Break Into Another World

Chapter 1157: Does he still...

"Fate Meteor God Emperor!"

"Unexpectedly, the Emperor of Meteorite actually shot so quickly!"

"Although Xu Ming's strength is strong, since the Meteorite Emperor has already taken action, there is no suspense in this battle!"

"Yeah! No matter how strong Xu Ming is, how could he possibly be stronger than the Emperor Meteorite!"

"It is rumored that the Emperor of the Meteorite is cultivating the "Meteor of Meteor Magic"; every time he breaks through, he must go through life and death, and then he will live in the place of death! Cultivating such a crazy technique makes the Emperor of the Meteorite far more powerful than his peers. Rank!—Although it is the first-level cultivation base of a **** emperor, it already possesses a strength that is infinitely close to that of an ordinary **** emperor!"

"Fate Meteor God Emperor?" Xu Ming looked at his opponent.

There is a madness and madness in the momentum of the Emperor of the Meteorite.

"You are Xu Ming? - You can easily defeat Tan Bo at the first rank of the king. He is indeed a person of peerless elegance! If your cultivation base is higher, I am afraid I will not be your opponent. It's a pity..." The God of Destiny Jie Jie He smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you have met me now, and your myth has come to an end! But don't worry, I will not kill you, at most I will only ravage you! Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

In the eyes of the God Emperor of Fate, attacking the self-esteem of a peerless genius is more fun than killing this genius!

"Really?" Xu Ming said indifferently, "Then don't worry, I won't kill you either!"


The gods who watched the battle immediately labelled Xu Ming "arrogant". In their opinion, Xu Ming's strength is obviously not as good as that of the Goddess Meteorite Emperor; in this case, he still "speaks wild words", so what is it if he is not arrogant?

"Humph!" The Emperor of the Meteorite snorted coldly, "I hope that after ten breaths, you can still be as arrogant as you are now! - Brighten your weapons!"

Bright weapons?

In fact, Xu Ming's strength has reached the level of "top **** emperor"; to deal with the **** emperor who is "infinitely close to the high level of **** emperor", even if he doesn't show his weapons, he will still win!

However, if you show your weapons, you can win more simply and neatly!

After thinking about it, Xu Ming stretched out his hand, and the reincarnation gun was already in his grip.

"Look, Xu Ming's weapons are on!" The experts in the God's Domain who were watching the battle remembered that this was the first time Xu Ming had displayed weapons!

"However, his opponent is the God of Meteorite, so what's the use even if he shows his weapon?"

"Yeah! Is it possible that he can still defeat the Emperor of Fate Meteor?"

"Oh! I thought you would continue to be arrogant and refuse to show your weapons! Now it seems that you are a little self-aware!" The Emperor Mingyu sneered, "Since you have already shown your weapons, then, in order to respect you, I will also show my weapons, so that you can lose with dignity!"

Show your weapons and let Xu Ming lose with dignity?

Many of the gods who were present couldn't help but laugh. In their opinion, the God Emperor Mingyu is strong, but not so much stronger than Xu Ming; these words of the Goddess Meteor are obviously suspected of bragging.

The Meteorite Emperor felt the ridicule around him, and couldn't help blushing, but he still showed his great sword confidently.

"Xu Ming, remember! The one who defeated you on the Bloody Sea Battle Stage was my God Meteorite Emperor!"


The great sword shines!

On the sides of the swords on both sides, one side is the endless abyss of death, and the other side is the infinite rebirth of life; disturbing the cause and effect of time and space, stirring up the cycle of fate - this sword, will be the ultimate interpretation of the power-breaking method!

"Sword of life and death!"

"The Emperor of the Meteorite actually used this trick as soon as he came up!"

"Originally, I thought that Xu Ming would be able to fight a few tricks with the God Emperor, but now it seems that Xu Ming has no chance to show his strength at all!"

"Yeah! The Sword of Life and Death is indeed terrifying! Even if it is a high-ranking God Emperor, it may be smashed if one is not careful!"

call out-

This sword broke through all the order of heaven, and instantly arrived in front of Xu Ming.

"First beat him so that he has no resistance!" The Emperor Mingyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of playfulness.

But then, this trace of fun turned into infinite panic.


The Emperor Meteor only felt that an irresistible force was transmitted from Xu Ming's spear; at this moment, the giant sword in his hand was as powerless as straw.

Xu Ming's expression was indifferent: "The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Heaven Collapsing!"

boom! !

A shot that represented the ultimate power, instantly blasted away the giant sword of the Meteorite Emperor, and smashed directly on his divine body!

The threatening Meteor God Emperor was instantly swept back at a faster speed.

call out-


Like the previous Tan Bo Ban-Emperor, the God-Meteor Emperor slammed heavily on the wall and stopped just now.

However, the Meteorite Emperor was obviously much worse! Because of this spear, Xu Ming shot in anger and exerted some power; when the spear slammed into the divine body of the God of Meteor, the terrifying shock force shattered his countless particles directly from the particle level!

With just one shot, the God Meteor Emperor lost more than 30% of his divine body!


The whole place fell into a dead silence.

All the powers are stunned!

Didn't he say that no matter how strong Xu Ming was, he couldn't possibly be stronger than the Emperor Meteorite?

Didn't it mean that even if Xu Ming showed his weapons, it would be useless?

Didn't it mean that Xu Ming had no chance to show his strength when the sword of life and death came out?

Not to say…

So now, what's the situation?

One after another, the masters looked at the Emperor Mingyu for a while, and then looked at Xu Ming's spear for a while.

Xu Ming's shot, although it was shot on the body of the God Emperor, but it felt like it was shot in the face of all the powers! - Draw them to doubt life!

Of course, the most skeptical of life is the Fallen God Emperor: "Who am I? Where am I? What have I experienced?"

"Alas... vulnerable!" Xu Ming shook his head, thinking secretly in his heart.

Immediately, Xu Ming ignored the Emperor Meteorite, and continued to shout loudly: "I, Xu Ming, challenge the first-level **** emperor of the four directions! Who else, would you like to come up and teach me!?"


Even if it is not the strongest among all the first-level **** emperors, it is almost the same!

At the very least, there is absolutely no first-level God Emperor who can blow the Meteorite Emperor into the air with one move, and is also seriously injured.

And Xu Ming did it! —In fact, has proved that Xu Ming's strength is probably stronger than that of all the **** emperors in the entire God Realm!

"The cultivation of the first-level kings, crushing all the first-level **** emperors in the entire God Realm!?"

Such a genius would never appear in the entire Divine Realm from time immemorial to the present! I'm afraid, only in the vast and endless chaos can it exist!

Moreover, it is only "possible"!

"There is no Elementary God Emperor, would you like to come up and teach me?" Xu Ming shouted again.

after awhile.

In the sky, the majestic voice presiding over the Blood Sea Battle Stage resounded: "Xu Ming! You have obtained the title of 'Invincible God Emperor First Stage' on the Blood Sea Battle Stage!"

"Finally got it!" Xu Ming secretly said.

"Huh? Why is Xu Ming still standing on the Bloody Sea Battle Stage?" The experts from the Divine Realm and the powers watching the battle were a little puzzled, and couldn't believe it, "Could he still…"

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