king. However, it is better to lose face than to be killed and lose face after being on the battlefield, right?

"Hahahaha..." Seeing that no one dared to fight for a long time, Sanjue Dao became more and more arrogant, "It turns out that the middle-level kings of Huangquan Palace are also a bunch of waste! Hahahaha..."

Sanjue Dao walked off the stage in laughter and returned to the camp of the West Sea Alliance.

On the side of Huangquan Hall, all their faces were extremely ugly - being called a waste by a junior king, it's no wonder that their faces can be good-looking!

The Lord of Manado Island took a few steps forward and said with a smug smile: "Palace Master Huangquan, this junior-level genius under my command has swept across the junior-level and intermediate-level emperors of your Huangquan Temple; I evaluate his talent as 'one level in the audience'. Invincible', there is no controversy, right?"

There are various evaluation methods for the genius level.

When the two sides are fighting in the arena, they often use words such as "invincible at the same level", "invincible at the first level", "invincible at the second level", etc., to evaluate a genius's talent.

"No!" Hall Master Huang Quan had already guessed what the other party was going to say next; he couldn't help but replied with an ugly face.

Sure enough, the Manado Island Master continued: "Our competition in this competition is: under the emperor level, the first genius, which side is it! On our side, there has been a player who is 'invincible in the whole game'. You are a genius; in your Huangquan Palace, do you have to have at least one genius who is 'invincible at the first level' so that you can continue to compete with us?"

Next to the Lord of Wanya Island, an extremely ugly ruler, the powerful master, also mocked with his hoarse voice: "Palace Master Huangquan, if you can't find such a genius in Huangquan Palace! Then, quickly admit defeat and surrender. Come up with the quota of 18 Worlds of Myriad Tribulations!"

"Yeah, Lord of Huangquan Hall, hurry up and admit defeat! Don't let the geniuses of your Huangquan Hall stand up and die in vain!"

"What are you hesitating about, Hall Master Huangquan? This competition is absolutely fair; it's only a place for 18 Worlds of Myriad Tribulations, hurry up and hand it over!"

The masters of the West Sea Alliance sneered one after another.

"Fair?" The Lord of Huangquan Palace was expressionless and sneered in his heart.

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