Break Into Another World

Chapter 1125: fried!

After breaking through the bottleneck of 10 million miles, the talent phantom skyrocketed all the way!

Keep skyrocketing!

Crazy skyrocketing!

"The speed of skyrocketing... so fast!" Even Saint Huang Quan was shocked by the skyrocketing speed of the talent phantom.

The skyrocketing speed actually shows that Xu Ming's talent phantom will skyrocket to a very terrifying size!

"Maybe, his talent can really surpass me!"

Fifteen million miles!

Eighteen million miles!

Twenty million miles!

25 million miles!

Thirty million miles!

The small bottlenecks of 20 million miles and 30 million miles were easily broken by Xu Ming.

Sage Huangquan was horrified: "What kind of talent is this!? Maybe... when he really grows up, he will be stronger than the 'Holy Master'!"

Thirty-five million miles!

Forty million miles!

Fifty million miles!

Sixty million miles!

As time went on, Xu Ming's talent became more and more exaggerated, and the sage Huang Quan became more and more shocked. However, when the shock came to the back, the sage of Huangquan gradually became numb!

No way, the shock Xu Ming brought him was too much!

"Could it be that... his talent phantom can reach the limit of the 'innate throne' - 90 million miles?"

Ninety million miles, that is the pinnacle of a saint!

There is even a slight possibility to become an existence beyond saints!

Beyond the existence of saints, what kind of existence is that? - Not "Star Lord"!

Star Lord, it's just that the saints have better luck, and they happen to control a star world similar to the realm of the gods, so their strength is stronger than ordinary saints. And if you don't use the power of the star world, the star master is not much different from the ordinary saint.

However, these are not things that Xu Ming needs to consider for the time being. After all, Xu Ming is still far from the realm of a saint now!

Beyond Saints?

For Xu Ming, it was too far away!

It's so far off that it makes no sense!

"Eighty million miles!" Sage Huangquan looked at Xu Ming's phantom in shock, "Also, the phantom of talent continues to soar! - It seems that this time, I really found a treasure! This Xu Ming , maybe it will be the hope to revive the Huangquan Temple, and it is also my... hope of revenge!"

Although the sage of Huangquan has fallen, what is left now is only a very mechanical remnant; however, this remnant, of course, I hope that Huangquan Hall can be revived!

The phantom of talent continued to skyrocket wildly, as expected by the sage of Huangquan, reaching the extremity of the sage—90 million miles!

"Nine million miles!"

This represents the pinnacle of the saint, and the limit of the talent throne!

Sage Huangquan looked at Xu Ming as if he were looking at a monster: "Where the **** is this perverted monster coming out!?"

Perverted monster! ——Sage Huangquan's evaluation of Xu Ming is exactly the same as that of the original saint without difficulty!

"What's the situation?" Xu Ming, who was sitting cross-legged, looked around suspiciously, "My phantom has soared to ninety million miles? The entire throne is full!"

Xu Ming didn't know at all what the phantom of talent in the 90 million miles meant! All he knew was that his phantom was sitting on the throne, looking down at the endless land beneath his feet—very majestic!

"Huh!?" Suddenly, Xu Ming was startled. In his expression, there was even a hint of panic, "This phantom of mine is still going to skyrocket!?"


Still soaring!

Ninety million miles is the limit of a saint and the limit of a talent throne! But only...

Not Xu Ming's limit!

However, because the size of the talent throne is only 90 million miles; therefore, even if the talent phantom continues to soar, it is stuck by the throne and cannot continue to increase!


Although the talent phantom has not continued to grow, it can be clearly felt that it is becoming more "dense"!

Yes, denser! It's like accumulating strength and waiting to explode!


Suddenly, a not very loud click sounded; a crack appeared on the throne of talent!

"Ninety million miles!" Sage Huangquan sighed with emotion, "It's really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves! It's just...why hasn't the phantom of talent dissipated? It stands to reason that as long as the limit of 90 million miles is reached, the phantom of talent will be lost. It will go away soon!"

Moreover, the sage Huangquan found that Xu Ming's talent phantom, not only did not dissipate, but there were signs of more solidification!

"The phantom of talent does not disperse!?"

This kind of thing, Huangquan sage has never even heard of it!



The sound of the click was not loud, but to the sage of Huangquan, it was like a thunderbolt!

"What!?" Sage Huang Quan was extremely terrified, "The throne of talent... is broken!?"

Immediately after…

Click! Click! Click! Click! …

The cracking sound kept ringing.

Soon, the entire talent throne with a size of tens of thousands of miles was covered with dense cracks!

"The throne of talent actually shattered like this..."

The sage Huang Quan is not concerned about whether the throne of talent is still useful, but about how terrible Xu Ming's talent is!


The throne of talent that Xu Ming was sitting on shook violently.

"This is..." Saint Huang Quan was shocked.

boom! !

The talent throne full of ferocious cracks, directly... exploded!



He was overwhelmed by Xu Ming's talent!

Countless pieces of broken throne fragments were blown up and splashed in the void.

"Unexpectedly...unexpectedly..." Sage Huang Quan was completely stunned, he could only murmur, "The phantom of talent has exploded the throne of talent... I used to think that this kind of thing was just a legend, absolutely impossible! Unexpectedly, it will really exist. Such a genius!"

Because the Throne of Talent had already exploded, Xu Ming's phantom of talent naturally disappeared... However, as far as Sage Huangquan knew, there were at least 100 million li of phantom talent capable of fortifying the Throne of Talent!

At least!

Because, less than 100 million miles of talent phantom, can not support the throne of talent!

As for Xu Ming's talent phantom, how much bigger than 100 million miles? With this talent throne of Huangquan Secret Realm, it is impossible to detect it!

But even just 100 million is already terrifying!

"One hundred million miles... Doesn't this mean that Xu Ming is very hopeful to become an existence beyond saints in the future!?" Sage Huangquan was so excited that he almost danced, "Hahahaha...I actually discovered such a genius! Holy Master, you are finished! You It's over! Hahahaha..."

"Uh..." Xu Ming stood up in the air; looking at the blown up Innate Throne, he was stunned, "The quality of this Innate Throne is too bad, isn't it? If you say it blows up, it blows up?"

This made Xu Ming very embarrassed!

Some even don't know how to face Saint Huangquan!

After all, I ran over to test my talent, but I blew up everyone's talent throne—how can I be embarrassed?

Xu Ming still doesn't know that the sage Huang Quan doesn't care at all, whether the throne of talent has exploded!

What Sage Huangquan cares about is Xu Ming's heaven-defying talent!

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