Break Into Another World

Chapter 1136: funnier

When he came to Yunshangzong, Xu Ming had a hard time.

"I asked Yunshangzong not to move to the sect at the beginning, but now, I will leave the territory of Huangquan Palace. Who will cover Yunshangzong?" Xu Ming stood in the void above Yunshangzong, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkle. rise.

Let Huangquan Temple cover it?

Obviously not realistic!

Of course, Xu Ming could see that after the decline of the Yellow Spring Palace, it was already a little difficult to protect itself, not to mention covering other people!

"Have to think of a way!"

Since Xu Ming has already spoken out, so that Yunshangzong does not need to move to the sect; then, of course Xu Ming can't let his words become nonsense.

call out!

At this time, a figure flew out from the Yunshang Sect, and it was the Yunshang Sect Master.

"Brother Ming, you're back!" Sect Master Yunshang couldn't help rejoicing when he saw Xu Ming.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded and said again, "But... I'm about to leave the Shura Sea and go to the Thunder Continent!"

"Ah?" In the eyes of Sect Master Yunshang, a flash of panic suddenly flashed - of course, she immediately thought of what it meant for Yunshang Sect when Xu Ming left the Asura Sea!

It means... Yun Changzong is no longer covered by anyone!


"This..." Sect Master Yunshang hesitated.

"Let's go down first!" Xu Ming said, landing in Yunshang Sect. He also has to think carefully about the way out for Yunshangzong.

"Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming!"

In the Yunshangzong hall, Shi Qing, Cen Jing and others all came to see Xu Ming.

Xu Ming pondered, thinking about a way out for Yunshangzong.

"Do you want Yunshangzong to move to the sect now?"

Xu Ming shook his head in his heart - if he did this, wouldn't it be equivalent to punching himself in the face?

However, Xu Ming couldn't think of a way to keep Yunshangzong 100% without letting Yunshangzong move.

"This is embarrassing!" Xu Ming couldn't help feeling embarrassed looking at the expectant eyes around him.

Time seemed to stand still.

Xu Ming didn't speak, and neither did the surrounding Yunshang Sect masters.



An extremely domineering aura enveloped the entire Yunshang Sect.

The masters of Yunshangzong shivered like ants who were stared at by giant dragons.

"what happened?"

All the masters of Yunshangzong rushed out of the hall tremblingly.

Xu Ming also flew out unhurriedly.

I saw that the sky had completely plunged into darkness, apparently shrouded in some kind of enchantment. More than ten figures emerged from the darkness, each exuding a terrifying aura.

Xu Ming's eyes first fell on a thin old man.

"Mo Fang!" A flash of killing intent flashed in Xu Ming's eyes - when Mo Fang appeared at this time, it was obvious that the visitor was not good.

"I've already let him live, but he still doesn't know how to live or die!" Xu Ming thought that Mo Fang had already been sentenced to death.

Immediately, Xu Ming's eyes fell on the other figures.

"The Lord of Manado Island..."

Among the more than ten figures, the one with the strongest imposing manner is the Lord of Manado Island! The other dozen or so people are mostly half-step masters, or even masters!

On the contrary, the old ghost Mo Fang, even if he is not injured, is the weakest one; now he is seriously injured and his foundation is damaged, and he is much weaker than the other figures!

"These people should be the masters of Manado Island, right? - How did the old ghost Mo Fang mix with the people of Manado Island?" Xu Ming frowned.

You must know that Huangquan Temple and Manado Island have always been opposites!

Moreover, the arrival of the Manado Island Master also made Xu Ming feel some pressure - after all, this is a master of the Dominion Realm!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..." Mo Fang's sharp laughter was worse than a ghost's scream, "I didn't expect it, Xu Ming! We meet again so soon!"

"I didn't expect it!" Xu Ming sneered, "I didn't expect that I've already let you go, and you still have to come together to find death!"

Mo Fang's face sank: "Humph! When death is imminent, you dare to speak hard!"

"Mo Fang." The voice of the island owner of Wanya resounded like thunder, "You said just now that Xu Ming has a very high status in your Huangquan Temple?"

"Yes, very high!" Mo Fang continued, "Even our hall master calls him a brother! And... he also appears to be lower than him!"

"Oh? Even the Lord of the Yellow Springs is a bit lower than him?" The Island Lord of Wanya became more and more surprised, "It seems that Xu Ming's position in your Yellow Springs Palace is really unusual!"

You must know that the Hall Master Huangquan is the pinnacle of the rulers! Even if you look at the entire Divine Realm, there are not many people, and it is worth making the Hall Master Huang Quan appear inferior!

"Could it be that Xu Ming got some kind of recognition in your Huangquan Secret Realm?"

The existence of Huangquan Secret Realm is actually not a secret. Therefore, as soon as the Manado Island Master guessed, he guessed the secret realm of Huangquan.

I have to say, he guessed right.

There was a sneer on the corner of Manado Island's mouth: "Xu Ming, when you did bad things to me in Huangquan Temple, you were already on my death list! And the more important you are to Huangquan Temple, the more I think about it. kill you!"

"Kill me?" Xu Ming said indifferently, "Aren't you afraid that if you kill me, it will cause trouble?"

"Hahaha... Trouble?" Wanya Island Master said with a disdainful smile, "Then there must be evidence to prove that I killed you! - The entire Yunshang Island has been blocked by me with a barrier, a trace of communication Don't even think about spreading it out! Who do you think would know that I killed you?"

"Master of Wanya Island!" Mo Fang said suddenly, "Wait, after you have subdued Xu Ming, can you not kill him first?"

"Oh?" The Lord of Manado Island laughed, "Do you want to torture him for a while?"

Mo Fang said: "Ashamed to say, this Xu Ming slapped me a lot! I want to slap him a thousand times before killing him!"

"Hahahaha... Mo Fang, you are really a waste! You are also a dignified **** emperor after all, and you have been slapped a lot by a kid like Xu Ming?" Wanya Island Master laughed contemptuously, "Okay! Then wait. Now you can slap it! Don't say a thousand If you want to slap 10,000 slaps, it doesn't matter!"

How fast is the God Emperor's shot? Even 10,000 slaps can be slapped in an instant!

"Thank you, Island Master!" Mo Fang's old face was wrinkled together, like a dog's leg.

"Wan Ya!" At this moment, Xu Ming suddenly said in a cold voice.

The Manado Island Lord glanced: "What? What are your last words?"

Xu Ming said coldly, "I don't have any last words, I just want to ask you something—I slapped Mo Fang a lot, is this funny?"


The Lord of Manado Island was startled. Obviously, he did not expect that Xu Ming would ask such a strange question.

However, the Manado Island Master replied subconsciously, "It's funny!"

"Haha!" Xu Ming laughed, "Since that's the case, then I'll show you something more funny!"

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