Break Into Another World

Chapter 1138: No Manado Island anymore

see through?

Just see through it, Brother Ming doesn't mind anyway!

After all... with a bunch of dead people, it's nothing to mind!

"Your aura... The person possessed by you is a semi-sage?" The Lord of Manado Island became more and more frightened, "No! No! It's not a semi-sage! It's a sub-sage!"

Yasheng, that is an existence where one foot stays in the realm of domination, and the other foot has stepped into the realm of saints!

In the eyes of sages, masters are ants, half-sages are bigger ants; and sub-sages are no longer ants!

The existence of Yasheng to deal with the master is completely crushing without suspense!

Therefore, as soon as the Manado Island Master felt the aura of a sub-sage emanating from Xu Ming, he couldn't have the slightest idea of ​​resistance, and repeatedly begged for mercy: "Brother Xu Ming, misunderstanding! It's all misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" Xu Ming smiled.

Laughing so much that the Manado Island Master shuddered.

"Brother Xu Ming! Oh, no, Lord Xu Ming, as long as you are willing to let me live, everything in my Manado Island will be yours!"

No cowardice!

Don't be shy, just die!

"Everything about your Manado Island?" Xu Ming looked at the Manado Island Master with an indifferent gaze.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Manado Island Master nodded.

Xu Ming sneered and said: "Do you think that everything you have on Manado Island is worth the value of the soul possession of the 'Saint'?"

You must know that this "soul possession" cost Xu Ming a drop of Chaos Primal Liquid!

Chaos Elemental Liquid!

Xu Ming himself only had 20 or 30 drops, and he usually kept it hidden, even when he was practicing, he was reluctant to use it! But now, because of the Manado Island Master, I have used a drop! - It can be seen how painful Xu Ming is!

At such a time, the Manado Island Master still wants to live?

What a joke!

The Manado Island Master himself is also a meal - yes! Is everything in Manado Island worth the value of the soul possession of a "Saint"?

Far from reaching!

After all, if you want to summon a sub-sage's soul possession without hanging up, the price is much higher than a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid!

"It's over!"

The Manado Island Master looked desperate.

He wanted to send a message for help, but the surrounding time and space had been completely blocked by Xu Ming, and it was impossible to send a message! No matter what happened on the island where Yunshangzong is located, the outside world is unknown.


When he found that the summons could not go out, the Manado Island Master ran away!

Just, did he run away?

"Manya Island Lord, die!" In Xu Ming's palm, countless layers of golden sigils were condensed.

Each layer of golden talismans is as thin as nothing; however, thousands of layers of golden talismans are stacked together, exuding mighty power! - The sub-sage that Xu Ming summoned to possess should be an almighty specializing in the Heavenly Dao school; otherwise, it would be impossible to display such a profound golden seal.

"No—" Manado Island Master also clearly felt that this golden seal is terrifying!

He wants to hide!

However, the difference in strength made it impossible for him to escape this golden seal!


The golden seal crushed the divine body of the Lord of Manado Island, like a piece of iron, crushing a bubble! - The bubble instantly shattered and turned into nothingness.

The mighty "Manado Island Lord" who dominates the peak, die!

"Brother Ming is too strong!" The gods of Yunshangzong, in addition to being shocked, only worship!


The other masters of Manado Island, as well as the old ghost Mo Fang, are all startled and scared! —Even the Manado Island Master was easily killed by Xu Ming, so what were they?

Everyone scattered, trying to split up and run away.


This great power that Xu Ming summoned to possess, not only follows the Heavenly Dao school, but is also proficient in formation techniques! —The barrier originally arranged by the Manado Island Master had already been controlled by Xu Ming silently! The masters of Manado Island cannot escape the barrier at all!

"Xu Ming! Xu Ming! We are all from Huangquan Temple, you can't kill me!" Mo Fang begged for mercy.

"Now you know to beg for mercy? Why did you go earlier?" Xu Ming slapped his hand.


Countless cracks appeared in Mo Fang's entire divine body and began to collapse.

"No no no no no..." The weak Mo Fang could only watch in horror as the cracks spread to the depths of every particle in his body. His entire divine body collapsed suddenly.

Mo Fang, die!

"Others, still want to escape?"

Xu Ming's figure swept across the void; after a while, he killed more than a dozen masters.

"too strong!"

Yunshangzong up and down, all looked at it in shock! They didn't know what "soul possession" was; they thought that this was Brother Ming's true strength!

"It turns out that Brother Ming has such a tyrannical strength! No wonder he dared to say confidently, let our Yunshang Sect not move to the sect!" The Yunshang Sect Master looked at Xu Ming with admiration.

At this time, Xu Ming waved his hand and removed the barrier. At the same time, his figure flew towards the distant sky.

"Brother Ming, are you leaving!?" Yunshang Sect Master Lian Chuan asked.

"I'm going to do something, I'll be back soon!" Xu Ming's voice echoed in Sect Master Yunshang's mind.

"Do something?" Sect Master Yunshang couldn't think of what Xu Ming could do.

What to do?

That's naturally... while the effect of "Soul Possession" is still there, and while the "Saint" combat power can still be exerted, go to kill Manado Island!

Yes, destroy the entire Manado Island!

When Xu Ming, the **** of death, came to Manado Island, no one "welcomed" him.

Even, the entire Manado Island did not know that their island owner had died; and Manado Island was about to usher in the end.

Xu Ming pondered for a while, and directly set up a blockade; after that, he started to slaughter unscrupulously in Manya Island! - The reason why Xu Ming summoned a sub-sage who is good at formation is for the convenience of massacres, and for the sake of his own massacre of the Quartet not to be exposed.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The bewildered Manado Island masters, not knowing what was going on, fell into the blood of Xu Ming's slaughter.

Not long after, the entire Manado Island was destroyed!

The creatures on Manado were all killed, not a single one was left!

Afterwards, Xu Ming routinely scoured the treasure house of Manado Island and the world rings left by the gods—although all of these things added together are not worth the value of a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid; however, they can make up for it a little.

a day later.

Xu Ming returned to Yunshangzong.

The long-awaited Sect Master Yunshang hurried forward to meet him.

"Brother Ming, I issued a gag order in the sect! No one will spread the word about you killing the masters of Wanya Island!" Yunshang Sect Master Hui reported.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded casually.

"That's right, Brother Ming..." Sect Master Yunshang hesitated, but in the end he couldn't resist his curiosity, "Wanya Island... how is it now?"

"Manado Island?" Xu Ming smiled lightly, "God's Domain... There is no Manado Island anymore!"

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